American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

5 matching records for this search.

Artioli G
Download am/vol77/AM77_189.pdf
American Mineralogist 77 (1992) 189-196
The crystal structure of garronite
Locality: Goble, Oregon
_database_code_amcsd 0001442
9.9266 9.9266 10.3031 90 90 90 I-4m2
atom     x     y     z  occ Uiso
Al1  .1607 .1607    .5 .375 .039
Si1  .1607 .1607    .5 .625 .039
Al2  .3421 .1579   .25 .375 .051
Si2  .3421 .1579   .25 .625 .051
O11  .1746     0 .5351      .034
O12  .3078     0 .2192      .032
O2   .2922 .2488 .1244      .085
Ca1      0  .352  .094 .197 .110
Ca2      0  .238  .107 .155 .110
Na       0  .281  .223  .10  .08
Wat1     0     0  .159      .117
Wat2  .105  .395   .25  .14 .026
Wat2b .161  .433  .234  .24 .026
Wat3     0  .173  .981  .39  .21
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Artioli G
Download am/vol77/AM77_189.pdf
American Mineralogist 77 (1992) 189-196
The crystal structure of garronite
Locality: Fara Vicentina, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0001443
9.8712 9.8712 10.2987 90 90 90 I-4m2
atom     x    y    z  occ Uiso
Al1   .155 .155   .5 .375 .025
Si1   .155 .155   .5 .625 .025
Al2   .340 .160  .25 .375 .018
Si2   .340 .160  .25 .625 .018
O11    .15    0  .55      .029
O12    .30    0  .23      .020
O2    .291  .26 .127      .084
Ca1      0 .407 .080 .262  .04
Ca2      0 .206 .086 .174 .049
Wat1     0    0 .124  .59  .03
Wat1b    0    0  .22  .19  .14
Wat2  .157 .433 .228  .59 .043
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Schropfer L, Joswig W
European Journal of Mineralogy 9 (1997) 53-66
Structure analyses of a partially dehydrated synthetic
Ca-garronite single crystal under different T, pH2O conditions
Sample: GAR25/20, T = 25 C, 60% relative humidity
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0006644
9.873 9.873 10.288 90 90 90 *I4_1/a
0 .25 .125
atom      x      y      z  occ  Uiso
Ca    .0656  .0873  .6484 .175  .055
AlT  .65156 .58276 .63518 .354 .0121
SiT  .65156 .58276 .63518 .646 .0121
O1    .6887  .7382  .5902      .0339
O2    .7088  .4802  .5211      .0297
Wat1  -.003   .937   .503  .11   .07
Wat2   .034   .794   .471  .12   .15
Wat3   .010   .833   .547  .30   .11
Wat4   .013   .518   .450  .15   .08
Wat5  -.005   .607   .415  .18   .16
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Schropfer L, Joswig W
European Journal of Mineralogy 9 (1997) 53-66
Structure analyses of a partially dehydrated synthetic
Ca-garronite single crystal under different T, pH2O conditions
Sample: GAR25/27, T = 25 C, 80% relative humidity
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0006645
9.912 9.912 10.303 90 90 90 *I4_1/a
0 .25 .125
atom      x      y      z  occ  Uiso
AlT  .65380 .58573 .63171 .354 .0121
SiT  .65380 .58573 .63171 .646 .0121
O1    .6871  .7422  .5888       .032
O2    .7075  .4871  .5136      .0295
Ca    .0648  .0875  .6440 .175  .062
Wat1  -.003   .930   .503  .11   .07
Wat2   .022   .801   .472  .12   .17
Wat3   .008   .829   .558  .30   .14
Wat4   .015   .515   .450  .15   .09
Wat5  -.011   .603   .397  .18   .11
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Schropfer L, Joswig W
European Journal of Mineralogy 9 (1997) 53-66
Structure analyses of a partially dehydrated synthetic
Ca-garronite single crystal under different T, pH2O conditions
Sample: GAR145/27, T = 145 C, 27 mbar pH2O
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0006646
9.790 9.790 9.097 90 90 90 P4_12_12
atom      x      y      z  occ  Uiso
AlT1 .56293 .56293      0 .354 .0137
SiT1 .56293 .56293      0 .646 .0137
AlT2 .63562 .06608 .34790 .354 .0136
SiT2 .63562 .06608 .34790 .646 .0136
AlT3 .63170 .36830    1/4 .354 .0154
SiT3 .63170 .36830    1/4 .646 .0154
O1    .5591  .6961  .1109      .0327
O2    .5721  .0737  .5167      .0303
O3    .5935  .2037  .2548      .0347
O4    .5536  .4230  .1002      .0332
Ca1   .2127  .9277  .1593 .253 .0280
Ca2   .2965  .9794  .2414 .101  .068
OW    .1882  .3088  .8618 .888  .076
H1     .253   .322   .913 .888   .14
H2     .160   .248   .866 .888   .14
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