American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

2 matching records for this search.

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Grice J D, Raade G, Cooper M A
The Canadian Mineralogist 48 (2010) 255-266
Alflarsenite: Structure and relationship to other Be-Si
and zeolite framework structures
Locality: Larvik plutonic complex, Oslo Region, Norway
Note: x-coordinate for O7 changed by authors
_database_code_amcsd 0006328
7.1222 19.8378 9.8071 90 111.287 90 P2_1
atom      x     y      z occ  Uiso
Na1   .3865 .2616 -.0033     .0332
Na2   .3576 .5020  .5844     .0172
Ca1   .8976    .5  .0023     .0185
Ca2   .7780 .5021  .4203     .0327
Ca3   .1297 .7472  .3560     .0167
Ca4   .7858 .7484  .6437     .0269
Be1   .3433 .2501  .6788      .007
Be2   .0913 .4238  .3216      .008
Be3  -.2453 .5752  .6661      .008
Be4   .6498 .2482  .3082      .018
Be5   .7870 .4209  .6835      .014
Be6   .0849 .5775  .3132      .006
Si1   .5275 .6259  .8277     .0078
Si2   .1005 .6279  .6155     .0104
Si3   .6911 .3742  .1656     .0097
Si4   .5079 .3741  .3984     .0112
Si5   .6965 .6278  .1717     .0154
Si6   .4881 .6293  .3880     .0145
Si7   .5234 .3748  .8338     .0162
Si8   .1111 .3731  .6080     .0127
O1    .5465 .6318  .0017     .0142
O2    .6915 .5734  .8170     .0086
O3    .3014 .5920  .7373     .0089
O4    .5370 .7008  .7675      .019
O5   -.0718 .6332  .6877      .015
O6    .1578 .7047  .5851      .009
O7    .0388 .5797  .4780      .013
O8    .8938 .4140  .1772      .016
O9    .5914 .4096  .2702      .013
O10   .7249 .2976  .2030      .024
O11   .5207 .3871  .9965     .0213
O12   .5939 .2978  .4299     .0048
O13   .2618 .3669  .3277      .014
O14   .5860 .4239  .5310      .019
O15   .7713 .7024  .2300      .019
O16   .8734 .5756  .1872      .024
O17   .5550 .5956  .2555      .018
O18   .5749 .7035  .4185      .016
O19   .2492 .6348  .3315      .030
O20   .5864 .5767  .5267      .014
O21   .7093 .4162  .8224      .013
O22   .3089 .4105  .7240      .014
O23   .5038 .2940  .8110      .011
O24   .0450 .4250  .4695      .017
O25   .1702 .2998  .5724      .032
O26   .9476 .3687  .6862      .023
OH27 -.1154 .5001  .6929      .016
OH28  .1868 .5005  .3118      .014
Wat1  .1548 .4286  .9894      .052
Wat2  .1374 .5905  .0008      .040
Wat3   .151 .7373  .1235 .67  .033
Wat4   .879 .7883  .9036 .77  .033
Wat5   .037 .7283  .8731 .56  .033
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Raade G, Grice J D, Cooper M A
European Journal of Mineralogy 21 (2009) 893-900
Alflarsenite, a new beryllium-silicate zeolite from a syenitic pegmatite in the
Larvik plutonic complex, Oslo Region, Norway
Locality: Larvik plutonic complex, Oslo Region, Norway
_database_code_amcsd 0007332
7.1222 19.8378 9.8071 90 111.287 90 P2_1
atom     x     y     z  occ  Uiso
Ca1  .8972    .5 .0019      .0191
Ca2  .7782 .5020 .4199      .0355
Ca3  .1299 .7471 .3563      .0167
Ca4  .7860 .7483 .6440      .0287
Na1  .3880 .2615 .0021      .0336
Na2  .3570 .5019 .5839 .816 .0036
Ca2  .3570 .5019 .5839 .184 .0036
Si1  .5271 .6267 .8278      .0096
Si2  .1013 .6283 .6159      .0103
Si3  .6920 .3740 .1659      .0085
Si4  .5070 .3736 .3978      .0100
Si5  .6969 .6268 .1718      .0154
Si6  .4875 .6290 .3881      .0161
Si7  .5228 .3751 .8346      .0183
Si8  .1116 .3735 .6075      .0150
Be1   .339  .249  .679       .011
Be2   .094 .4203  .321       .008
Be3  -.238 .5771  .670       .001
Be4   .655 .2477  .310       .016
Be5   .784 .4249  .682       .015
Be6   .081 .5751  .313       .015
O1    .545 .6316  .001       .014
O2    .693 .5741 .8178       .016
O3    .303 .5915 .7390       .010
O4    .537 .7017 .7691       .019
O5   -.073 .6337 .6852       .018
O6    .162 .7046 .5852       .014
O7    .043 .5794 .4783       .006
O8    .892 .4135 .1765       .016
O9    .592 .4098 .2684       .014
O10   .723 .2971 .2034       .028
O11   .523 .3875  .999       .023
O12   .595 .2981 .4300       .003
O13   .263 .3671 .3293       .019
O14   .588 .4250  .533       .019
O15   .774 .7012 .2322       .012
O16   .872 .5746 .1880       .020
O17   .558 .5955 .2576       .020
O18   .570 .7037 .4176       .012
O19   .248 .6339  .328       .028
O20   .586 .5767  .527       .023
O21   .709 .4169 .8207       .013
O22   .305 .4105  .721       .012
O23   .504 .2948 .8103       .010
O24   .043 .4241  .471       .018
O25   .171 .2996  .574       .036
O26   .947 .3687 .6861       .019
OH27 -.118 .4996 .6932       .014
OH28  .189 .5004 .3122       .019
Wat1  .155 .4286  .990       .053
Wat2  .139 .5902  .002       .040
Wat3  .149 .7415  .122       .142
Wat4  .874 .7881  .902  .66  .011
Wat5  .035 .7307  .874  .55  .008
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