American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

18 matching records for this search.

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Wenger M, Armbruster T, Geiger C A
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American Mineralogist 76 (1991) 1897-1904
Cation distribution in partially ordered columbite from the Kings Mountain
pegmatite, North Carolina
sample NCP5, T = 100 K
_database_code_amcsd 0001435
14.189 5.727 5.120 90 90 90 Pbcn
atom      x      y     z  occ  Biso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
NbA       0  .3328   .25 .346  1.25  .0155  .0165  .0154      0  .0007      0
TaA       0  .3328   .25 .115  1.25  .0155  .0165  .0154      0  .0007      0
FeA       0  .3328   .25 .539  1.25  .0155  .0165  .0154      0  .0007      0
NbB  .16456 .17114 .7473 .578 1.057  .0157  .0131  .0114 -.0003  .0002  .0007
TaB  .16456 .17114 .7473 .192 1.057  .0157  .0131  .0114 -.0003  .0002  .0007
FeB  .16456 .17114 .7473 .230 1.057  .0157  .0131  .0114 -.0003  .0002  .0007
O1    .0920   .110  .076       1.15   .016   .012   .015  -.002  -.001   .001
O2    .4216   .117  .090       1.10   .015   .013   .014   .000   .001  -.004
O3    .7560  .1191  .084       1.15   .017   .012   .015   .002   .003  -.002
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Wenger M, Armbruster T, Geiger C A
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American Mineralogist 76 (1991) 1897-1904
Cation distribution in partially ordered columbite from the Kings Mountain
pegmatite, North Carolina
SAMPLE ncp1, T = 293 K
_database_code_amcsd 0001436
14.221 5.727 5.102 90 90 90 Pbcn
atom      x     y     z  occ Biso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
NbA       0 .3327   .25 .271 1.25 0.0090 0.0115 0.0105      0  0.001      0
TaA       0 .3327   .25 .091 1.25 0.0090 0.0115 0.0105      0  0.001      0
FeA       0 .3327   .25 .638 1.25 0.0090 0.0115 0.0105      0  0.001      0
NbB  .16391 .1725 .7462 .614  .49 0.0049 0.0076 0.0062 -.0002  .0000  0.001
TaB  .16391 .1725 .7462 .205  .49 0.0049 0.0076 0.0062 -.0002  .0000  0.001
FeB  .16391 .1725 .7462 .181  .49 0.0049 0.0076 0.0062 -.0002  .0000  0.001
O1    .0941  .107  .072       0.7
O2    .4211  .117  .090       0.4
O3    .7577  .120  .082       0.6
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Tarantino S C, Zema M
Download am/vol90/AM90_1291.pdf
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 1291-1300
Mixing and ordering behavior in manganocolumbite-ferrocolumbite solid solution:
A single-crystal X-ray diffraction study
Sample: BRA n3 Qm=1 from S. Jose de Safira, Minas Gerais, Brazil
_database_code_amcsd 0003847
14.2877 5.7363 5.0561 90 90 90 Pbcn
atom       x      y       z  occ  Uiso
FeA        0 .32935     .25 .202 .0066
MnA        0 .32935     .25 .767 .0066
TiA        0 .32935     .25 .028 .0066
ScA        0 .32935     .25 .001 .0066
CaA        0 .32935     .25 .001 .0066
SnA        0 .32935     .25 .001 .0066
NbB  .161507 .18026 .747924 .955 .0047
TaB  .161507 .18026 .747924 .040 .0047
TiB  .161507 .18026 .747924 .004 .0047
WB   .161507 .18026 .747924 .001 .0047
O1    .09697 .10323  .06932      .0069
O2    .08150 .38359  .59769      .0080
O3    .24388 .12397  .41844      .0061
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Tarantino S C, Zema M
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American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 1291-1300
Mixing and ordering behavior in manganocolumbite-ferrocolumbite solid solution:
A single-crystal X-ray diffraction study
Sample: AMB n3 Qm=1 from Ambatofotsikely, Madagascar
_database_code_amcsd 0003848
14.3267 5.7392 5.0674 90 90 90 Pbcn
atom       x      y      z  occ  Uiso
FeA        0 .32531    .25 .462 .0081
MnA        0 .32531    .25 .476 .0081
ScA        0 .32531    .25 .045 .0081
TiA        0 .32531    .25 .012 .0081
SnA        0 .32531    .25 .004 .0081
CaA        0 .32531    .25 .001 .0081
NbB  .162115 .17965 .74368 .903 .0060
TaB  .162115 .17965 .74368 .043 .0060
TiB  .162115 .17965 .74368 .052 .0060
WB   .162115 .17965 .74368 .002 .0060
O1    .09742  .1025  .0641      .0068
O2    .08143  .3835  .5974      .0087
O3    .24383  .1239  .4138      .0069
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Tarantino S C, Zema M
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American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 1291-1300
Mixing and ordering behavior in manganocolumbite-ferrocolumbite solid solution:
A single-crystal X-ray diffraction study
Sample: BRA n18 Qm=0.618 from S. Jose de Safira, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Note: Occupancies calculated assuming complete Fe/Mn disorder
_database_code_amcsd 0003851
14.2427 5.7290 5.0856 90 90 90 Pbcn
atom       x      y      z  occ  Uiso
FeA        0 .33008    .25 .589 .0077
NbA        0 .33008    .25 .250 .0077
MnA        0 .33008    .25 .156 .0077
TaA        0 .33008    .25 .005 .0077
NbB  .162922 .17652 .74777 .825 .0066
FeB  .162922 .17652 .74777 .100 .0066
TaB  .162922 .17652 .74777 .048 .0066
MnB  .162922 .17652 .74777 .027 .0066
O1    .09492  .1065  .0718      .0091
O2    .42004  .1170  .0936      .0100
O3    .75627  .1218  .0823      .0082
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Tarantino S C, Zema M
Download am/vol90/AM90_1291.pdf
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 1291-1300
Mixing and ordering behavior in manganocolumbite-ferrocolumbite solid solution:
A single-crystal X-ray diffraction study
Sample: BRA n18 Qm=0.685 from S. Jose de Safira, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Sample: Annealed at T = 600 C for t = 20 m
Note: Occupancies calculated assuming complete Fe/Mn disorder
_database_code_amcsd 0003852
14.2445 5.7265 5.0789 90 90 90 Pbcn
atom       x      y      z  occ  Uiso
FeA        0 .32929    .25 .625 .0074
NbA        0 .32929    .25 .207 .0074
MnA        0 .32929    .25 .165 .0074
TaA        0 .32929    .25 .003 .0074
NbB  .162846 .17715 .74782 .846 .0062
FeB  .162846 .17715 .74782 .083 .0062
TaB  .162846 .17715 .74782 .049 .0062
MnB  .162846 .17715 .74782 .022 .0062
O1    .09502 .10630  .0721      .0088
O2    .41991 .11684  .0944      .0094
O3    .75624 .12194  .0828      .0080
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Tarantino S C, Zema M
Download am/vol90/AM90_1291.pdf
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 1291-1300
Mixing and ordering behavior in manganocolumbite-ferrocolumbite solid solution:
A single-crystal X-ray diffraction study
Sample: BRA n18 Qm=0.714 from S. Jose de Safira, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Sample: Annealed at T = 650 C for t = 20 m
Note: Occupancies calculated assuming complete Fe/Mn disorder
_database_code_amcsd 0003853
14.2501 5.7263 5.0767 90 90 90 Pbcn
atom       x      y      z  occ  Uiso
FeA        0 .32898    .25 .640 .0069
NbA        0 .32898    .25 .188 .0069
MnA        0 .32898    .25 .169 .0069
TaA        0 .32898    .25 .003 .0069
NbB  .162739 .17765 .74783 .856 .0057
FeB  .162739 .17765 .74783 .075 .0057
TaB  .162739 .17765 .74783 .049 .0057
MnB  .162739 .17765 .74783 .020 .0057
O1    .09526 .10613  .0714      .0085
O2    .41987 .11665  .0942      .0093
O3    .75626 .12201  .0822      .0078
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Tarantino S C, Zema M
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American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 1291-1300
Mixing and ordering behavior in manganocolumbite-ferrocolumbite solid solution:
A single-crystal X-ray diffraction study
Sample: BRA n18 Qm=0.745 from S. Jose de Safira, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Sample: Annealed at T = 650 C for t = 200 m
Note: Occupancies calculated assuming complete Fe/Mn disorder
_database_code_amcsd 0003854
14.2582 5.7290 5.0748 90 90 90 Pbcn
atom       x      y      z  occ  Uiso
FeA        0 .32890    .25 .657 .0068
MnA        0 .32890    .25 .173 .0068
NbA        0 .32890    .25 .168 .0068
TaA        0 .32890    .25 .002 .0068
NbB  .162585 .17803 .74783 .866 .0056
FeB  .162585 .17803 .74783 .067 .0056
TaB  .162585 .17803 .74783 .049 .0056
MnB  .162585 .17803 .74783 .018 .0056
O1    .09542 .10587  .0713      .0082
O2    .41968 .11675  .0947      .0090
O3    .75611 .12241  .0822      .0074
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Tarantino S C, Zema M
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American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 1291-1300
Mixing and ordering behavior in manganocolumbite-ferrocolumbite solid solution:
A single-crystal X-ray diffraction study
Sample: BRA n18 Qm=0.752 from S. Jose de Safira, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Sample: Annealed at T = 700 C for t = 5 m
Note: Occupancies calculated assuming complete Fe/Mn disorder
_database_code_amcsd 0003855
14.2600 5.7293 5.0746 90 90 90 Pbcn
atom       x      y      z  occ  Uiso
FeA        0 .32897    .25 .660 .0067
MnA        0 .32897    .25 .175 .0067
NbA        0 .32897    .25 .164 .0067
TaA        0 .32897    .25 .001 .0067
NbB  .162566 .17806 .74780 .868 .0056
FeB  .162566 .17806 .74780 .066 .0056
TaB  .162566 .17806 .74780 .050 .0056
MnB  .162566 .17806 .74780 .017 .0056
O1    .09540 .10591  .0712      .0082
O2    .41965 .11679  .0949      .0093
O3    .75624 .12256  .0824      .0076
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Tarantino S C, Zema M
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American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 1291-1300
Mixing and ordering behavior in manganocolumbite-ferrocolumbite solid solution:
A single-crystal X-ray diffraction study
Sample: BRA n18 Qm=0.759 from S. Jose de Safira, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Sample: Annealed at T = 700 C for t = 20 m
Note: Occupancies calculated assuming complete Fe/Mn disorder
_database_code_amcsd 0003856
14.2658 5.7299 5.0748 90 90 90 Pbcn
atom       x       y      z  occ  Uiso
FeA        0  .32883    .25 .664 .0065
MnA        0  .32883    .25 .175 .0065
NbA        0  .32883    .25 .161 .0065
NbB  .162499 .178229 .74783 .870 .0052
FeB  .162499 .178229 .74783 .063 .0052
TaB  .162499 .178229 .74783 .050 .0052
MnB  .162499 .178229 .74783 .017 .0052
O1    .09553  .10546  .0708      .0079
O2    .41954  .11696  .0949      .0088
O3    .75613  .12263  .0820      .0074
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Tarantino S C, Zema M
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American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 1291-1300
Mixing and ordering behavior in manganocolumbite-ferrocolumbite solid solution:
A single-crystal X-ray diffraction study
Sample: BRA n18 Qm=0.898 from S. Jose de Safira, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Sample: Annealed at T = 800 C for t = 7 m
Note: Occupancies calculated assuming complete Fe/Mn disorder
_database_code_amcsd 0003857
14.2733 5.7317 5.0646 90 90 90 Pbcn
atom       x      y       z  occ  Uiso
FeA        0 .32901     .25 .737 .0059
MnA        0 .32901     .25 .195 .0059
NbA        0 .32901     .25 .068 .0059
NbB  .161976 .17932 .747813 .916 .0045
TaB  .161976 .17932 .747813 .050 .0045
FeB  .161976 .17932 .747813 .027 .0045
MnB  .161976 .17932 .747813 .007 .0045
O1    .09620 .10423   .0702      .0070
O2    .41902 .11657   .0966      .0081
O3    .75607 .12332   .0820      .0066
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Tarantino S C, Zema M
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American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 1291-1300
Mixing and ordering behavior in manganocolumbite-ferrocolumbite solid solution:
A single-crystal X-ray diffraction study
Sample: BRA n18 Qm=0.902 from S. Jose de Safira, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Sample: Annealed at T = 800 C for t = 40 m
Note: Occupancies calculated assuming complete Fe/Mn disorder
_database_code_amcsd 0003858
14.2744 5.7321 5.0616 90 90 90 Pbcn
atom       x      y      z  occ  Uiso
FeA        0 .32897    .25 .739 .0061
MnA        0 .32897    .25 .195 .0061
NbA        0 .32897    .25 .066 .0061
NbB  .161958 .17943 .74774 .917 .0047
TaB  .161958 .17943 .74774 .050 .0047
FeB  .161958 .17943 .74774 .026 .0047
MnB  .161958 .17943 .74774 .007 .0047
O1    .09645 .10415  .0700      .0070
O2    .41903 .11675  .0964      .0084
O3    .75604 .12375  .0821      .0066
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Tarantino S C, Zema M
Download am/vol90/AM90_1291.pdf
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 1291-1300
Mixing and ordering behavior in manganocolumbite-ferrocolumbite solid solution:
A single-crystal X-ray diffraction study
Sample: BRA n18 Qm=0.988 from S. Jose de Safira, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Sample: Annealed at T = 950 C for t = 3 h
Note: Occupancies calculated assuming complete Fe/Mn disorder
_database_code_amcsd 0003859
14.2852 5.7361 5.0574 90 90 90 Pbcn
atom       x      y       z  occ  Uiso
FeA        0 .32904     .25 .785 .0059
MnA        0 .32904     .25 .207 .0059
NbA        0 .32904     .25 .008 .0059
NbB  .161550 .18024 .747862 .945 .0041
TaB  .161550 .18024 .747862 .051 .0041
FeB  .161550 .18024 .747862 .003 .0041
MnB  .161550 .18024 .747862 .001 .0041
O1    .09692 .10376   .0692      .0059
O2    .41864 .11713   .0977      .0077
O3    .75587 .12388   .0814      .0061
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Tarantino S C, Zema M, Pistorino M, Domeneghetti M C
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 30 (2003) 590-598
High-temperature X-ray investigation of natural columbites
Note: sample BRA3 at T = 20 C
Locality: San Jose de Safira, Minas Gerais, Brazil
_database_code_amcsd 0008842
14.2880 5.7364 5.0562 90 90 90 Pbcn
atom      x     y     z   occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Fe2+A     0 .3289   .25  .747 .0069  .0061  .0071  .0075      0 -.0002      0
Mn2+A     0 .3289   .25  .215 .0069  .0061  .0071  .0075      0 -.0002      0
Ti4+A     0 .3289   .25  .027 .0069  .0061  .0071  .0075      0 -.0002      0
Nb5+B .1617 .1802 .7479  .947 .0055  .0049  .0052  .0063  .0003 -.0003 -.0001
Ta5+B .1617 .1802 .7479  .047 .0055  .0049  .0052  .0063  .0003 -.0003 -.0001
W6+B  .1617 .1802 .7479 .0015 .0055  .0049  .0052  .0063  .0003 -.0003 -.0001
Sc3+B .1617 .1802 .7479 .0015 .0055  .0049  .0052  .0063  .0003 -.0003 -.0001
Ca2+B .1617 .1802 .7479 .0005 .0055  .0049  .0052  .0063  .0003 -.0003 -.0001
Sn4+B .1617 .1802 .7479 .0005 .0055  .0049  .0052  .0063  .0003 -.0003 -.0001
O1    .0971 .1034 .0692       .0075  .0081  .0057  .0088  .0012 -.0003  .0012
O2    .0815 .3827 .5975       .0092  .0085  .0077  .0114  .0013 -.0003 -.0002
O3    .2443 .1238 .4186       .0079  .0084  .0072  .0081 -.0014 -.0003 -.0009
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Tarantino S C, Zema M, Pistorino M, Domeneghetti M C
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 30 (2003) 590-598
High-temperature X-ray investigation of natural columbites
Note: sample BRA3 at T = 300 C
Locality: San Jose de Safira, Minas Gerais, Brazil
_database_code_amcsd 0008843
14.3191 5.7482 5.0713 90 90 90 Pbcn
atom      x     y     z   occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Fe2+A     0 .3283   .25  .747 .0213  .0195  .0160  .0284      0 -.0005      0
Mn2+A     0 .3283   .25  .215 .0213  .0195  .0160  .0284      0 -.0005      0
Ti4+A     0 .3283   .25  .027 .0213  .0195  .0160  .0284      0 -.0005      0
Nb5+B .1617 .1797 .7456  .947 .0170  .0169  .0125  .0216 -.0001 -.0002 -.0001
Ta5+B .1617 .1797 .7456  .047 .0170  .0169  .0125  .0216 -.0001 -.0002 -.0001
W6+B  .1617 .1797 .7456 .0015 .0170  .0169  .0125  .0216 -.0001 -.0002 -.0001
Sc3+B .1617 .1797 .7456 .0015 .0170  .0169  .0125  .0216 -.0001 -.0002 -.0001
Ca2+B .1617 .1797 .7456 .0005 .0170  .0169  .0125  .0216 -.0001 -.0002 -.0001
Sn4+B .1617 .1797 .7456 .0005 .0170  .0169  .0125  .0216 -.0001 -.0002 -.0001
O1    .0968 .1029 .0675       .0217  .0213  .0194  .0243 -.0031  .0003  .0028
O2    .0819 .3828 .5972       .0226  .0239  .0212  .0228  .0004  .0008 -.0006
O3    .2444 .1248 .4163       .0217  .0242  .0171  .0238 -.0014  .0017  .0018
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Tarantino S C, Zema M, Pistorino M, Domeneghetti M C
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 30 (2003) 590-598
High-temperature X-ray investigation of natural columbites
Note: sample BRA3 at T = 600 C
Locality: San Jose de Safira, Minas Gerais, Brazil
_database_code_amcsd 0008844
14.3515 5.7610 5.0833 90 90 90 Pbcn
atom      x     y     z   occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Fe2+A     0 .3272   .25  .747 .0299  .0257  .0270  .0369      0  .0004      0
Mn2+A     0 .3272   .25  .215 .0299  .0257  .0270  .0369      0  .0004      0
Ti4+A     0 .3272   .25  .027 .0299  .0257  .0270  .0369      0  .0004      0
Nb5+B .1617 .1799 .7440  .947 .0225  .0202  .0183  .0290  .0002 -.0006 -.0002
Ta5+B .1617 .1799 .7440  .047 .0225  .0202  .0183  .0290  .0002 -.0006 -.0002
W6+B  .1617 .1799 .7440 .0015 .0225  .0202  .0183  .0290  .0002 -.0006 -.0002
Sc3+B .1617 .1799 .7440 .0015 .0225  .0202  .0183  .0290  .0002 -.0006 -.0002
Ca2+B .1617 .1799 .7440 .0005 .0225  .0202  .0183  .0290  .0002 -.0006 -.0002
Sn4+B .1617 .1799 .7440 .0005 .0225  .0202  .0183  .0290  .0002 -.0006 -.0002
O1    .0970 .1029 .0631       .0251  .0241  .0191  .0321  .0033  .0019  .0016
O2    .0816 .3819 .5941       .0314  .0287  .0285  .0371  .0056 -.0043 -.0006
O3    .2442 .1250 .4167       .0267  .0231  .0233  .0336 -.0027  .0015  .0021
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dos Santos C A, Zawislak L I, Kinast E J, Antonietti V, da Cunha J B M
Brazilian Journal of Physics 31 (2001) 616-631
Crystal chemistry and structure of the orthorhombic
(Fe,Mn)(Ta,Nb)2O6 family of compounds
Note: Sample Fe(Ta0.4Nb0.6)2O6
Locality: Brazil
_database_code_amcsd 0018629
14.2737 5.73543 5.0554 90 90 90 Pbcn
atom     x    y    z occ
Fe       0 .335  .25
Nb   .1618 .179 .744  .6
Ta   .1618 .179 .744  .4
O1    .096  .11  .06
O2    .418  .11  .07
O3    .765  .11  .08
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Bordet P, McHale A, Santoro A, Roth R
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 64 (1986) 30-46
Powder neutron diffraction study of ZrTiO4, Zr5Ti7O24 and FeNb2O6
_cod_database_code 1008356
_database_code_amcsd 0016267
14.2661 5.7334 5.0495 90 90 90 Pbcn
atom     x     y     z
Fe       0 .3311   .25
Nb   .3389 .3191 .2506
O1   .0963 .1041 .0727
O2   .4189 .1163 .0990
O3   .7560 .1236 .0793
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