American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

3 matching records for this search.

Tippe A, Hamilton W C
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American Mineralogist 56 (1971) 101-113
A neutron-diffraction study of the ferric tourmaline, buergerite
Locality: Mexquitic, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
_database_code_amcsd 0000221
15.869 15.869 7.188 90 90 120 R3m
atom       x       y      z Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3)  B(1,2)  B(1,3)  B(2,3)
NaX        0       0 .21186      .00325 .00325 .00720 .001625       0       0
FeY  -.06614  .06614 .62217      .00103 .00103 .00585  .00015  .00087 -.00087
AlZ   .29925  .25919 .60450      .00063 .00058 .00233  .00014 -.00007  .00041
SiT   .19171  .19087      0      .00063 .00062 .00294  .00029 -.00005 -.00034
B     .11001 -.11001 .45172      .00059 .00059 .00340  .00030  .00018 -.00018
F1         0       0 .76850      .00192 .00192 .00359  .00096       0       0
O2    .06042 -.06042 .48532      .00099 .00099 .00415  .00077  .00009 -.00009
O3   -.13205  .13205 .52026      .00067 .00067 .00381 -.00004 -.00011  .00011
O4    .09463 -.09463 .07612      .00086 .00086 .00356  .00033 -.00020  .00020
O5   -.09117  .09117 .08362      .00095 .00095 .00298  .00015 -.00003  .00003
O6    .19320  .18712 .77538      .00071 .00079 .00202  .00022  .00001 -.00006
O7    .28708  .28592 .07513      .00061 .00047 .00315  .00012  .00001 -.00021
O8    .20925  .26971 .43868      .00039 .00096 .00411  .00026  .00032  .00052
H     -.1313   .1313  .3889  2.4
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Barton R
Acta Crystallographica B25 (1969) 1524-1533
Refinement of the crystal structure of buergerite and the absolute
orientation of tourmalines
Locality: Mexquitic, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
_database_code_amcsd 0018672
15.869 15.869 7.188 90 90 120 R3m
atom      x      y      z  Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2)  B(1,3)  B(2,3)
NaX       0      0 .21338 2.328 .00302 .00302 .01172 .00151       0       0
FeY  .13320 .06660 .62072  .848 .00072 .00072 .00544 .00003  .00087 -.00087
AlZ  .29880 .25887 .60437  .587 .00064 .00086 .00286 .00034 -.00007  .00035
SiT  .19156 .19065      0  .306 .00040 .00038 .00152 .00018  .00003 -.00008
B1   .10992 .21984 .45182  .467 .00062 .00062 .00263 .00038  .00005 -.00005
O1   .06056 .12112 .48607  .789 .00103 .00103 .00516 .00077  .00009 -.00009
O2   .26450 .13225 .52094  .756 .00082 .00082 .00367 .00014  .00008 -.00008
O3   .09478 .18956 .07532  .741 .00093 .00093 .00330 .00033 -.00005  .00005
O4   .18258 .09129 .08388  .785 .00095 .00095 .00330 .00024 -.00012  .00012
O5   .19314 .18680 .77481  .622 .00088 .00073 .00274 .00032  .00005 -.00002
O6    .2867  .2858 .07445  .573 .00081 .00069 .00237 .00028 -.00017 -.00023
O7   .20894 .26941 .43778  .628 .00062 .00087 .00381 .00040 -.00001  .00023
FW        0      0 .76698 2.130 .00378 .00378 .00328 .00189       0       0
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Grice J D, Ercit T S
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen 165 (1993) 245-266
Ordering of Fe and Mg in the tourmaline crystal structure: The correct formula
Sample: Buergerite 43293
Locality: Mapimi, Durango, Mexico
_database_code_amcsd 0018787
15.874 15.874 7.196 90 90 120 R3m
atom      x      y     z   occ  Uiso
NaX       0      0 .2154   .88 .0242
CaX       0      0 .2154   .04 .0242
Fe3Y .13246 .06623 .6223   .55 .0119
AlY  .13246 .06623 .6223 .3033 .0119
Fe2Y .13246 .06623 .6223 .1267 .0119
MgY  .13246 .06623 .6223   .02 .0119
AlZ  .29865 .25865 .6044 .9167 .0067
FeZ  .29865 .25865 .6044 .0833 .0067
SiT  .19151 .19048     0 .9717 .0054
BT   .19151 .19048     0 .0167 .0054
TiT  .19151 .19048     0 .0117 .0054
B     .1101  .2202 .4523       .0075
F1        0      0 .7681   .74 .0181
O1        0      0 .7681   .26 .0181
O2   .06047 .12094 .4863       .0090
O3   .26358 .13179 .5205   .55 .0090
OH3  .26358 .13179 .5205   .45 .0090
O4   .09452 .18904 .0754       .0094
O5   .18232 .09116 .0846       .0101
O6    .1928  .1865 .7751       .0081
O7    .2868  .2860 .0750       .0077
O8    .2095  .2700 .4385       .0077
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