American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

13 matching records for this search.

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Araki T, Zoltai T
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Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 135 (1972) 355-373
Crystal structure of babingtonite
Locality: Yakuki mine, Japan
_database_code_amcsd 0010730
7.509 11.697 6.719 91.433 93.886 104.255 P-1
atom      x      y      z   occ  Biso
Ca1  .78195 .94185 .14246 .9625  .828
Mn1  .78195 .94185 .14246 .0275  .828
Na1  .78195 .94185 .14246 .0075  .828
K1   .78195 .94185 .14246 .0075  .828
Ca2  .23789 .52034 .30414 .9625  .696
Mn2  .23789 .52034 .30414 .0275  .696
Na2  .23789 .52034 .30414 .0075  .696
K2   .23789 .52034 .30414 .0075  .696
Fe2+ .59363 .64411 .06137  .630  .495
Mn2+ .59363 .64411 .06137  .245  .495
Mg   .59363 .64411 .06137  .130  .495
Fe3+ .04655 .23532 .18443  .985  .560
Al   .04655 .23532 .18443  .005  .560
Si1  .28767 .05351 .34126  .983  .579
Al1  .28767 .05351 .34126  .017  .579
Si2  .46011 .31355 .42474  .983  .522
Al2  .46011 .31355 .42474  .017  .522
Si3  .80613 .44506 .20977  .983  .496
Al3  .80613 .44506 .20977  .017  .496
Si4  .98773 .71336 .30999  .983  .523
Al4  .98773 .71336 .30999  .017  .523
Si5  .32721 .83592 .10650  .983  .582
Al5  .32721 .83592 .10650  .017  .582
OH1  .19767 .98774 .53409       1.059
O2   .13003 .08047 .18484        .700
O3   .43302 .17111 .43607        .887
O4   .31691 .33841 .24601        .718
O5   .55045 .62029 .36622        .740
O6   .67737 .37087 .37284        .754
O7   .96850 .38455 .15858        .751
O8   .67837 .47453 .02701        .687
O9   .92555 .56897 .33717        .687
O10  .87215 .75533 .12528        .755
O11  .02110 .22100 .47837        .892
O12  .20394 .73700 .24969        .773
O13  .50958 .79949 .05626        .889
O14  .80576 .14201 .08167        .814
O15  .39447 .96755 .22562        .908
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Kosoi A L
Kristallografiya 20 (1975) 730-739
Structure of babingtonite
_database_code_amcsd 0018477
12.18 6.68 7.50 93.98 112.32 86.05 P1
atom     x     y     z Biso
Ca1  .0571 .1453 .3392  .81
Ca1' .9404 .8592 .6590  .80
Ca2  .4804 .3079 .2170  .84
Ca2' .5217 .7009 .7820  .86
Fe1  .3563 .0596 .4476  .75
Fel' .6434 .9384 .5478  .73
Fe2  .7653 .1844 .3062  .61
Fe2' .2364 .8165 .6828  .57
Si1  .3099 .5768 .3484  .42
Si1' .6835 .4272 .6431  .48
Si2  .0546 .6571 .2706  .50
Si2' .9487 .3382 .7388  .55
Si3  .8362 .8939 .0095  .50
Si3' .1651 .1067 .9923  .50
Si4  .7144 .6886 .2267  .51
Si4' .2877 .3093 .7739  .53
Si5  .4443 .7935 .1396  .54
Si5' .5546 .2125 .8634  .44
O1   .3713 .6260 .1965  .69
O1'  .6302 .3721 .8145  .75
O2   .3813 .3675 .4318  .91
O2'  .6222 .6384 .5715  .57
O3   .3334 .7582 .5225  .42
O3'  .6570 .2491 .4796  .68
O4   .1721 .5619 .2389  .75
O4'  .8308 .4345 .7635  .65
O5   .0755 .8171 .4469  .68
O5'  .9168 .1854 .5470  .44
OH6  .9849 .4644 .2869  .92
OH6' .0108 .5322 .7089  .76
O7   .7417 .7453 .0360  .80
O7'  .2682 .2474 .9681  .76
O8   .8577 .0810 .1698  .72
O8'  .1431 .9173 .8464  .72
O9   .7951 .9389 .7852  .76
O9'  .1996 .0515 .2040  .85
O10  .7789 .4764 .3010  .71
O10' .2206 .5169 .6974  .64
O11  .7581 .8739 .3815  .70
O11' .2467 .1262 .6154  .82
O12  .5709 .6592 .1474  .75
O12' .4343 .3379 .8612  .24
O13  .4737 .9658 .2975  .54
O13' .5227 .0182 .7028  .57
O14  .3878 .8405 .9218  .53
O14' .6173 .1562 .0877  .72
O15  .9648 .7735 .0748  .83
O15' .0301 .2220 .9326  .77
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Kosoi A L
Kristallografiya 20 (1975) 730-739
Structure of babingtonite
_database_code_amcsd 0018478
12.234 6.707 7.682 93.97 111.53 85.25 P-1
atom     x     y     z Biso
Ca1  .0583 .1430 .3395  .86
Ca2  .4793 .3037 .2172  .87
Fe1  .3562 .0602 .4496  .77
Fe2  .7645 .1839 .3117  .69
Si1  .3131 .5754 .3524  .55
Si2  .0532 .6594 .2657  .59
Si3  .8355 .8940 .0081  .66
Si4  .7132 .6893 .2265  .56
Si5  .4449 .7905 .1384  .51
O1   .3702 .6275 .1911  .85
O2   .3796 .3661 .4299  .71
O3   .3378 .7545 .5207  .73
O4   .1711 .5635 .2390  .82
O5   .0801 .8150 .4509  .79
O6   .9871 .4655 .2889  .89
O7   .7366 .7489 .0039  .90
O8   .8573 .0821 .1618  .76
O9   .7982 .9436 .7895  .88
O10  .7789 .4794 .3017  .68
O11  .7554 .8752 .3837  .62
O12  .5683 .6615 .1429  .56
O13  .4752 .9734 .2973  .74
O14  .3853 .8430 .9175  .84
O15  .9672 .7764 .0698  .82
H     .891  .463  .277  3.3
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Tagai T, Joswig W, Fuess H
Mineralogical Journal 15 (1990) 8-18
Neutron diffraction study of babingtonite at 80 K
Note: T = 80 K
Locality: Yakuki mine, Japan
_database_code_amcsd 0018508
7.497 12.225 6.710 86.18 93.90 112.27 P-1
atom      x     y     z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2)  U(1,3)  U(2,3)
Ca(l) .1604 .9423 .8577     .00126 .00057  .0008 .00031  .00012 -.00015
Ca(2) .2824 .5201 .6956     .00059 .00080  .0008 .00030  .00019  .00014
Fe(l) .0502 .6440 .9392 .79 .00112 .00114 .00124 .00042  .00010 -.00007
Mn(l) .0502 .6440 .9392 .17 .00112 .00114 .00124 .00042  .00010 -.00007
Mg(l) .0502 .6440 .9392 .04 .00112 .00114 .00124 .00042  .00010 -.00007
Fe(2) .1887 .2353 .8158 .93 .00059 .00054 .00048 .00022  .00007  .00003
Al(2) .1887 .2353 .8158 .07 .00059 .00054 .00048 .00022  .00007  .00003
Si(1) .7651 .0532 .6590     .00075 .00044  .0005 .00026  -.0001   .0001
Si(2) .8528 .3133 .5754     .00066 .00039  .0003 .00024  -.0001  -.0001
Si(3) .6389 .4551 .7904     .00059 .00044  .0003 .00018   .0000  -.0000
Si(4) .7260 .7134 .6902     .00067 .00037  .0004 .00021   .0001   .0001
Si(5) .5085 .8356 .8940     .00035 .00042  .0006 .00009   .0001  -.0001
H     .2123 .0956 .5229      .0038  .0015  .0019  .0013   .0005   .0001
O(1)  .7891 .9874 .4664     .00191 .00077  .0005 .00061  .00003 -.00021
O(2)  .9507 .0803 .8155     .00056 .00078 .00039 .00019 -.00015 -.00001
O(3)  .7375 .1711 .5638     .00109 .00046  .0009 .00035 -.00028 -.00000
O(4)  .0216 .3382 .7535     .00061 .00074 .00047 .00027 -.00017 -.00014
O(5)  .0703 .6203 .6339     .00091 .00086 .00050 .00050  .00033  .00027
O(6)  .6931 .3707 .6273     .00066 .00068 .00061 .00044  .00005 -.00007
O(7)  .4152 .3844 .8419     .00054 .00054 .00067 .00023  .00026  .00023
O(8)  .7968 .4753 .9736     .00069 .00075  .0006 .00046 -.00008 -.00015
O(9)  .6430 .5686 .6621     .00064 .00037  .0009 .00013 -.00023 -.00015
O(10) .8828 .7553 .8751     .00056 .00068 .00044 .00021  .00001 -.00011
O(11) .1996 .2208 .5219     .00128 .00067 .00040 .00036  .00037  .00018
O(12) .5327 .7369 .7492     .00072 .00068 .00051 .00037  .00008 -.00018
O(13) .2886 .7989 .9435     .00061 .00068  .0011 .00021  .00028 -.00010
O(14) .3365 .1424 .9183     .00095 .00065 .00053 .00039 -.00037 -.00024
O(15) .5736 .9675 .7741     .00087 .00051 .00098 .00030  .00020  .00029
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Nagashima M, Mitani K, Akasaka M
Mineralogy and Petrology 108 (2014) 287-301
Structural variation of babingtonite depending on cation
distribution at the octahedral sites
Note: Sample 1
Locality: Yakuri mine, Japan
_database_code_amcsd 0020452
7.4753 11.6397 6.6897 91.594 93.934 104.312 P-1
atom      x       y      z occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2)  U(1,3)  U(2,3)
Ca1  .78231  .94194 .14194     .01032 .01395 .00797 .00844 .00160  .00130 -.00078
Ca2  .23759  .52011 .30410     .00899 .00695 .00939 .00984 .00104  .00011 -.00273
Fe1  .59365 .644234 .06141 .61 .00691 .00648 .00693 .00719 .00145  .00067 -.00003
Mn1  .59365 .644234 .06141 .32 .00691 .00648 .00693 .00719 .00145  .00067 -.00003
Mg1  .59365 .644234 .06141 .07 .00691 .00648 .00693 .00719 .00145  .00067 -.00003
Fe2  .04631 .235246 .18470 .99 .00584 .00562 .00533 .00643 .00125  .00006 -.00008
Al2  .04631 .235246 .18470 .01 .00584 .00562 .00533 .00643 .00125  .00006 -.00008
Si1  .28755  .05353 .34139     .00674 .00772 .00570 .00632 .00110 -.00052 -.00019
Si2  .46043  .31361 .42475     .00585 .00561 .00562 .00587 .00073 -.00013 -.00004
Si3  .80633  .44500 .20944     .00560 .00488 .00578 .00598 .00112  .00018  .00006
Si4  .98794  .71353 .31008     .00585 .00607 .00556 .00568 .00116  .00000 -.00012
Si5  .32706  .83612 .10656     .00650 .00578 .00623 .00757 .00165  .00064  .00008
O1   .19781  .98801 .53511     .01238  .0162  .0098  .0084 -.0020   .0014   .0013
O2   .12975  .08043 .18433     .00897  .0094  .0098  .0080  .0035  -.0008  -.0004
O3   .43353  .17146 .43653     .01002  .0110  .0056  .0120  .0005  -.0028   .0001
O4   .31625  .33810 .24619     .00782  .0071  .0083  .0078  .0017  -.0010   .0005
O5   .54990  .62007 .36568     .00934  .0089  .0104  .0080  .0011   .0010  -.0019
O6   .67740  .37088 .37287     .00831  .0065  .0093  .0084  .0004   .0011   .0016
O7   .96941  .38427 .15836     .00888  .0078  .0079  .0113  .0027   .0011  -.0009
O8   .67882  .47433 .02560     .00846  .0074  .0101  .0076  .0021  -.0009   .0011
O9   .92593  .56888 .33803     .00832  .0091  .0049  .0102  .0008  -.0012  -.0005
O10  .87261  .75544 .12476     .00820  .0079  .0092  .0076  .0026  -.0002   .0014
O11  .02121  .22104 .47851     .00970  .0123  .0083  .0077  .0008   .0021  -.0010
O12  .20462  .73672 .25029     .00880  .0068  .0096  .0100  .0016   .0016   .0028
O13  .51031  .79981 .05584     .01043  .0081  .0106  .0138  .0041   .0027   .0008
O14  .80598  .14217 .08201     .00933  .0083  .0091  .0093  .0004  -.0021   .0017
O15  .39358  .96760 .22633     .01072  .0100  .0075  .0140  .0018  -.0005  -.0038
H1     .128   .9050   .539       .050
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Nagashima M, Mitani K, Akasaka M
Mineralogy and Petrology 108 (2014) 287-301
Structural variation of babingtonite depending on cation
distribution at the octahedral sites
Note: Sample 2
Locality: Gronsjoberget, Sweden
_database_code_amcsd 0020453
7.4771 11.6376 6.6841 91.591 93.861 104.337 P-1
atom      x       y      z occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2)  U(1,3)  U(2,3)
Ca1  .78139  .94173 .14252     .01223 .01773 .01077 .00799 .00328  .00093 -.00043
Ca2  .23739  .52013 .30423     .01055 .00987 .01203 .00933 .00253 -.00028 -.00220
Fe1  .59324  .64394 .06123 .51 .00887 .00979 .00996 .00713 .00304  .00027  .00043
Mn1  .59324  .64394 .06123 .28 .00887 .00979 .00996 .00713 .00304  .00027  .00043
Mg1  .59324  .64394 .06123 .21 .00887 .00979 .00996 .00713 .00304  .00027  .00043
Fe2  .04685 .235270 .18471 .98 .00759 .00864 .00812 .00617 .00268 -.00042  .00031
Al2  .04685 .235270 .18471 .02 .00759 .00864 .00812 .00617 .00268 -.00042  .00031
Si1  .28766  .05327 .34087     .00836 .01079 .00851 .00581 .00285 -.00080  .00027
Si2  .46016  .31342 .42508     .00745 .00846 .00844 .00546 .00235 -.00042  .00036
Si3  .80601  .44471 .20939     .00719 .00794 .00837 .00549 .00265 -.00026  .00065
Si4  .98727  .71332 .30980     .00744 .00916 .00824 .00518 .00286 -.00020  .00031
Si5  .32670  .83590 .10591     .00810 .00900 .00896 .00687 .00334  .00031  .00058
O1   .19786  .98722 .53380     .01388  .0194  .0124  .0079  .0000   .0016   .0017
O2   .12966  .08027 .18394     .01011  .0120  .0124  .0070  .0055  -.0009   .0001
O3   .43293  .17126 .43713     .01179  .0146  .0079  .0117  .0017  -.0031   .0005
O4   .31721  .33842 .24608     .00958  .0098  .0110  .0079  .0030  -.0020   .0012
O5   .55003  .62033 .36489     .01098  .0125  .0130  .0073  .0029   .0013  -.0018
O6   .67778  .37053 .37300     .01003  .0100  .0120  .0081  .0024   .0009   .0021
O7   .96948  .38428 .15818     .01014  .0103  .0108  .0105  .0048   .0011  -.0002
O8   .67791  .47388 .02575     .00995  .0098  .0130  .0072  .0037  -.0013   .0013
O9   .92559  .56860 .33753     .00995  .0123  .0080  .0091  .0023  -.0014  -.0001
O10  .87110  .75465 .12479     .01001  .0109  .0127  .0073  .0048  -.0007   .0020
O11  .02160  .22109 .47889     .01121  .0165  .0105  .0063  .0026   .0019  -.0012
O12  .20398  .73699 .25034     .01025  .0095  .0125  .0093  .0035   .0009   .0030
O13  .50982  .79904 .05441     .01186  .0112  .0131  .0128  .0055   .0022   .0012
O14  .80643  .14202 .08211     .01120  .0119  .0115  .0092  .0018  -.0026   .0025
O15  .39398  .96755 .22534     .01245  .0135  .0103  .0136  .0039  -.0008  -.0020
H1     .125   .9051   .509       .050
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Nagashima M, Mitani K, Akasaka M
Mineralogy and Petrology 108 (2014) 287-301
Structural variation of babingtonite depending on cation
distribution at the octahedral sites
Note: Sample 3
Locality: Kandivali quarry, India
_database_code_amcsd 0020454
7.4664 11.6276 6.6813 91.564 93.889 104.203 P-1
atom      x       y      z occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2)  U(1,3)  U(2,3)
Ca1  .78083 .941884 .14282     .01044 .01438 .00811 .00835 .00182  .00148 -.00064
Ca2  .23781 .520298 .30422     .00890 .00701 .00941 .00962 .00115  .00036 -.00258
Fe1  .59366 .643743 .06087 .76 .00700 .00669 .00701 .00729 .00162  .00087  .00010
Mn1  .59366 .643743 .06087 .11 .00700 .00669 .00701 .00729 .00162  .00087  .00010
Mg1  .59366 .643743 .06087 .13 .00700 .00669 .00701 .00729 .00162  .00087  .00010
Fe2  .04708 .235381 .18413 .96 .00596 .00563 .00551 .00659 .00124  .00011 -.00006
Al2  .04708 .235381 .18413 .04 .00596 .00563 .00551 .00659 .00124  .00011 -.00006
Si1  .28792  .05313 .34073     .00661 .00778 .00560 .00608 .00126 -.00035 -.00006
Si2  .46037  .31321 .42487     .00582 .00545 .00574 .00589 .00074  .00009  .00023
Si3  .80615  .44499 .20939     .00562 .00508 .00575 .00594 .00121  .00037  .00029
Si4  .98700  .71334 .31035     .00577 .00597 .00539 .00587 .00132  .00034  .00005
Si5  .32652  .83540 .10588     .00640 .00578 .00621 .00742 .00178  .00082  .00025
O1   .19808  .98701 .53389     .01193  .0163  .0094  .0079 -.0014   .0016   .0011
O2   .13002  .08054 .18390     .00863  .0092  .0097  .0077  .0039  -.0002   .0000
O3   .43355  .17094 .43658     .00986  .0108  .0059  .0116  .0005  -.0025   .0000
O4   .31674  .33806 .24585     .00768  .0070  .0080  .0077  .0016  -.0007   .0010
O5   .55014  .62043 .36545     .00930  .0093  .0103  .0077  .0014   .0014  -.0018
O6   .67761  .37047 .37311     .00814  .0063  .0095  .0081  .0005   .0011   .0018
O7   .96957  .38440 .15711     .00858  .0075  .0075  .0111  .0026   .0010  -.0006
O8   .67801  .47511 .02636     .00840  .0079  .0100  .0074  .0025  -.0007   .0014
O9   .92538  .56849 .33848     .00802  .0085  .0053  .0096  .0010  -.0008   .0000
O10  .87157  .75503 .12447     .00811  .0073  .0094  .0078  .0027  -.0002   .0015
O11  .02202  .22098 .47818     .00957  .0126  .0082  .0072  .0009   .0024  -.0012
O12  .20410  .73687 .25076     .00856  .0065  .0100  .0095  .0020   .0017   .0028
O13  .50949  .79815 .05524     .00999  .0081  .0098  .0131  .0038   .0026   .0008
O14  .80653  .14258 .08221     .00924  .0084  .0089  .0095  .0008  -.0017   .0017
O15  .39452  .96725 .22438     .01052  .0102  .0078  .0132  .0021   .0002  -.0030
H1     .119   .9061   .517       .050
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Nagashima M, Mitani K, Akasaka M
Mineralogy and Petrology 108 (2014) 287-301
Structural variation of babingtonite depending on cation
distribution at the octahedral sites
Note: Sample 4
Locality: Baveno quarry, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0020455
7.4692 11.6315 6.6865 91.589 93.873 104.208 P-1
atom      x       y      z occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2)  U(1,3)  U(2,3)
Ca1  .78156 .942009 .14271     .01064 .01489 .00804 .00849 .00184  .00157 -.00076
Ca2  .23777 .520383 .30389     .00939 .00777 .00960 .01010 .00124  .00056 -.00279
Fe1  .59369 .643874 .06104 .79 .00707 .00711 .00683 .00727 .00165  .00095 -.00012
Mn1  .59369 .643874 .06104 .18 .00707 .00711 .00683 .00727 .00165  .00095 -.00012
Mg1  .59369 .643874 .06104 .03 .00707 .00711 .00683 .00727 .00165  .00095 -.00012
Fe2  .04680 .235434 .18422 .95 .00624 .00620 .00555 .00683 .00130  .00026 -.00015
Al2  .04680 .235434 .18422 .05 .00624 .00620 .00555 .00683 .00130  .00026 -.00015
Si1  .28794  .05319 .34079     .00687 .00838 .00569 .00621 .00138 -.00021 -.00023
Si2  .46055  .31338 .42469     .00604 .00601 .00579 .00590 .00075  .00017  .00003
Si3  .80624  .44523 .20966     .00570 .00544 .00564 .00596 .00123  .00049  .00016
Si4  .98731  .71346 .31033     .00599 .00660 .00535 .00587 .00124  .00043 -.00012
Si5  .32676  .83559 .10615     .00654 .00619 .00610 .00755 .00191  .00088  .00013
O1   .19809  .98721 .53408     .01257  .0173  .0097  .0084 -.0015   .0022   .0011
O2   .12989  .08024 .18403     .00876  .0097  .0093  .0077  .0036  -.0005   .0000
O3   .43365  .17100 .43637     .01000  .0115  .0054  .0117  .0005  -.0026  -.0001
O4   .31675  .33830 .24607     .00799  .0078  .0081  .0078  .0018  -.0008   .0005
O5   .54994  .62038 .36552     .00964  .0099  .0104  .0081  .0017   .0014  -.0021
O6   .67764  .37058 .37303     .00864  .0069  .0098  .0085  .0002   .0016   .0019
O7   .96949  .38460 .15739     .00888  .0077  .0077  .0119  .0029   .0016  -.0007
O8   .67810  .47525 .02639     .00859  .0084  .0103  .0071  .0025  -.0006   .0013
O9   .92548  .56873 .33837     .00834  .0092  .0054  .0097  .0009  -.0006  -.0004
O10  .87188  .75529 .12462     .00854  .0085  .0097  .0077  .0030  -.0002   .0014
O11  .02167  .22090 .47826     .00995  .0131  .0083  .0076  .0009   .0023  -.0019
O12  .20424  .73696 .25061     .00872  .0072  .0099  .0093  .0021   .0017   .0026
O13  .50981  .79850 .05588     .01040  .0087  .0099  .0137  .0038   .0030   .0007
O14  .80579  .14242 .08227     .00944  .0086  .0090  .0095  .0004  -.0014   .0017
O15  .39450  .96738 .22519     .01083  .0110  .0077  .0135  .0023   .0005  -.0030
H1     .119   .9062   .519       .050
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Nagashima M, Mitani K, Akasaka M
Mineralogy and Petrology 108 (2014) 287-301
Structural variation of babingtonite depending on cation
distribution at the octahedral sites
Note: Sample 5
Locality: Brastad mine, Norway
_database_code_amcsd 0020456
7.4780 11.6418 6.6892 91.564 93.937 104.326 P-1
atom      x       y      z occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2)  U(1,3)  U(2,3)
Ca1  .78280 .941941 .14236     .01085 .01498 .00801 .00891 .00164  .00146 -.00059
Ca2  .23741 .520153 .30426     .00916 .00722 .00938 .01010 .00104  .00026 -.00249
Fe1  .59364 .644162 .06135 .52 .00714 .00682 .00700 .00748 .00149  .00067  .00023
Mn1  .59364 .644162 .06135 .35 .00714 .00682 .00700 .00748 .00149  .00067  .00023
Mg1  .59364 .644162 .06135 .13 .00714 .00682 .00700 .00748 .00149  .00067  .00023
Fe2  .04646 .235355 .18493 .98 .00625 .00603 .00541 .00709 .00117  .00001  .00005
Al2  .04646 .235355 .18493 .02 .00625 .00603 .00541 .00709 .00117  .00001  .00005
Si1  .28733  .05336 .34116     .00692 .00798 .00571 .00660 .00113 -.00054  .00010
Si2  .46036  .31354 .42467     .00608 .00595 .00565 .00616 .00070 -.00002  .00018
Si3  .80634  .44493 .20942     .00581 .00512 .00586 .00629 .00109  .00030  .00041
Si4  .98787  .71354 .30991     .00607 .00622 .00545 .00634 .00123  .00008  .00016
Si5  .32707  .83603 .10637     .00674 .00617 .00619 .00807 .00185  .00092  .00052
O1   .19768  .98750 .53461     .01240  .0170  .0093  .0085 -.0017   .0020   .0014
O2   .12938  .08031 .18436     .00887  .0089  .0100  .0082  .0036  -.0007   .0001
O3   .43341  .17132 .43632     .01033  .0116  .0057  .0124  .0008  -.0028   .0000
O4   .31673  .33833 .24619     .00834  .0082  .0085  .0081  .0022  -.0010   .0009
O5   .54992  .62022 .36561     .00955  .0098  .0100  .0082  .0014   .0014  -.0019
O6   .67744  .37080 .37304     .00866  .0070  .0094  .0087  .0003   .0012   .0020
O7   .96945  .38432 .15826     .00892  .0076  .0077  .0120  .0027   .0012  -.0008
O8   .67830  .47432 .02595     .00865  .0081  .0100  .0077  .0023  -.0006   .0013
O9   .92573  .56878 .33793     .00845  .0092  .0051  .0101  .0005  -.0011  -.0002
O10  .87239  .75523 .12439     .00856  .0078  .0092  .0089  .0027  -.0004   .0018
O11  .02078  .22092 .47868     .01024  .0124  .0089  .0085  .0007   .0024  -.0016
O12  .20452  .73696 .25012     .00879  .0066  .0101  .0098  .0019   .0014   .0029
O13  .51026  .79958 .05579     .01054  .0089  .0100  .0140  .0040   .0031   .0010
O14  .80560  .14223 .08244     .01012  .0097  .0091  .0104  .0007  -.0023   .0022
O15  .39334  .96758 .22562     .01083  .0105  .0074  .0142  .0020   .0001  -.0030
H1     .118   .9067   .523       .050
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Nagashima M, Mitani K, Akasaka M
Mineralogy and Petrology 108 (2014) 287-301
Structural variation of babingtonite depending on cation
distribution at the octahedral sites
Note: Sample 7
Locality: Kouraghana, Japan
_database_code_amcsd 0020457
7.4672 11.6235 6.6805 91.530 93.880 104.222 P-1
atom      x      y      z occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2)  U(1,3)  U(2,3)
Ca1  .78048 .94171 .14310     .01376 .01696 .01287 .01052 .00232 -.00041  .00049
Ca2  .23744 .52035 .30380     .01132 .00848 .01342 .01095 .00126 -.00106 -.00114
Fe1  .59359 .64352 .06055 .79 .00960 .00847 .01101 .00883 .00168 -.00060  .00179
Mn1  .59359 .64352 .06055 .10 .00960 .00847 .01101 .00883 .00168 -.00060  .00179
Mg1  .59359 .64352 .06055 .11 .00960 .00847 .01101 .00883 .00168 -.00060  .00179
Fe2  .04755 .23542 .18360 .94 .00882 .00786 .00964 .00830 .00139 -.00159  .00152
Al2  .04755 .23542 .18360 .06 .00882 .00786 .00964 .00830 .00139 -.00159  .00152
Si1  .28789 .05294 .34039     .00941 .00986 .00992 .00764 .00151 -.00198  .00145
Si2  .46033 .31335 .42499     .00824 .00726 .00964 .00699 .00092 -.00154  .00168
Si3  .80619 .44493 .20954     .00792 .00675 .00938 .00708 .00132 -.00135  .00176
Si4  .98641 .71334 .31058     .00830 .00783 .00925 .00727 .00147 -.00141  .00154
Si5  .32631 .83530 .10569     .00914 .00772 .01032 .00904 .00178 -.00064  .00181
O1   .19781 .98673 .53348      .0153  .0191  .0143  .0099 -.0012   .0001   .0028
O2   .13022 .08049 .18373     .01204  .0112  .0149  .0101  .0043  -.0026   .0017
O3   .43343 .17093 .43701      .0128  .0134  .0090  .0138  .0003  -.0050   .0014
O4   .31716 .33842 .24604     .01035  .0090  .0122  .0093  .0023  -.0023   .0023
O5   .54992 .62043 .36513     .01178  .0107  .0142  .0095  .0017  -.0002  -.0004
O6   .67780 .36976 .37332     .01080  .0081  .0138  .0094  .0007  -.0003   .0034
O7   .96915 .38435 .15692     .01104  .0092  .0115  .0125  .0031  -.0004   .0010
O8   .67774 .47531 .02678     .01069  .0091  .0137  .0086  .0022  -.0025   .0030
O9   .92553 .56845 .33895     .01061  .0106  .0088  .0112  .0009  -.0029   .0009
O10  .87076 .75481 .12466     .01095  .0097  .0136  .0096  .0033  -.0020   .0033
O11  .02276 .22100 .47787     .01217  .0142  .0123  .0087  .0011   .0002  -.0002
O12  .20384 .73717 .25104     .01144  .0085  .0148  .0108  .0021   .0000   .0044
O13  .50900 .79760 .05520      .0132  .0113  .0137  .0158  .0048   .0019   .0029
O14  .80610 .14246 .08276      .0125  .0111  .0144  .0105  .0012  -.0038   .0032
O15  .39486 .96729 .22397      .0139  .0140  .0115  .0151  .0020  -.0015  -.0013
H1     .122  .9048   .529       .050
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Armbruster T
Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 80 (2000) 279-284
Cation distribution in Mg, Mn-bearing babingtonite from Arvigo,
Val Calanca, Grisons, Switzerland
Note: Sample Arvigo 1, NMBE 34973
Locality: Arvigo, Val Calanca, Grisons, Switzerland
_database_code_amcsd 0018474
7.469 12.161 6.675 86.09 93.94 112.21 P-1
atom      x      y      z  occ Biso
Cal   .1606 .94195  .8573       .84
Ca2  .28242 .52011  .6957      .718
Fe1  .05007 .64372 .93914 .639 .530
Mn1  .05007 .64372 .93914  .21 .530
Mg1  .05007 .64372 .93914 .151 .530
Fe2  .18824 .23542 .81574 .874 .437
Mg2  .18824 .23542 .81574 .046 .437
Al2  .18824 .23542 .81574  .08 .437
Sil   .7656 .05311  .6594       .53
Si2   .8529 .31325  .5752       .47
Si3   .6386 .44490  .7906       .46
Si4   .7263 .71334  .6897       .46
Si5   .5087 .83531  .8941       .53
H1     .796   .922   .486       3.2
O1    .7888  .9869  .4659      1.00
O2    .9506  .0805  .8158       .70
O3    .7374  .1710  .5624       .78
O4    .0213  .3380  .7544       .67
O5    .0707  .6206  .6352       .75
O6    .6922  .3704  .6266       .70
O7    .4154  .3843  .8434       .70
O8    .7971  .4749  .9735       .68
O9    .6427  .5684  .6617       .66
O10   .8835  .7550  .8758       .70
O11   .1992  .2213  .5221       .82
O12   .5332  .7369  .7495       .73
O13   .2891  .7985  .9448       .81
O14   .3367  .1429  .9172       .79
O15   .5736  .9678  .7757       .84
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Armbruster T
Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 80 (2000) 279-284
Cation distribution in Mg, Mn-bearing babingtonite from Arvigo,
Val Calanca, Grisons, Switzerland
Note: Sample NMBE 34974
Locality: Arvigo, Val Calanca, Grisons, Switzerland
_database_code_amcsd 0018475
7.480 12.159 6.678 86.10 93.92 112.08 P-1
atom      x      y      z  occ Biso
Cal   .1570 .94142 .85701      1.20
Ca2  .28326 .52021 .69645       .96
Fe1  .05046 .64393 .93885 .525 .760
Mn1  .05046 .64393 .93885  .26 .760
Mg1  .05046 .64393 .93885 .215 .760
Fe2  .18873 .23571 .81487 .841 .658
Mg2  .18873 .23571 .81487 .129 .658
Al2  .18873 .23571 .81487  .03 .658
Si1   .7667 .05336  .6593       .80
Si2   .8535 .31377  .5750       .69
Si3   .6385 .44492  .7903       .63
Si4   .7260 .71363  .6906       .70
Si5   .5078 .83622  .8934       .79
H1     .786   .928   .472       3.9
O1    .7893  .9878  .4654      1.28
O2    .9513  .0798  .8158      1.00
O3    .7384  .1711  .5648       .97
O4    .0215  .3392  .7536       .88
O5    .0711  .6210  .6352       .94
O6    .6923  .3704  .6260       .91
O7    .4155  .3846  .8419       .93
O8    .7958  .4737  .9740       .89
O9    .6435  .5689  .6627       .81
Ol0   .8832  .7548  .8760       .94
O11   .2000  .2209  .5203      1.01
O12   .5330  .7374  .7505       .92
O13   .2889  .7999  .9441      1.10
O14   .3386  .1423  .9160      1.19
O15   .5747  .9676  .7753      1.09
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Armbruster T
Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 80 (2000) 279-284
Cation distribution in Mg, Mn-bearing babingtonite from Arvigo,
Val Calanca, Grisons, Switzerland
Locality: Westfield, Massachusetts, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0018476
7.458 12.168 6.675 86.12 93.86 112.27 P-1
atom      x      y      z  occ Biso
Cal  .16143 .94182 .85694      .917
Ca2  .28265 .52040 .69610      .789
Fe1  .05001 .64361 .93937 .778 .596
Mn1  .05001 .64361 .93937  .06 .596
Mg1  .05001 .64361 .93937 .162 .596
Fe2  .18815 .23539 .81613 .925 .510
Mg2  .18815 .23539 .81613 .025 .510
Al2  .18815 .23539 .81613  .05 .510
Si1   .7648 .05306  .6596       .61
Si2   .8528 .31327  .5749       .56
Si3   .6391 .44505  .7904       .51
Si4   .7266 .71326  .6896       .55
Si5   .5087 .83522  .8941       .58
H1     .803   .920   .487       3.5
O1    .7892  .9872  .4663      1.07
O2    .9502  .0803  .8167       .74
O3    .7372  .1708  .5635       .91
O4    .0210  .3382  .7544       .70
O5    .0706  .6205  .6348       .83
O6    .6925  .3703  .6271       .73
O7    .4149  .3845  .8431       .75
O8    .7978  .4751  .9734       .77
O9    .6436  .5685  .6611       .69
O10   .8840  .7548  .8757       .72
O11   .1986  .2211  .5222       .83
O12   .5330  .7369  .7493       .73
O13   .2879  .7975  .9448       .89
O14   .3367  .1427  .9177       .82
O15   .5718  .9674  .7759       .91
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