Argesite |
Demartin F, Campostrini I, Castellano C, Gramaccioli C M |
American Mineralogist 97 (2012) 1446-1451 |
Argesite, (NH4)7Bi3Cl16, a new mineral from La Fossa Crater, Vulcano, |
Aeolian Islands, Italy: A first example of the [Bi2Cl10]4- anion |
Locality: La Fossa Crater, Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy |
_database_code_amcsd 0019257 |
13.093 13.093 102.682 90 90 120 R-3c |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Bi1 .66697 .66628 .061525 .03218 .01539 .04562 .02683 .00872 -.0005 -.0010 |
Bi2 1/3 2/3 .001711 .02618 .03031 .03031 .01793 .01515 0 0 |
Bi3 1/3 2/3 1/6 .03851 .01684 .01684 .0818 .00842 0 0 |
Cl1 .42424 .53716 .061762 .0338 .0268 .0458 .0356 .0233 .0014 .0010 |
Cl2 .90924 .77942 .061746 .0333 .0270 .0286 .0325 .0051 .0014 -.0019 |
Cl3 .66682 .50816 .044966 .0392 .0154 .0379 .0571 .0079 .0004 -.0304 |
Cl4 .66707 .79390 .042206 .778 .0623 .0869 .0590 .0483 .0421 .0003 .0141 |
Br4 .66707 .79390 .042206 .222 .0623 .0869 .0590 .0483 .0421 .0003 .0141 |
Cl5 2/3 .51733 1/12 .0310 .0219 .0304 .0378 .0111 -.0009 -.0004 |
Cl6 2/3 .81028 1/12 .686 .0573 .0930 .0482 .0456 .0465 -.0031 -.0015 |
Br6 2/3 .81028 1/12 .314 .0573 .0930 .0482 .0456 .0465 -.0031 -.0015 |
Cl7 .37243 .51729 .015372 .667 .0865 .0721 .0598 .1442 .0456 .0129 .0151 |
Br7 .37243 .51729 .015372 .333 .0865 .0721 .0598 .1442 .0456 .0129 .0151 |
Cl8 .34075 .83637 -.015537 .0458 .0466 .0532 .0509 .0351 -.0084 -.0028 |
Cl9 .19199 .47653 .18176 .0843 .0406 .0367 .1736 .0177 .0183 -.0044 |
N1 .3378 .9918 .011783 .0460 |
H1 .3378 .9918 .011783 4 .0460 |
N2 2/3 1.0491 1/12 .643 .0426 |
H2 2/3 1.0491 1/12 2.57 .0426 |
K2 2/3 1.0491 1/12 .357 .0426 |
N3 .33370 .95776 -.038254 .738 .0395 |
H3 .33370 .95776 -.038254 2.95 .0395 |
K3 .33370 .95776 -.038254 .262 .0395 |
N4 1/3 2/3 .04085 .508 .0735 |
H4 1/3 2/3 .04085 2.03 .0735 |
K4 1/3 2/3 .04085 .492 .0735 |
N5 1/3 2/3 .08236 .0252 |
H5 1/3 2/3 .08236 4 .0252 |
N6 0 0 .04037 .0461 |
H6 0 0 .04037 4 .0461 |
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