American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

4 matching records for this search.

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Merlino S, Perchiazzi N, Franco D
European Journal of Mineralogy 15 (2003) 267-275
Brochantite, Cu4SO4(OH)6: OD character, polytypism and crystal structures
Sample: MDO_1 polytype
Locality: Val Fucinaia, Tuscany, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0006971
13.140 9.863 6.024 90 103.16 90 P2_1/a
atom     x     y      z  Uiso
Cu1  .2061 .9911  .4799 .0207
Cu2  .2023 .9908 -.0237 .0244
Cu3  .1181 .2614  .1819 .0185
Cu4  .1199 .2571  .6848 .0197
S    .3877 .1989  .3167 .0233
OH1  .0936 .1325   .417  .022
OH2  .0827 .1345  -.082  .022
OH3  .1590 .3823   .454  .021
OH4  .1556 .3826  -.052  .020
OH5  .2559 .0936   .758  .022
OH6  .1428 .8991   .198  .023
O7   .2797  .145   .260  .027
O8   .3822  .351   .312  .028
O9   .4435  .149   .142  .029
O10  .4415  .152   .547  .026
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Merlino S, Perchiazzi N, Franco D
European Journal of Mineralogy 15 (2003) 267-275
Brochantite, Cu4SO4(OH)6: OD character, polytypism and crystal structures
Sample: MDO_2 polytype
Locality: Capo Calamita, Elba island, Tuscany, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0006972
12.776 9.869 6.026 90.15 90 90 P2_1/n
atom     x     y      z  Uiso
Cu1  .2066 .9902  .3770 .0118
Cu2  .2019 .9906 -.1249 .0135
Cu3  .1183 .2608  .1261 .0111
Cu4  .1205 .2569  .6258 .0109
S    .3881 .1991  .1226  .015
OH1   .091  .130   .374  .016
OH2   .084  .136  -.125  .009
OH3   .158  .381   .374  .014
OH4   .158  .385  -.122  .012
OH5   .258  .094   .628  .023
OH6   .142  .897   .124  .019
O7    .275  .141   .126  .023
O8    .383  .352   .125  .016
O9    .442  .147  -.084  .023
O10   .443  .150   .329  .020
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Mills S J, Kampf A R, Pasero M, Merlino S
European Journal of Mineralogy 22 (2010) 453-457
Discreditation of ''orthobrochantite'' (IMA 78-64) as the MDO1 polytype
of brochantite
Note: This is the MDO1 polytype of brochanite, that used to be called orthobrochantite
Locality: Douglas Hill mine, Yerington, Nevada, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0018378
13.1117 9.8654 6.0307 90 103.255 90 P2_1/a
atom      x      y      z  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Cu1  .38150 .74087  .3167 .0077  .0108  .0072  .0054 -.0021  .0027  .0001
Cu2  .20272 .50997  .4761 .0095  .0117  .0091  .0075 -.0016  .0020 -.0007
Cu3  .20549 .50995 -.0217 .0082  .0095  .0077  .0077 -.0011  .0026  .0002
Cu4  .38001 .74252  .8146 .0085  .0123  .0081  .0054 -.0020  .0028 -.0010
S1    .1128  .8028  .1819 .0150  .0172  .0099  .0181 -.0008  .0046  .0010
O1    .4152  .8671  .5827 .0097   .012   .012   .006   .000   .004   .001
O2    .3444  .6181  .5506 .0126   .012   .012   .012  -.006  -.001  -.004
O3    .1368  .6048  .6938 .0194   .025   .035   .003  -.012   .011  -.005
O4    .2587  .4011  .2561  .026   .020   .048   .012  -.018   .008  -.005
O5    .3413  .6170  .0435 .0059   .007   .007   .005   .001   .004   .003
O6    .4087  .8678  .0800 .0075   .012   .008   .004  -.002   .004   .001
O7    .2228  .8594  .2394  .030   .020   .054   .016   .016   .002   .005
O8    .5577  .6496  .3665  .029   .011   .016   .058   .001   .005   .008
O9    .1185  .6500  .1867  .029   .035   .015   .032  -.010   .001   .001
O10   .5583  .6507  .9457  .031   .009   .016   .062   .000  -.003  -.006
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Helliwell M, Smith J V
Acta Crystallographica C53 (1997) 1369-1371
Locality: Socorro, New Mexico, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0010313
13.0870 9.8350 6.015 90 103.330 90 P2_1/a
atom      x      y     z  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Cu1  .29394 .49030 .5202 .0108  .0091  .0119  .0113 -.0020  .0021  .0003
Cu2  .29794 .49040 .0240 .0125  .0127  .0115  .0133 -.0013  .0031 -.0016
Cu3  .11808 .26070 .1818 .0100  .0109  .0101  .0094 -.0015  .0030 -.0011
Cu4  .12008 .25650 .6848 .0109  .0124  .0107  .0097 -.0019  .0024 -.0002
S     .3875  .1979 .3165 .0104  .0100  .0080  .0130  .0016  .0015 -.0012
O1    .0937  .1313 .4180  .008   .003   .008   .013   .001   .004   .003
O2    .0821  .1335 .9180  .012   .011   .013   .009  -.001  -.001  -.001
O3    .1608  .3809 .4600 .0100
O4    .1551  .3822 .9480  .011   .011   .012   .010  -.001   .002  -.001
O5    .2451  .5945 .2450 .0110
O6    .3583  .4006 .8030 .0120
O7    .2787  .1451 .2610  .014   .009   .020   .014  -.002   .005  -.002
O8    .3828  .3487 .3120 .0130
O9    .4431  .1493 .1420  .014   .012   .019   .014  -.002   .007  -.005
O10   .4418  .1519 .5450  .016   .019   .020   .008   .001  -.001   .004
H1    .0299  .1224 .3510  .009
H2    .0032  .1668 .8464  .013
H3    .1065  .4379 .3980  .011
H4    .1005  .4526 .9185  .013
H5    .1806  .6052 .1661  .012
H6    .3494  .3160 .7781  .013
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