Eudidymite |
Ito T |
American Mineralogist 32 (1947) 442-453 |
The structure of eudidymite (HNaBeSi3O8) |
Note: this structure does not make any sense |
_database_code_amcsd 0000043 |
12.62 7.37 13.99 90 103.72 90 C2/c |
atom x y z |
Na1 0 .030 .25 |
Na2 .5 .030 .25 |
Be .427 .130 .320 |
Si1 .063 .415 .312 |
Si2 .563 .415 .312 |
Si3 .241 .122 .243 |
O1 .052 .030 .396 |
O2 .552 .030 .396 |
O3 0 .275 .25 |
O4 .5 .275 .25 |
O5 .161 .030 .190 |
O6 .661 .030 .190 |
O7 .208 .315 .372 |
O8 .708 .315 .372 |
OH .303 .190 .494 |
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Eudidymite |
Fang J H, Robinson P D, Ohya Y |
American Mineralogist 57 (1972) 1345-1354 |
Redetermination of the crystal structure of eudidymite and its dimorphic |
relationship to epididymite |
_database_code_amcsd 0000293 |
12.63 7.38 14.02 90 103.72 90 C2/c |
atom x y z Biso |
Na .0287 .3405 .9282 2.57 |
Be .1677 .3228 .4969 1.08 |
Si1 .2038 .0199 .6416 .76 |
Si2 .2518 .1027 .8665 .78 |
Si3 .0297 .0933 .3618 .82 |
O1 .0732 .0329 .6266 1.07 |
O2 .2401 .1800 .1152 1.49 |
O3 .2410 .1650 .5715 1.19 |
O4 .2368 .4392 .2447 1.65 |
O5 .1549 .4984 .0558 1.16 |
O6 .1292 .0519 .8755 1.12 |
O7 0 .1732 .25 1.51 |
O8 .0526 .2561 .4373 1.31 |
Wat 0 .4322 .75 3.03 |
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Eudidymite |
Gatta G D, Rotiroti N, McIntyre G J, Guastoni A, Nestola F |
American Mineralogist 93 (2008) 1158-1165 |
New insights into the crystal chemistry of epididymite and eudidymite |
from Malosa, Malawi: A single-crystal neutron diffraction study |
Locality: Malosa, Malawi |
_database_code_amcsd 0004615 |
12.6188 7.3781 13.9940 90 103.762 90 C2/c |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Na .02899 .34078 .92853 .0260 .0256 .0299 .0241 -.0089 .0089 -.0102 |
Be .16817 .32317 .49710 .0067 .0068 .0058 .0073 -.0005 .0015 .00050 |
Si1 .20415 .01965 .64127 .0045 .0068 .0026 .0047 .0012 .0024 -.0004 |
Si2 .25166 .10250 .86648 .0050 .0058 .0037 .0051 .0010 .0005 -.0010 |
Si3 .02964 .09397 .36195 .0050 .0042 .0062 .0044 -.0006 .0007 -.0011 |
O1 .07277 .03247 .62614 .0108 .0073 .0108 .0148 .0019 .0038 -.0022 |
O2 .24036 .18030 .11540 .0127 .0191 .0038 .0159 -.0004 .0055 -.0023 |
O3 .24045 .16471 .57054 .0073 .0087 .0063 .0076 .0030 .0034 .0004 |
O4 .23677 .43859 .24484 .0122 .0149 .0167 .0051 -.0022 .0028 -.0009 |
O5 .15480 .49864 .05623 .0087 .0083 .0079 .0088 .0032 .0001 -.0011 |
O6 .12854 .05189 .87541 .0103 .0080 .0092 .0138 .0010 .0030 -.0029 |
O7 0 .17321 .25 .0109 .0169 .0089 .0064 0 .0016 0 |
O8 .05237 .25694 .43729 .0092 .0073 .0108 .0088 -.0039 .0004 -.0003 |
H1 .0840 .4645 .7449 .5 .059 .042 .083 .050 -.001 .007 -.018 |
H2 -.0227 .5419 .7486 .5 .054 .064 .043 .055 .004 .016 .020 |
OW .01209 .43098 .74466 .5 |
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