Burbankite |
Onac B P, Bernhardt H J, Effenberger H |
European Journal of Mineralogy 21 (2009) 507-514 |
Authigenic burbankite in the Cioclovina Cave sediments (Romania) |
Locality: Cioclovina Cave sediments, Romania |
_database_code_amcsd 0007286 |
10.514 10.514 6.477 90 90 120 P6_3mc |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
NaA .52343 -.52343 .3128 .82 .0222 .0190 .0190 .0273 .0085 .0002 -.0002 |
CaA .52343 -.52343 .3128 .17 .0222 .0190 .0190 .0273 .0085 .0002 -.0002 |
SrB .84125 -.84125 0 .57 .01472 .01338 .01338 .01632 .00589 .00071 -.00071 |
CaB .84125 -.84125 0 .16 .01472 .01338 .01338 .01632 .00589 .00071 -.00071 |
BaB .84125 -.84125 0 .11 .01472 .01338 .01338 .01632 .00589 .00071 -.00071 |
YB .84125 -.84125 0 .03 .01472 .01338 .01338 .01632 .00589 .00071 -.00071 |
CeB .84125 -.84125 0 .05 .01472 .01338 .01338 .01632 .00589 .00071 -.00071 |
LaB .84125 -.84125 0 .02 .01472 .01338 .01338 .01632 .00589 .00071 -.00071 |
NdB .84125 -.84125 0 .02 .01472 .01338 .01338 .01632 .00589 .00071 -.00071 |
PrB .84125 -.84125 0 .01 .01472 .01338 .01338 .01632 .00589 .00071 -.00071 |
ThB .84125 -.84125 0 .03 .01472 .01338 .01338 .01632 .00589 .00071 -.00071 |
C1 .7999 -.7999 .5372 .0151 .0144 .0144 .017 .0071 .0015 -.0015 |
C2 0 0 .8313 .0172 .017 .017 .017 .0085 0 0 |
C3 1/3 2/3 .490 .0177 .019 .019 .014 .0097 0 0 |
O1 .3749 .0815 .6308 .0240 .0224 .0179 .0312 .0096 -.0024 .0047 |
O2 .9304 -.9304 .3353 .0316 .0250 .0250 .053 .019 .0006 -.0006 |
O3 .40439 -.40439 .4864 .0242 .0296 .0296 .0214 .0208 .0006 -.0006 |
O4 .7756 -.7756 .3533 .0245 .0240 .0240 .0251 .0117 -.0019 .0019 |
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Burbankite |
Belovitskaya Yu V, Pekov I V, Kabalov Yu K |
Crystallography Reports 45 (2000) 26-29 |
Refinement of the crystal structures of low-rare-earth |
and "typical" burbankites by the Rietveld method |
Locality: Khibiny Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia |
Sample: B-108 |
Note: x02 adjusted to satisfy symmetry constraints |
_database_code_amcsd 0012365 |
10.5313 10.5313 6.4829 90 90 120 P6_3mc |
atom x y z occ Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) |
NaA .5237 .4763 .319 .728 1.7 .006 .006 .011 0 .003 -.003 |
CaA .5237 .4763 .319 .231 1.7 .006 .006 .011 0 .003 -.003 |
YA .5237 .4763 .319 .01 1.7 .006 .006 .011 0 .003 -.003 |
SrB .8410 .1590 0 .633 .88 .0021 .0021 .0091 .0010 .001 -.001 |
BaB .8410 .1590 0 .106 .88 .0021 .0021 .0091 .0010 .001 -.001 |
CeB .8410 .1590 0 .074 .88 .0021 .0021 .0091 .0010 .001 -.001 |
LaB .8410 .1590 0 .038 .88 .0021 .0021 .0091 .0010 .001 -.001 |
NdB .8410 .1590 0 .016 .88 .0021 .0021 .0091 .0010 .001 -.001 |
PrB .8410 .1590 0 .006 .88 .0021 .0021 .0091 .0010 .001 -.001 |
CaB .8410 .1590 0 .047 .88 .0021 .0021 .0091 .0010 .001 -.001 |
C1 .799 .201 .53 2.7 |
C2 0 0 .85 2.0 |
C3 1/3 2/3 .49 2.0 |
O1 .376 .088 .628 1.6 |
O2 .930 .070 .352 2.9 |
O3 .406 .594 .49 1.7 |
O4 .770 .230 .358 3.1 |
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Burbankite |
Belovitskaya Yu V, Pekov I V, Kabalov Yu K |
Crystallography Reports 45 (2000) 26-29 |
Refinement of the crystal structures of low-rare-earth |
and "typical" burbankites by the Rietveld method |
Locality: Khibiny Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia |
Sample: B-104 |
_database_code_amcsd 0012366 |
10.5263 10.5263 6.5392 90 90 120 P6_3mc |
atom x y z occ Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) |
NaA .5230 .4770 .316 .620 1.5 .0042 .0042 .007 .0017 .0006 -.0006 |
CaA .5230 .4770 .316 .340 1.5 .0042 .0042 .007 .0017 .0006 -.0006 |
YA .5230 .4770 .316 .006 1.5 .0042 .0042 .007 .0017 .0006 -.0006 |
SrB .8430 .1570 0 .717 .89 .0025 .0025 .0067 .0011 -.0001 .0001 |
BaB .8430 .1570 0 .126 .89 .0025 .0025 .0067 .0011 -.0001 .0001 |
CaB .8430 .1570 0 .037 .89 .0025 .0025 .0067 .0011 -.0001 .0001 |
LaB .8430 .1570 0 .017 .89 .0025 .0025 .0067 .0011 -.0001 .0001 |
CeB .8430 .1570 0 .006 .89 .0025 .0025 .0067 .0011 -.0001 .0001 |
C1 .796 .204 .549 2.4 |
C2 0 0 .852 1.6 |
C3 1/3 2/3 .49 2.2 |
O1 .382 .087 .631 1.7 |
O2 .9292 .0708 .362 2.3 |
O3 .4048 .5952 .482 1.9 |
O4 .774 .226 .355 2.1 |
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