American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

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Schnering H G, Nesper R, Pelshenke H
Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung B36 (1981) 1551-1560
Sn21Cl16(OH)14O6, das sogenannte basische zinn(II)-clorid
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0015835
10.018 10.018 44.03 90 90 120 R32
atom     x     y     z  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Sn1      0     0 .3031 .0145  .0195  .0195  .0085 .00975      0      0
Sn2      0     0 .0686 .0151  .0226  .0226  .0064  .0113      0      0
Sn3      0     0 .5911 .0151  .0200  .0200  .0086  .0100      0      0
Sn4  .7334     0     0 .0260  .0151  .0183  .0420 .00755 -.0014 -.0028
Sn5  .5926 .6688 .9050 .0155  .0120  .0189  .0185  .0076 -.0008  .0017
Sn6  .2223 .1840 .8696 .0222  .0252  .0190  .0226  .0099  .0109  .0100
Cl1      0     0    .5 .0336  .0430  .0430  .0142  .0215      0      0
Cl2   .368     0    .5 .0225  .0248  .0298  .0186  .0149  .0064  .0128
Cl3   .332  .004 .9595 .0160  .0118  .0109  .0170  .0041 -.0025  .0007
Cl4   .328  .330 .9340 .0201  .0165  .0177  .0235  .0101 -.0063 -.0073
O1       0     0 .1550 .0231
O2    .170  .020 .1031 .0233
O3    .833  .331 .8924 .0163
O4    .167  .661 .0005 .0215
H1       0     0   .19   .04
H2     .82   .45   .98   .04
H3     .84   .40   .87   .04
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