Anthophyllite |
Warren B, Modell D |
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 75 (1930) 161-179 |
The structure of Anthophyllite H2 Mg7 (Si O3)8 |
_cod_database_code 1010935 |
_database_code_amcsd 0017657 |
18.5 17.89999 5.27 90 90 90 Pnma |
atom x y z |
Mg1 .13 .17 .38 |
Mg2 .13 .08 -.13 |
Mg3 .13 -.02 .38 |
Mg4 .13 .25 -.13 |
Si1 .03 -.18 .29 |
Si2 .03 -.08 -.21 |
Si3 .22 -.08 .04 |
Si4 .22 -.18 -.46 |
O1 .06 .07 .2 |
O2 .06 .18 -.3 |
O3 .06 -.25 .2 |
O4 .06 .25 .2 |
O5 .06 0 -.3 |
O6 .05 -.13 .05 |
O7 .05 -.13 -.46 |
O8 .19 .18 .05 |
O9 .19 .07 -.44 |
O10 .19 0 .05 |
O11 .19 -.25 .45 |
O12 .19 .25 -.45 |
O13 .2 -.13 .3 |
O14 .2 -.13 -.2 |
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Anthophyllite |
Walitzi E M, Walter F, Ettinger K |
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 188 (1989) 237-244 |
Verfeinerung der kristallstruktur von anthophyllit vom Ochsenkogel/Gleinalpe, Osterreich |
_database_code_amcsd 0010994 |
18.544 18.026 5.282 90 90 90 Pnma |
atom x y z occ Biso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Na4 .1239 -.0094 .3897 .005 .80 .0115 .0113 .0078 .0017 .0031 .0015 |
Ca4 .1239 -.0094 .3897 .01 .80 .0115 .0113 .0078 .0017 .0031 .0015 |
Mg4 .1239 -.0094 .3897 .38 .80 .0115 .0113 .0078 .0017 .0031 .0015 |
Fe4 .1239 -.0094 .3897 .595 .80 .0115 .0113 .0078 .0017 .0031 .0015 |
Mn4 .1239 -.0094 .3897 .01 .80 .0115 .0113 .0078 .0017 .0031 .0015 |
Fel .1251 .1634 .3930 .02 .56 .0089 .0052 .0070 -.0001 -.0005 .0005 |
Mgl .1251 .1634 .3930 .98 .56 .0089 .0052 .0070 -.0001 -.0005 .0005 |
Mg2 .1250 .0731 -.1084 .55 .0089 .0048 .0072 -.0001 -.0004 -.0001 |
Fe3 .1255 .25 -.1070 .01 .52 .0075 .0058 .0063 0 -.0017 0 |
Mg3 .1255 .25 -.1070 .99 .52 .0075 .0058 .0063 0 -.0017 0 |
Si1A .2305 -.1655 -.4330 .99375 .45 .0064 .0052 .0057 -.0001 .0004 -.0009 |
Al1A .2305 -.1655 -.4330 .00625 .45 .0064 .0052 .0057 -.0001 .0004 -.0009 |
Si1B .0186 -.1664 .2743 .99375 .48 .0063 .0052 .0068 -.0001 -.0009 -.0002 |
Al1B .0186 -.1664 .2743 .00625 .48 .0063 .0052 .0068 -.0001 -.0009 -.0002 |
Si2A .2271 -.0798 .0637 .99375 .51 .0066 .0062 .0066 .0002 -.0006 -.0004 |
Al2A .2271 -.0798 .0637 .00625 .51 .0066 .0062 .0066 .0002 -.0006 -.0004 |
Si2B .0245 -.0817 -.2246 .99375 .53 .0079 .0065 .0056 -.0010 .0005 -.0006 |
Al2B .0245 -.0817 -.2246 .00625 .53 .0079 .0065 .0056 -.0010 .0005 -.0006 |
O1A .1825 .1635 .0599 .64 .0089 .0063 .0092 -.0001 .0006 .0010 |
O1B .0682 .1636 -.2725 .68 .0113 .0073 .0073 .0009 -.0011 -.0002 |
O2A .1857 .0773 -.4370 .63 .0091 .0085 .0063 -.0001 -.0001 .0009 |
O2B .0631 .0772 .2209 .71 .0066 .0102 .0104 -.0009 -.0016 .0001 |
OH3A .1831 .25 -.4427 .76 .0124 .0076 .0090 0 .0011 0 |
OH3B .0697 .25 .2270 .65 .0130 .0072 .0047 0 .0007 0 |
O4A .1868 -.0012 .0743 .85 .0126 .0101 .0097 .0036 .0014 -.0006 |
O4B .0668 -.0068 -.2908 .77 .0094 .0088 .0112 -.0022 .0002 .0027 |
O5A .1973 -.1178 .3321 .82 .0103 .0135 .0073 -.0002 -.0015 .0031 |
O5B .0504 -.1118 .0565 .59 .0080 .0082 .0062 -.0023 -.0015 .0025 |
O6A .2003 -.1310 -.1712 .78 .0116 .0104 .0077 -.0014 .0010 -.0047 |
O6B .0486 -.1404 -.4496 .88 .0112 .0121 .0100 .0022 -.0001 -.0025 |
O7A .2025 .75 .5405 .80 .0138 .0036 .0131 0 -.0034 0 |
O7B .0464 .75 .2220 .88 .0080 .0071 .0182 0 .0014 0 |
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