_chemical_name_mineral 'Veatchite'
'Rumanova I M'
'Gandymov O'
_journal_name_full 'Soviet Physics Crystallography'
_journal_volume 16 
_journal_year 1971
_journal_page_first 75
_journal_page_last 81
 The crystal structure of the natural strontium borate, p-veatchite,
 Note: polytype veatchite-1M, formally known as veatchite-p
_database_code_amcsd 0018907
_chemical_compound_source 'Inderskii formation, Kazakh SSR'
_chemical_formula_sum 'Sr2 B11 O22 H7'
_cell_length_a 6.70
_cell_length_b 20.80
_cell_length_c 6.60
_cell_angle_alpha 90
_cell_angle_beta 119.25
_cell_angle_gamma 90
_cell_volume 802.501
_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn      2.703
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 1 21 1'
Sr1   0.07300   0.00000   0.02050   0.02026
Sr2   0.37900   0.88720   0.68950   0.02026
B1   0.67200   0.01600   0.13100   0.02026
B2   0.96200   0.03650   0.51600   0.02026
B3   0.58500   0.02100   0.43500   0.02026
B4   0.39400   0.03900   0.69800   0.02026
B5   0.19000   0.13900   0.58300   0.02026
B6   0.77900   0.86700   0.57800   0.02026
B7   0.48900   0.85400   0.19300   0.02026
B8   0.86600   0.87400   0.27400   0.02026
B9   0.05700   0.86150   0.01100   0.02026
B10   0.24800   0.75600   0.08300   0.02026
B11   0.41200   0.73400   0.67300   0.02026
O1   0.59900   0.01000   0.90000   0.02026
O2   0.90600   0.01400   0.28700   0.02026
O3   0.51400   0.02300   0.20000   0.02026
O4   0.80500   0.02100   0.60000   0.02026
O5   0.98200   0.10900   0.51600   0.02026
O6   0.18600   0.00800   0.69900   0.02026
O7   0.40000   0.01650   0.48300   0.02026
O8   0.39300   0.10650   0.72700   0.02026
O-H9   0.18000   0.20550   0.60400   0.02026
O10   0.85200   0.88900   0.80900   0.02026
O11   0.54500   0.88050   0.42200   0.02026
O12   0.93700   0.87650   0.50900   0.02026
O13   0.64600   0.87100   0.10900   0.02026
O14   0.45800   0.78600   0.19300   0.02026
O15   0.26500   0.88500   0.01000   0.02026
O16   0.05100   0.88000   0.22600   0.02026
O17   0.05000   0.79200   0.98400   0.02026
O-H18   0.23500   0.69050   0.10500   0.02026
O-H19   0.42800   0.66800   0.68200   0.02026
O-H20   0.61000   0.77000   0.76000   0.02026
O-H21   0.20700   0.76500   0.59700   0.02026
Wat   0.14100   0.11500   0.05600   0.02026