American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Camara F, Oberti R
Download am/vol90/AM90_1167.pdf
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 1167-1176
The crystal-chemistry of holmquistites: Ferroholmquistite from
Greenbushes (Western Australia) and
hints for compositional constraints in B-Li amphiboles
Sample: Greenbushes, W Australia
_database_code_amcsd 0003812
18.2872 17.6797 5.2784 90 90 90 Pnma
atom      x      y      z   occ Uiso
Mg1   .1252  .1586  .3950   .50 .006
Fe1   .1252  .1586  .3950   .49 .006
Mn1   .1252  .1586  .3950  .005 .006
Al2   .1254  .0682 -.1036  .945 .005
Fe2   .1254  .0682 -.1036  .055 .005
Fe3   .1253    .25 -.1052   .61 .005
Mg3   .1253    .25 -.1052   .39 .005
Li4   .1233 -.0088  .3981   .94 .018
Mg4   .1233 -.0088  .3981   .04 .018
Na4   .1233 -.0088  .3981  .015 .018
Fe4   .1233 -.0088  .3981  .005 .018
NaA    .375    .25     .5   .01
KA     .375    .25     .5   .01
Si1A  .2694  .1620  .0682       .004
Si1B -.0188  .1625  .7239       .004
Si2A  .2736  .0761  .5745       .004
Si2B -.0242  .0772  .2153       .004
O1A   .1805  .1559  .0493       .006
O1B   .0700  .1554  .7403       .006
O2A   .1845  .0750  .5938       .006
O2B   .0650  .0744  .1981       .005
OH3A  .1823    .25  .5539  .985 .007
F3A   .1823    .25  .5539  .015 .007
OH3B  .0685    .25  .2361  .985 .007
F3B   .0685    .25  .2361  .015 .007
O4A   .3129 -.0040  .5635       .007
O4B  -.0650 -.0009  .2677       .007
O5A   .3055  .1152 -.1641       .007
O5B  -.0544  .1139  .9511       .007
O6A   .2966  .1297  .3364       .008
O6B  -.0464  .1333  .4507       .008
O7A   .2930    .25  .0450       .009
O7B  -.0422    .25  .7556       .008
HA    .2299    .25  .5542  .985
HB    .0141    .25  .2270  .985
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