American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

3 matching records for this search.

Download hom/erionitek.pdf
Ballirano P, Andreozzi G B, Dogan M, Dogan A U
Download am/vol94/AM94_1262.pdf
American Mineralogist 94 (2009) 1262-1270
Crystal structure and iron topochemistry of
erionite-K from Rome, Oregon, U.S.A.
Locality: Rome, Oregon, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0004973
13.22794 13.22794 15.06946 90 90 120 P6_3/mmc
atom      x       y      z  occ  Uiso
K1        0       0    .25 .976 .0286
NaB   .3065   .6130  .0902 .209  .202
CaB   .3065   .6130  .0902 .090  .202
MgA    .308    .617   .872 .093  .202
MnB   .3065   .6130  .0902 .002  .202
Al1  .23397 -.00016 .10440 .143 .0054
Si1  .23397 -.00016 .10440 .857 .0054
Si2  .09314  .42355    .25 .723 .0091
Al2  .09314  .42355    .25 .277 .0091
O1   .34747  .02431 .66096      .0122
O2   .09799   .1960 .12546      .0108
O3   .12540   .2508  .6335      .0242
O4   .26678       0      0      .0125
O5   .23430   .4686    .25      .0318
O6   .45910   .9182    .25      .0339
K2       .5       0      0 .135 .0286
Wat1  .2299   .4597    .75 .744  .080
Wat2  .2635   .5269 -.0388 .279  .182
Wat3  .4317   .8633   .921 .377  .182
Wat4  .4352   .8704  .6626 .458  .182
Wat5  .2667    .533   .681 .366  .182
Wat6  .4435   .8871  .0143 .693  .182
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Giacobbe C, Moliterni A, Di Giuseppe D, Malferrari D, Wright J P, Mattioli M,
Raneri S, Giannini C, Fornasini L, Mugnaioli E, Ballirano P, Gualtieri A F
IUCrJ 10 (2023) 397-410
The crystal structure of the killer fibre erionite from Tuzkoy (Cappadocia, Turkey)
Locality: Tuzkoy, Cappadocia, Turkey
_database_code_amcsd 0021233
13.2708 13.2708 15.0958 90 90 120 P6_3/mmc
atom      x      y      z   occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2)  U(1,3) U(2,3)
K1        0      0    .25        .0341  .0355  .0355  .0313  .0178    .000   .000
K2       .5      0      0  .105   .152   .082    .23    .19    .12   -.032   -.06
Ca1     1/3    2/3  .4016   .39    .29    .31    .31    .25   .155    .000   .000
Ca2     2/3    1/3  .4186  .206   .132   .084   .084   .228   .042    .000   .000
Na2     2/3    1/3  .4186  .033   .132   .084   .084   .228   .042    .000   .000
Ca3     2/3    1/3  .2951   .06   .084   .038   .038   .176  .0189    .000   .000
Mg3     2/3    1/3  .2951   .15   .084   .038   .038   .176  .0189    .000   .000
Si1  .23398 .99978 .10458   .86 .01727  .0224  .0174  .0129 .01061 -.00166 .00090
Al1  .23398 .99978 .10458   .14 .01727  .0224  .0174  .0129 .01061 -.00166 .00090
Si2  .33174 .90620    .25   .66  .0148  .0135  .0172  .0157  .0091    .000   .000
Al2  .33174 .90620    .25   .34  .0148  .0135  .0172  .0157  .0091    .000   .000
O1   .32241 .97215 .16106        .0365  .0393  .0485  .0304  .0285  -.0008  .0107
O2   .09775 .90225 .12617        .0318  .0262  .0262  .0352  .0071   .0019 -.0019
O3   .25212 .12606 .13523        .0336  .0523  .0293  .0270  .0262  -.0070 -.0035
O4   .26497      0      0        .0325  .0421  .0375  .0164  .0187  -.0002 -.0004
O5   .23098 .76902    .25        .0361  .0241  .0241  .0548  .0082    .000   .000
O6   .45857  .9171    .25        .0346  .0233  .0439  .0434  .0220    .000   .000
Wat1   .506  .2529  .5049   .62    .36    .17    .47    .34   .087    .048   .024
Wat2   .513  .2565   .203   .35   .123   .066   .138    .14   .033   -.027  -.014
Wat3   .837  .4186  .3759   .61   .244    .29   .223    .24   .147    .098   .049
Wat4   .485   .242    .25   .30   .116    .10    .16    .06   .049    .000   .000
Wat5    1/3    2/3    .25   .12    .14    .09    .09    .23    .04    .000   .000
Wat6  .4487   .897  -.012   .50    .39   .177    .47    .63    .24    -.04   -.09
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Staples L W, Gard J A
Download mm/vol32/MM32_261.pdf
Mineralogical Magazine 32 (1959) 261-281
The fibrous zeolite erionite; its occurrence, unit cell, and structure
Note: K atom was not located
Locality: Durkee opal mine, Swayze Creek, Baker County, Oregon, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0014439
13.26 13.26 15.12 90 90 120 P6_3/mmc
atom    x    y     z occ
Al1     0 .237  .106 .25
Si1     0 .237  .106 .75
Al2  .088 .421   .25 .25
Si2  .088 .421   .25 .75
O1   .017 .350  .162
O2   .106 .212  .128
O3   .123 .246 -.133
O4      0 .262     0
O5   .217 .434   .25
O6   .450 .900   .25
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