American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Download hom/chegemite.pdf
Galuskin E V, Gazeev V M, Lazic B, Armbruster T, Galuskina I O, Zadov A E,
Pertsev N N, Wrzalik R, Dzierzanowski P, Gurbanov A G, Bzowska G
European Journal of Mineralogy 21 (2009) 1045-1059
Chegemite Ca7(SiO4)3(OH)2 - a new humite-group mineral from the Northern Caucasus,
Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia
Locality: in the high-temperature skarns in calcareous xenoliths in ignimbrites of
the Upper Chegem volcanic structure, Northern Caucasus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0007334
5.0696 11.3955 23.5571 90 90 90 Pbnm
atom       x      y       z occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3)  U(1,2)  U(1,3)  U(2,3)
Ca1   .50376 .37818 .176543     .00886 .00768 .01069 .00821 -.00048 -.00120 -.00192
Ca2  -.50687 .65807     .25     .00771 .00827 .00673 .00813  .00048    .000    .000
Ca3  -.00244 .59346 .111399     .00850 .00964 .00691 .00895 -.00077  .00066  .00051
Ca4   .50746 .36064 .027895     .00915 .00957 .00944 .00843 -.00042  .00127  .00022
Si1  -.07130 .47112     .25     .00608  .0047  .0067  .0069  .00016    .000    .000
Si2   .07409 .27988 .107074     .00620 .00551 .00669 .00640 -.00003 -.00011 -.00006
O1    -.7511 .47020     .25      .0094  .0071  .0111  .0100   .0001    .000    .000
O2    -.2981 .83850     .25      .0083  .0082  .0078  .0089   .0001    .000    .000
O3   -.20219 .53681  .19476     .00867  .0093  .0090  .0077   .0008  -.0001   .0011
O4     .7539 .27935  .10590      .0094  .0066  .0103  .0112  -.0002  -.0006  -.0002
O5    .20452 .41215  .10440     .00884  .0088  .0077  .0100   .0004  -.0002  -.0006
O6    .29695 .71759  .16372     .00896  .0086  .0099  .0084   .0001  -.0003   .0013
O7    .20452 .21020  .05265     .00905  .0087  .0096  .0089  -.0001   .0004  -.0018
F8     .7518 .53095  .03410 .12  .0214  .0259  .0109  .0274  -.0042  -.0193   .0030
O8     .7518 .53095  .03410 .88  .0214  .0259  .0109  .0274  -.0042  -.0193   .0030
H1      .912   .502    .019 .44   .050
H2      .619   .540   .0593 .44   .050
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