Garronite-Ca |
Artioli G |
American Mineralogist 77 (1992) 189-196 |
The crystal structure of garronite |
Locality: Goble, Oregon |
_database_code_amcsd 0001442 |
9.9266 9.9266 10.3031 90 90 90 I-4m2 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
Al1 .1607 .1607 .5 .375 .039 |
Si1 .1607 .1607 .5 .625 .039 |
Al2 .3421 .1579 .25 .375 .051 |
Si2 .3421 .1579 .25 .625 .051 |
O11 .1746 0 .5351 .034 |
O12 .3078 0 .2192 .032 |
O2 .2922 .2488 .1244 .085 |
Ca1 0 .352 .094 .197 .110 |
Ca2 0 .238 .107 .155 .110 |
Na 0 .281 .223 .10 .08 |
Wat1 0 0 .159 .117 |
Wat2 .105 .395 .25 .14 .026 |
Wat2b .161 .433 .234 .24 .026 |
Wat3 0 .173 .981 .39 .21 |
| Download AMC data (View Text File) Download CIF data (View Text File) Download diffraction data (View Text File) View JMOL 3-D Structure (permalink) |
Garronite-Ca |
Artioli G |
American Mineralogist 77 (1992) 189-196 |
The crystal structure of garronite |
Locality: Fara Vicentina, Italy |
_database_code_amcsd 0001443 |
9.8712 9.8712 10.2987 90 90 90 I-4m2 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
Al1 .155 .155 .5 .375 .025 |
Si1 .155 .155 .5 .625 .025 |
Al2 .340 .160 .25 .375 .018 |
Si2 .340 .160 .25 .625 .018 |
O11 .15 0 .55 .029 |
O12 .30 0 .23 .020 |
O2 .291 .26 .127 .084 |
Ca1 0 .407 .080 .262 .04 |
Ca2 0 .206 .086 .174 .049 |
Wat1 0 0 .124 .59 .03 |
Wat1b 0 0 .22 .19 .14 |
Wat2 .157 .433 .228 .59 .043 |
| Download AMC data (View Text File) Download CIF data (View Text File) Download diffraction data (View Text File) View JMOL 3-D Structure (permalink) |
Garronite-Ca |
Schropfer L, Joswig W |
European Journal of Mineralogy 9 (1997) 53-66 |
Structure analyses of a partially dehydrated synthetic |
Ca-garronite single crystal under different T, pH2O conditions |
Sample: GAR25/20, T = 25 C, 60% relative humidity |
Locality: synthetic |
_database_code_amcsd 0006644 |
9.873 9.873 10.288 90 90 90 *I4_1/a |
0 .25 .125 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
Ca .0656 .0873 .6484 .175 .055 |
AlT .65156 .58276 .63518 .354 .0121 |
SiT .65156 .58276 .63518 .646 .0121 |
O1 .6887 .7382 .5902 .0339 |
O2 .7088 .4802 .5211 .0297 |
Wat1 -.003 .937 .503 .11 .07 |
Wat2 .034 .794 .471 .12 .15 |
Wat3 .010 .833 .547 .30 .11 |
Wat4 .013 .518 .450 .15 .08 |
Wat5 -.005 .607 .415 .18 .16 |
| Download AMC data (View Text File) Download CIF data (View Text File) Download diffraction data (View Text File) View JMOL 3-D Structure (permalink) |
Garronite-Ca |
Schropfer L, Joswig W |
European Journal of Mineralogy 9 (1997) 53-66 |
Structure analyses of a partially dehydrated synthetic |
Ca-garronite single crystal under different T, pH2O conditions |
Sample: GAR25/27, T = 25 C, 80% relative humidity |
Locality: synthetic |
_database_code_amcsd 0006645 |
9.912 9.912 10.303 90 90 90 *I4_1/a |
0 .25 .125 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
AlT .65380 .58573 .63171 .354 .0121 |
SiT .65380 .58573 .63171 .646 .0121 |
O1 .6871 .7422 .5888 .032 |
O2 .7075 .4871 .5136 .0295 |
Ca .0648 .0875 .6440 .175 .062 |
Wat1 -.003 .930 .503 .11 .07 |
Wat2 .022 .801 .472 .12 .17 |
Wat3 .008 .829 .558 .30 .14 |
Wat4 .015 .515 .450 .15 .09 |
Wat5 -.011 .603 .397 .18 .11 |
| Download AMC data (View Text File) Download CIF data (View Text File) Download diffraction data (View Text File) View JMOL 3-D Structure (permalink) |
Garronite-Ca |
Schropfer L, Joswig W |
European Journal of Mineralogy 9 (1997) 53-66 |
Structure analyses of a partially dehydrated synthetic |
Ca-garronite single crystal under different T, pH2O conditions |
Sample: GAR145/27, T = 145 C, 27 mbar pH2O |
Locality: synthetic |
_database_code_amcsd 0006646 |
9.790 9.790 9.097 90 90 90 P4_12_12 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
AlT1 .56293 .56293 0 .354 .0137 |
SiT1 .56293 .56293 0 .646 .0137 |
AlT2 .63562 .06608 .34790 .354 .0136 |
SiT2 .63562 .06608 .34790 .646 .0136 |
AlT3 .63170 .36830 1/4 .354 .0154 |
SiT3 .63170 .36830 1/4 .646 .0154 |
O1 .5591 .6961 .1109 .0327 |
O2 .5721 .0737 .5167 .0303 |
O3 .5935 .2037 .2548 .0347 |
O4 .5536 .4230 .1002 .0332 |
Ca1 .2127 .9277 .1593 .253 .0280 |
Ca2 .2965 .9794 .2414 .101 .068 |
OW .1882 .3088 .8618 .888 .076 |
H1 .253 .322 .913 .888 .14 |
H2 .160 .248 .866 .888 .14 |
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