Beryl Adamo I, Gatta G D, Rotiroti N, Diella V, Pavese A Mineralogical Magazine 72 (2008) 799-808 Gemmological investigation of a synthetic blue beryl: a multi-methodological study Note: Sample: M2-1 Locality: synthetic _database_code_amcsd 0019164 9.2502 9.2502 9.2184 90 90 120 P6/mcc atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) Be .5 0 .25 .953 .0088 .0126 .005 .006 .0025 0 0 Cu .5 0 .25 .047 .0088 .0126 .005 .006 .0025 0 0 Al 2/3 1/3 .25 .942 .0055 .0061 .0061 .0042 .0031 0 0 Fe 2/3 1/3 .25 .058 .0055 .0061 .0061 .0042 .0031 0 0 Si .38706 .11623 0 .0057 .0060 .0061 .0054 .0033 0 0 O1 .30799 .23577 0 .0130 .0120 .0108 .019 .0077 0 0 O2 .49789 .14549 .14496 .0104 .0128 .0107 .0094 .0071 -.0039 -.0026 Wat 0 0 .25 .44 .08 LiM 0 0 0 .12 .07