Crocoite |
Quareni S, De Pieri R |
Acta Crystallographica 19 (1965) 287-289 |
A three-dimensional refinement of the structure of crocoite, PbCrO4 |
_database_code_amcsd 0009297 |
7.120 7.430 6.790 90 102.42 90 P2_1/n |
atom x y z |
Pb .2218 .1450 .3974 |
Cr .2010 .1651 .8800 |
O1 .0354 .0989 .6944 |
O2 .1247 .3461 .9869 |
O3 .2534 .4982 .4540 |
O4 .3887 .2173 .7810 |
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Crocoite |
Effenberger H, Pertlik F |
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 176 (1986) 75-83 |
Four monazite type structures: comparison of SrCrO4, SrSeO4, |
PbCrO4 (crocoite), and PbSeO4 |
Locality: Dundas, Tasmania |
_database_code_amcsd 0019487 |
7.127 7.438 6.799 90 102.43 90 P2_1/n |
atom x y z U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Pb .22130 .14545 .39692 .0184 .0163 .0152 -.0016 .0052 -.0011 |
Cr .20107 .16364 .88184 .0093 .0092 .0088 -.0007 .0027 -.0014 |
O1 .2538 .0042 .0574 .031 .018 .019 .003 .006 .004 |
O2 .1245 .3425 .9890 .017 .017 .024 .001 .009 -.006 |
O3 .0295 .0999 .6858 .018 .020 .022 -.005 -.003 -.001 |
O4 .3859 .2141 .7819 .010 .029 .019 -.001 .006 -.002 |
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Crocoite |
Knight K S |
Mineralogical Magazine 64 (2000) 291-300 |
A high temperature structural phase transition in crocoite (PbCrO4) at 1068 K: |
crystal structure refinement at 1073 K and thermal expansion tensor determination at 1000 K |
Sample: the high temperature form at T = 1073 K |
Locality: Dundas, Tasmania |
_database_code_amcsd 0014540 |
8.79861 5.73422 7.27402 90 90 90 Pnma |
atom x y z Uiso |
Pb .1817 .25 .1641 .129 |
Cr .0592 .25 .6824 .061 |
O1 .1882 .25 .5338 .134 |
O2 .8897 .25 .5974 .147 |
O3 .0772 .0150 .8121 .128 |
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Crocoite |
Bandiello E, Errandonea D, Martinez-Garcia D, Santamaria-Perez D, Manjon F J |
Physical Review B85 (2012) 024108-10 |
Effects of high-pressure on the structural, vibrational, and electronic |
properties of monzanite-type PbCrO4 |
Locality: Red Lead mine, Dundas, Tasmania, Australia |
_database_code_amcsd 0020242 |
7.098 7.410 6.779 90 102.4 90 P2_1/n |
atom x y z occ |
Pb .2247 .1515 .4044 .997 |
Fe .2247 .1515 .4044 .003 |
Cr .1984 .1643 .8845 |
O1 .2561 .0047 .0568 |
O2 .1201 .3415 -.0057 |
O3 .0274 .1047 .6858 |
O4 .3859 .2152 .7872 |
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