American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

16 matching records for this search.

Decker B F, Kasper J S
Acta Crystallographica 12 (1959) 503-506
The crystal structure of a simple rhombohedral form of boron
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0009230
4.908 4.908 12.567 90 90 120 R-3m
atom     x      y      z
B1   .1177 -.1177 -.1073
B2   .1961 -.1961  .0245
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Geist D, Kloss R, Follner H
Acta Crystallographica B26 (1970) 1800-1802
Verfeinerung des beta-rhomboedrischen bors
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0009380
10.17 10.17 10.17 65.12 65.12 65.12 R-3m
atom     x     y     z Biso
B1   .0025 .0025 .1680  .58
B2   .1008 .1008 .8374  .78
B3   .9933 .9933 .6698  .43
B4   .1032 .1032 .4921  .61
B5   .1777 .3473 .0033  .85
B6   .1673 .5521 .8921  .58
B7   .1983 .1983 .6874  .55
B8   .3765 .6826 .2024  .73
B9   .3622 .5811 .0976  .54
B10  .1991 .1991 .5061  .96
B11  .3873 .3873 .5690 2.54
B12  .4895 .4895 .2178  .60
B13  .3843 .3843 .2131  .55
B14  .3848 .3848 .3848  .61
B15     .5    .5    .5  .68
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Callmer B
Acta Crystallographica B33 (1977) 1951-1954
An accurate refinement of the beta-rhombohedral boron structure
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0009595
10.9251 10.9251 23.8143 90 90 120 R-3m
atom      x      y      z  occ Biso
B1   .17302 .17400 .17661      .488
B2   .31887 .29536 .12935      .406
B3   .26165 .21766 .41974      .450
B4   .23496 .25151 .34689      .420
B5   .05436 .10872 .94389      .392
B6   .08640 .17280 .01309      .397
B7   .10981 .21961 .88617      .390
B8   .17017 .34034 .02778      .445
B9   .12873 .25746 .76625      .397
B10  .10211 .20421 .69851      .376
B11  .05652 .11303 .32659      .395
B12  .08962 .17924 .39902      .419
B13  .05784 .11568 .55385 .734 .830
B14       0      0 .38535      .381
B15       0      0     .5      1.02
B16  .05574 .11147 .11727 .248 .330
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Wyckoff R W G
Crystal Structures 1 (1963) 7-83
Second edition. Interscience Publishers, New York, New York
_database_code_amcsd 0011238
8.74 8.74 5.03 90 90 90 P4_2/nnm
atom    x    y    z
B1   .325 .088 .400
B2   .227 .081 .088
B3   .121 .121 .383
B4   .245 .245 .584
B5      0    0   .5
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Wyckoff R W G
Crystal Structures 1 (1963) 7-83
Second edition. Interscience Publishers, New York, New York
_database_code_amcsd 0011239
4.908 4.908 12.567 90 90 120 R-3m
atom     x      y      z
B1   .1177 -.1177 -.1073
B2   .1961 -.1961  .0245
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Parakhonskiy G, Dubrovinskaia N, Bykova E, Wirth R, Dubrovinsky L
High Pressure Research 33 (2013) 673-683
High pressure synthesis and investigation of single crystals
of metastable boron phases
Note: alpha-tetragonal phase
Locality: Synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0020599
8.708 8.708 5.0750 90 90 90 P4_2/nnm
atom     x     y     z
B1       0     0    .5
B2   .1239 .1239 .3685
B3   .2458 .2458 .5897
B4   .3161 .1042 .3907
B5   .2288 .0827 .0819
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Parakhonskiy G, Dubrovinskaia N, Bykova E, Wirth R, Dubrovinsky L
High Pressure Research 33 (2013) 673-683
High pressure synthesis and investigation of single crystals
of metastable boron phases
Note: epsilon-trigonal phase
Locality: Synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0020600
5.5940 5.5940 12.0756 90 90 120 R-3m
atom     x     y     z Uiso
B1       0     0    .5 .011
B2   .1626 .8374 .6413 .007
B3   .2255 .7745 .7805 .008
B4       0     0 .6192 .003
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Hoard J L, Sullenger D B, Kennard C H L, Hughes R E
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 1 (1970) 268-277
The structure analysis of beta-rhombohedral boron
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0013290
10.944 10.944 23.81 90 90 120 R-3m
atom     x     y      z occ  Biso
B1   .1730 .1742  .1768      .485
B2   .3189 .2966  .1291      .538
B3   .2607 .2172  .4199      .479
B4   .2351 .2506  .3473      .624
B5   .0549 .1097 -.0560      .551
B6   .0867 .1735  .0130      .613
B7   .1091 .2182 -.1140      .470
B8   .1703 .3406  .0281      .623
B9   .1285 .2570 -.2338      .569
B10  .1022 .2044 -.3020      .348
B11  .0562 .1125  .3267      .414
B12  .0894 .1788  .3990      .353
B13  .0574 .1148 -.4460 2/3  .780
B14      0     0  .3852      .272
B15      0     0     .5     1.315
B16  .0546 .1093  .1166 1/3 1.944
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Vlasse M, Naslain R, Kasper J S, Ploog K
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 28 (1979) 289-301
Crystal structure of tetragonal boron related to alpha AlB12
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0013366
10.14 10.14 14.17 90 90 90 P4_3
atom     x    y    z occ  Uiso
Bl   -.123 .742 .128     .0054
B1p   .238 .377 .871     .0012
B2   -.040 .628 .208     .0079
B2p   .131 .461 .790     .0029
B3   -.044 .809 .225     .0004
B3p   .313 .459 .770     .0014
B4   -.044 .893 .116     .0004
B4p   .394 .460 .883     .0034
B5   -.033 .606 .078     .0027
B5P   .106 .470 .920     .0053
B6   -.037 .776 .028     .0119
B6P   .271 .468 .969     .0155
B7    .109 .721 .244     .0058
B7p   .220 .607 .754     .0125
B8    .105 .886 .191     .0204
B8p   .388 .608 .806     .0060
B9    .118 .600 .155     .0065
B9p   .098 .622 .845     .0179
B10   .113 .687 .047     .0154
BlOp  .194 .616 .932     .0034
B11   .112 .864 .065     .0071
Bllp  .365 .613 .934     .0139
B12   .204 .758 .144     .0025
B12p  .260 .702 .860     .0191
B13   .317 .554 .362     .0029
Bl3p  .056 .814 .632     .0115
B14   .389 .698 .325     .0276
Bl4p  .197 .886 .675     .0352
B15   .203 .696 .340     .0062
B15p  .193 .706 .655     .0030
B16   .468 .614 .413     .0042
B16P  .113 .964 .589     .0039
B17   .467 .792 .420     .0107
B17p  .292 .955 .574     .0123
B18   .187 .589 .449     .0121
B18p  .091 .688 .552     .0029
B19   .265 .675 .547     .0039
B19p  .171 .767 .455     .0070
B20   .346 .536 .496     .0058
B20p  .040 .849 .503     .0052
B21   .439 .685 .524     .0072
B2lp  .182 .940 .476     .0011
B22   .334 .835 .497     .0062
B23   .039 .534 .497     .0085
B24   .290 .839 .384     .0287
B24p  .332 .801 .629     .0250
B25   .145 .433 .466 .50 .0202
B25p  .061 .360 .035 .50 .0060
B26   .225 .244 .732 .47 .0583
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Slack G A, Hejna C I, Garbauskas M F, Kasper J S
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 76 (1988) 52-63
The crystal structure and density of beta-rhombohedral boron
Note: beta-phase
Locality: Synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0020598
10.932 10.932 23.819 90 90 120 R-3m
atom     x     y     z  occ Uiso
B1   .1730 .1741 .1767      .006
B2   .3191 .2957 .1294      .006
B3   .2614 .2175 .4197      .006
B4   .2349 .2516 .3469      .006
B5   .0545 .1090 .9437      .005
B6   .0865 .1730 .0132      .005
B7   .1098 .2196 .8860      .005
B8   .1705 .3410 .0280      .005
B9   .1287 .2574 .7666      .005
B10  .1020 .2040 .6985      .005
B11  .0564 .1128 .3266      .005
B12  .0897 .1794 .3990      .005
B13  .0579 .1158 .5538 .745 .011
B14      0     0 .3855      .005
B15      0     0    .5      .014
B16  .0546 .1092 .1176 .272 .009
B17  .0833 .1666 .4760 .085 .043
B18  .1440 .2880 .5239 .066 .006
B19  .1805 .3610 .5347 .068 .006
B20  .2067 .2280 .0711 .037 .011
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Hoard J L, Geller S, Hughes R E
Journal of the American Chemical Society 73 (1951) 1892-1893
On the structure of elementary boron
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0014080
8.73 8.73 5.03 90 90 90 P-4n2
atom    x    y     z
B1      0    0    .5
B2     .5   .5     0
B3   .328 .095  .395
B4   .095 .328  .395
B5   .223 .078  .105
B6   .078 .223  .105
B7   .127 .127  .395
B8    .25  .25 -.078
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Hoard J L, Hughes R E, Sands D E
Journal of the American Chemical Society 80 (1958) 4507-4515
The structure of tetragonal boron
Locality: synthetic
Sample: needle III
_database_code_amcsd 0014101
8.740 8.740 5.068 90 90 90 P4_2/nnm
atom     x     y     z Biso
B1   .3253 .0883 .3985  .76
B2   .2272 .0805 .0865  .73
B3   .1195 .1195 .3780  .79
B4   .2425 .2425 .5815  .67
B5       0     0    .5  .52
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Hoard J L, Hughes R E, Sands D E
Journal of the American Chemical Society 80 (1958) 4507-4515
The structure of tetragonal boron
Locality: synthetic
Sample: plate
_database_code_amcsd 0014102
8.771 8.771 5.088 90 90 90 P4_2/nnm
atom     x     y     z Biso
B1   .3255 .0875 .4005 1.29
B2   .2265 .0825 .0895 1.56
B3   .1245 .1245 .3870 1.62
B4   .2490 .2490 .5865  .66
B5       0     0    .5  .68
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Oganov A R, Chen J, Gatti C, Ma Y, Ma Y, Glass C W, Liu Z, Yu T, Kurakevych O O, Solozhenko V L
Nature 457 (2009) 863-867
Ionic high-pressure form of elemental boron
Note: theoretical calculation
_database_code_amcsd 0014681
5.054 5.620 6.987 90 90 90 Pnnm
atom     x     y     z
B1   .1702 .5206     0
B2   .1606 .2810 .3743
B3   .3472 .0924 .2093
B4   .3520 .2711     0
B5   .1644 .0080     0
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Zarechnaya E Y, Dubrovinsky L, Dubrovinskaia N, Filinchuk Y, Chernyshov D, Dmitriev V,
Miyajima N, El Goresy A, Braun H F, Van Smaalen S, Kantor I, Kantor A, Prakapenka V,
Hanfland M, Mikhaylushkin A S, Abrikosov I A, Simak S I
Physical Review Letters 102 (2009) 185501-1185501-4
Superhard semiconducting optically transparent high pressure phase of boron
Note: crystal quenched from 20 GPa, 1700 K
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0015285
5.0576 5.6245 6.9884 90 90 90 Pnnm
atom     x     y     z
B1   .1539 .5938 .7924
B2   .6469 .7284    .5
B3   .3362 .5076     0
B4   .8391 .7189 .8737
B5   .6690 .9823     0
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Will G, Kiefer B
Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 627 (2001) 2100-2104
Electron deformation density in alpha-boron
Note: alpha-phase
Locality: Synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0020597
4.9179 4.9179 12.5805 90 90 120 R-3m
atom      x      y      z
B1   .11886 .88114 .89133
B2   .19686 .80314 .02432
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