American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

2 matching records for this search.

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Mereiter K
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1986 (1986) 552-560
Crystal structure refinement of two francevillites, (Ba,Pb)[(UO2)2V2O8]*5H2O
Locality: Mounana, near Franceville, Gabon
_database_code_amcsd 0014806
10.419 8.510 16.7630 90 90 90 Pcan
atom      x      y       z occ Biso  B(1,1)  B(2,2)  B(3,3)  B(1,2) B(1,3)   B(2,3)
Ba   .33230      0     .25 .96 2.12 .005020 .008872 .001450       0      0  .000368
Pb   .33230      0     .25 .04 2.12 .005020 .008872 .001450       0      0  .000368
U    .18504 .02194 -.00376     1.00 .001773 .003763 .001157 .000254    .00 -.000053
V    .03121 .34636  .04243     1.20 .002234 .003694 .001388 .000254    .00 -.000053
O1    .1704  .0604  -.1084      2.1
O2    .2031 -.0212   .1008      1.7
O3   -.0056  .3596   .1355      2.0
O4   -.0976  .4379  -.0203      1.5
O5   -.0146  .1524   .0127      1.5
O6    .1997  .2902   .0314      1.7
Wat7  .2551  .3033   .2251      4.0
Wat8  .5199  .1868   .3236      3.8
Wat9  .0372      0     .25      5.1
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Mereiter K
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1986 (1986) 552-560
Crystal structure refinement of two francevillites, (Ba,Pb)[(UO2)2V2O8]*5H2O
Locality: Mounana, near Franceville, Gabon
_database_code_amcsd 0014807
10.479 8.450 16.645 90 90 90 Pcan
atom       x      y       z occ Biso  B(1,1)  B(2,2)  B(3,3)  B(1,2)  B(1,3)   B(2,3)
Ba    .33909      0     .25 .69 3.20 .009516 .010749 .002121       0       0  .000338
Pb    .33909      0     .25 .31 3.20 .009516 .010749 .002121       0       0  .000338
U     .18468 .02088 -.00357     1.43 .002869 .004902 .001705 .000226 .000158 -.000107
V     .03180 .34726  .04300     1.74 .003620 .004867 .002039 .000141 .000631  .000249
O1     .1695  .0606  -.1087      2.5
O2     .2023 -.0235   .1024      2.2
O3    -.0030  .3591   .1363      3.0
O4    -.0980  .4388  -.0188      1.9
O5    -.0129  .1524   .0130      2.0
O6     .1997  .2904   .0333      1.8
Wat7   .2560  .3004   .2251      4.5
Wat8   .5210  .1900   .3225      4.7
Wat9   .0323      0     .25      5.4
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