Franckeite |
Makovicky E, Petricek V, Dusek M, Topa D |
American Mineralogist 96 (2011) 1686-1702 |
The crystal structure of franckeite, Pb21.7Sn9.3Fe4.0Sb8.1S56.9 |
Locality: San Jose, Bolivia |
_database_code_amcsd 0018603 |
5.805 5.856 17.338 94.97 88.45 89.94 C-1 |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Sn1 .25 .25 0 .57 .0259 .0357 .0082 .0344 .0004 .0082 .0005 |
Fe1 .25 .25 0 .43 .0259 .0357 .0082 .0344 .0004 .0082 .0005 |
S1 .2882 .6070 .08270 .0468 .090 .0156 .035 .0010 .006 .0007 |
Pb2 .63901 .97083 -.23153 .74 .0353 .0269 .0301 .0484 -.0008 .0000 .0010 |
Sn2 .63901 .97083 -.23153 .26 .0353 .0269 .0301 .0484 -.0008 .0000 .0010 |
Pb3 .17797 .95073 -.41250 .265 .0353 .0300 .0314 .0443 .0077 .0057 .0051 |
Sn3 .17797 .95073 -.41250 .735 .0353 .0300 .0314 .0443 .0077 .0057 .0051 |
S2 .1435 .9653 -.2660 .0354 .0207 .0236 .061 .0028 .0043 .0025 |
S3 .1349 .4239 -.4040 .0556 .058 .074 .033 -.028 .0047 -.005 |
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