Erionite-K |
Ballirano P, Andreozzi G B, Dogan M, Dogan A U |
American Mineralogist 94 (2009) 1262-1270 |
Crystal structure and iron topochemistry of |
erionite-K from Rome, Oregon, U.S.A. |
Locality: Rome, Oregon, USA |
_database_code_amcsd 0004973 |
13.22794 13.22794 15.06946 90 90 120 P6_3/mmc |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
K1 0 0 .25 .976 .0286 |
NaB .3065 .6130 .0902 .209 .202 |
CaB .3065 .6130 .0902 .090 .202 |
MgA .308 .617 .872 .093 .202 |
MnB .3065 .6130 .0902 .002 .202 |
Al1 .23397 -.00016 .10440 .143 .0054 |
Si1 .23397 -.00016 .10440 .857 .0054 |
Si2 .09314 .42355 .25 .723 .0091 |
Al2 .09314 .42355 .25 .277 .0091 |
O1 .34747 .02431 .66096 .0122 |
O2 .09799 .1960 .12546 .0108 |
O3 .12540 .2508 .6335 .0242 |
O4 .26678 0 0 .0125 |
O5 .23430 .4686 .25 .0318 |
O6 .45910 .9182 .25 .0339 |
K2 .5 0 0 .135 .0286 |
Wat1 .2299 .4597 .75 .744 .080 |
Wat2 .2635 .5269 -.0388 .279 .182 |
Wat3 .4317 .8633 .921 .377 .182 |
Wat4 .4352 .8704 .6626 .458 .182 |
Wat5 .2667 .533 .681 .366 .182 |
Wat6 .4435 .8871 .0143 .693 .182 |
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Erionite-K |
Giacobbe C, Moliterni A, Di Giuseppe D, Malferrari D, Wright J P, Mattioli M, |
Raneri S, Giannini C, Fornasini L, Mugnaioli E, Ballirano P, Gualtieri A F |
IUCrJ 10 (2023) 397-410 |
The crystal structure of the killer fibre erionite from Tuzkoy (Cappadocia, Turkey) |
Locality: Tuzkoy, Cappadocia, Turkey |
_database_code_amcsd 0021233 |
13.2708 13.2708 15.0958 90 90 120 P6_3/mmc |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
K1 0 0 .25 .0341 .0355 .0355 .0313 .0178 .000 .000 |
K2 .5 0 0 .105 .152 .082 .23 .19 .12 -.032 -.06 |
Ca1 1/3 2/3 .4016 .39 .29 .31 .31 .25 .155 .000 .000 |
Ca2 2/3 1/3 .4186 .206 .132 .084 .084 .228 .042 .000 .000 |
Na2 2/3 1/3 .4186 .033 .132 .084 .084 .228 .042 .000 .000 |
Ca3 2/3 1/3 .2951 .06 .084 .038 .038 .176 .0189 .000 .000 |
Mg3 2/3 1/3 .2951 .15 .084 .038 .038 .176 .0189 .000 .000 |
Si1 .23398 .99978 .10458 .86 .01727 .0224 .0174 .0129 .01061 -.00166 .00090 |
Al1 .23398 .99978 .10458 .14 .01727 .0224 .0174 .0129 .01061 -.00166 .00090 |
Si2 .33174 .90620 .25 .66 .0148 .0135 .0172 .0157 .0091 .000 .000 |
Al2 .33174 .90620 .25 .34 .0148 .0135 .0172 .0157 .0091 .000 .000 |
O1 .32241 .97215 .16106 .0365 .0393 .0485 .0304 .0285 -.0008 .0107 |
O2 .09775 .90225 .12617 .0318 .0262 .0262 .0352 .0071 .0019 -.0019 |
O3 .25212 .12606 .13523 .0336 .0523 .0293 .0270 .0262 -.0070 -.0035 |
O4 .26497 0 0 .0325 .0421 .0375 .0164 .0187 -.0002 -.0004 |
O5 .23098 .76902 .25 .0361 .0241 .0241 .0548 .0082 .000 .000 |
O6 .45857 .9171 .25 .0346 .0233 .0439 .0434 .0220 .000 .000 |
Wat1 .506 .2529 .5049 .62 .36 .17 .47 .34 .087 .048 .024 |
Wat2 .513 .2565 .203 .35 .123 .066 .138 .14 .033 -.027 -.014 |
Wat3 .837 .4186 .3759 .61 .244 .29 .223 .24 .147 .098 .049 |
Wat4 .485 .242 .25 .30 .116 .10 .16 .06 .049 .000 .000 |
Wat5 1/3 2/3 .25 .12 .14 .09 .09 .23 .04 .000 .000 |
Wat6 .4487 .897 -.012 .50 .39 .177 .47 .63 .24 -.04 -.09 |
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Erionite-K |
Staples L W, Gard J A |
Mineralogical Magazine 32 (1959) 261-281 |
The fibrous zeolite erionite; its occurrence, unit cell, and structure |
Note: K atom was not located |
Locality: Durkee opal mine, Swayze Creek, Baker County, Oregon, USA |
_database_code_amcsd 0014439 |
13.26 13.26 15.12 90 90 120 P6_3/mmc |
atom x y z occ |
Al1 0 .237 .106 .25 |
Si1 0 .237 .106 .75 |
Al2 .088 .421 .25 .25 |
Si2 .088 .421 .25 .75 |
O1 .017 .350 .162 |
O2 .106 .212 .128 |
O3 .123 .246 -.133 |
O4 0 .262 0 |
O5 .217 .434 .25 |
O6 .450 .900 .25 |
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