Derbylite |
Biagioni C, Bonaccorsi E, Perchiazzi N, Halenius U, Zaccarini F |
Mineralogical Magazine 84 (2020) 766-777 |
Derbylite and graeserite from the Monte Arsiccio mine, Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy: |
occurrence and crystal-chemistry |
Locality: Monte Arsiccio mine, Apuan Alps, Italy |
_database_code_amcsd 0020902 |
7.1690 14.3515 4.9867 90 104.820 90 P2_1/m |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
TiM1 .49648 .25 .74815 .32 .00760 .0082 .0075 .0073 .000 .0024 .000 |
FeM1 .49648 .25 .74815 .68 .00760 .0082 .0075 .0073 .000 .0024 .000 |
FeM2 .50351 .13033 .24692 .00774 .0076 .0085 .0073 -.00002 .00212 -.00041 |
FeM3 .81023 .05935 .86972 .297 .00704 .0071 .0075 .0069 .00140 .00259 .00049 |
TiM3 .81023 .05935 .86972 .703 .00704 .0071 .0075 .0069 .00140 .00259 .00049 |
FeM4 .81636 -.06277 .37392 .327 .00719 .0074 .0081 .0065 -.00154 .00249 -.00058 |
TiM4 .81636 -.06277 .37392 .673 .00719 .0074 .0081 .0065 -.00154 .00249 -.00058 |
SbA .07554 .25 .04451 .7539 .01080 .00699 .00761 .0169 .000 .00137 .000 |
SbB .9223 .25 .4570 .2461 .01080 .00699 .00761 .0169 .000 .00137 .000 |
O1 .3468 .25 .0296 .0088 .0072 .0104 .0096 .000 .0037 .000 |
O2 .6800 -.04488 -.0090 .0069 .0071 .0068 .0068 -.0011 .0018 .0007 |
O3 .6628 .15142 -.0297 .0089 .0112 .0075 .0082 .0018 .0029 -.0005 |
O4 .0014 .15077 .7598 .0092 .0089 .0073 .0123 -.0005 .0043 -.0013 |
O5 .0004 .03653 .2507 .0059 .0056 .0081 .0041 -.0002 .0011 .0004 |
O6 .6821 .04397 .4884 .0072 .0071 .0080 .0065 .0019 .0016 -.0003 |
O7 .3342 .15141 .5183 .0088 .0090 .0081 .0091 -.0018 .0022 .0001 |
OH8 .6437 .25 .4576 .0085 .0064 .0099 .0100 .000 .0034 .000 |
Ba .0005 .25 .2475 .0446 .0114 |
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Derbylite |
Moore P B, Araki T |
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen 126 (1976) 292-303 |
Derbylite, Fe3+4Ti4+3Sb3+O13(OH), a novel close-packed oxide structure |
Locality: Ouro Preto, Minas Gerias, Brazil |
_database_code_amcsd 0014704 |
7.160 14.347 4.970 90 104.61 90 P2_1/m |
atom x y z occ Biso |
Fe3+M2 .50703 .12966 .24701 .66 |
Ti4+M3 .80760 .05875 .86895 .57 .64 |
Fe3+M3 .80760 .05875 .86895 .43 .64 |
Fe3+M4 .81866 -.06483 .37565 .57 .65 |
Ti4+M4 .81866 -.06483 .37565 .43 .65 |
Ti4+M1 .49422 .25 .74515 .70 |
Sb3+ .07653 .25 .05329 .56 |
O1 .3516 .25 .0252 .73 |
O2 .6780 -.0462 -.0114 .59 |
O3 .6608 .1523 -.0334 .71 |
O4 .0006 .1499 .7645 .68 |
O5 .0004 .0375 .2508 .55 |
O6 .6807 .0438 .4869 .59 |
O7 .3356 .1528 .5157 .70 |
OH8 .6408 .25 .4657 .56 |
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