American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Kolitsch U, Atencio D, Chukanov N V, Zubkova N V, Menezes L A D, Coutinho J M V,
Birch W D, Schluter J, Pohl D, Kampf A R, Steele I M, Favreau G, Nasdala L,
Mockel S, Giester G, Pushcharovsky D Y
Mineralogical Magazine 74 (2010) 469-486
Bendadaite, a new iron arsenate mineral of the arthurite group
Locality: Almerindo mine, Linopolis, Minas Gerais, Brazil
_database_code_amcsd 0015896
10.200 9.718 5.5432 90 94.05 90 P2_1/c
atom        x       y      z  occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3)  U(1,2) U(1,3)  U(2,3)
Fe(1)      .0      .0     .0 .948 .01304 .01469 .01264 .01210 -.00285 .00241 -.00171
Fe(2)  .45715  .13679 .33999 .931 .00815 .01042 .00689 .00716  .00032 .00074  .00007
Al(2)  .45715  .13679 .33999 .040 .00815 .01042 .00689 .00716  .00032 .00074  .00007
As    .298182 .426870 .32898 .741 .00792 .00861 .00787 .00738  .00010 .00130  .00012
P     .298182 .426870 .32898 .263 .00792 .00861 .00787 .00738  .00010 .00130  .00012
O(1)   .39899  .48388 .11976       .0122  .0136  .0117  .0116  -.0013  .0025  -.0014
O(2)   .35684  .48686 .59650       .0137  .0166  .0126  .0117  -.0005 -.0010   .0010
O(3)   .15115  .48741  .2615       .0179  .0161  .0207  .0170   .0015  .0028   .0016
O(4)   .29959  .25662 .32143       .0140  .0160  .0125  .0136   .0026  .0007  -.0004
Oh     .54491  .23380 .08027       .0140  .0167  .0130  .0124   .0034  .0033   .0026
Ow(1)  .12925 -.09593  .2979       .0241  .0213  .0304  .0205  -.0039  .0002  -.0015
Ow(2)  .04589  .18779  .1498       .0298  .0248  .0224  .0420  -.0031  .0008  -.0145
H        .586    .176   .999        .039
H11      .208    .915   .262        .057
H12      .128    .941   .456        .056
H21      .118    .211   .226        .061
H22      .992    .247   .181        .057
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