Hastingsite |
Makino K, Tomita K |
American Mineralogist 74 (1989) 1097-1105 |
Cation distribution in the octahedral sites of hornblendes |
sample O-H from Obira, Japan |
_database_code_amcsd 0001269 |
9.967 18.269 5.347 90 104.97 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ Biso |
Si1 .2774 .0846 .2958 .58 0.45 |
Al1 .2774 .0846 .2958 .42 0.45 |
Si2 .2915 .1717 .8089 0.52 |
Mg1 0 .0915 .5 .06 0.53 |
Fe1 0 .0915 .5 .94 0.53 |
Mg2 0 .1787 0 .15 0.37 |
Fe2 0 .1787 0 .85 0.37 |
Mg3 0 0 0 .13 0.38 |
Fe3 0 0 0 .87 0.38 |
Ca4 0 .2806 .5 0.91 |
NaAm .0365 .5 .0472 .99 1.74 |
NaA2 0 .4756 0 .99 1.93 |
O1 .1048 .0896 .2116 0.55 |
O2 .1227 .1763 .7297 0.76 |
OH3 .1235 0 .7140 1.14 |
O4 .3661 .2478 .7893 1.04 |
O5 .3442 .1363 .0991 1.05 |
O6 .3397 .1198 .5920 0.95 |
O7 .3299 0 .2928 1.10 |
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Hastingsite |
Makino K, Tomita K, Suwa K |
Mineralogical Magazine 57 (1993) 677-685 |
Effect of chlorine on the crystal structure of a chlorine-rich hastingsite |
Locality: West Ongul, East Antarctica |
_database_code_amcsd 0014502 |
9.962 18.283 5.372 90 104.87 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) |
KA .5 0 0 .685 4.35 .01293 .00252 .06371 0 .02554 0 |
NaA .5 0 0 .247 4.35 .01293 .00252 .06371 0 .02554 0 |
Ca4 0 .2810 .5 .996 .91 .00267 .00056 .01087 0 .00307 0 |
Na4 0 .2810 .5 .004 .91 .00267 .00056 .01087 0 .00307 0 |
Fe1 0 .0945 .5 .819 .87 .00212 .00087 .00681 0 .00155 0 |
Mg1 0 .0945 .5 .181 .87 .00212 .00087 .00681 0 .00155 0 |
Mg2 0 .1789 0 .405 .60 .00151 .00044 .00625 0 .00101 0 |
Fe2 0 .1789 0 .595 .60 .00151 .00044 .00625 0 .00101 0 |
Fe3 0 0 0 .943 .82 .00227 .00045 .00880 0 .00057 0 |
Mg3 0 0 0 .057 .82 .00227 .00045 .00880 0 .00057 0 |
AlT1 .2781 .0859 .3013 .60 .52 .00117 .00039 .00553 -.00006 .00063 -.00001 |
SiT1 .2781 .0859 .3013 .40 .52 .00117 .00039 .00553 -.00006 .00063 -.00001 |
SiT2 .2913 .1732 .8116 .57 .00133 .00044 .00607 -.00003 .00102 .00004 |
O1 .1040 .0912 .2142 .79 .00162 .00076 .00713 -.00009 .00104 -.00011 |
O2 .1216 .1777 .7350 .82 .00142 .00080 .00788 .00007 .00076 0 |
OH3A .1153 0 .7064 .55 .73 .00229 .00052 .00596 0 .00083 0 |
Cl3B .1639 0 .7368 .45 .68 .00120 .00060 .00733 0 .00069 0 |
O4 .3692 .2497 .7951 .86 .00247 .00054 .00972 -.00016 .00230 -.00012 |
O5 .3476 .1365 .1008 .91 .00170 .00075 .00964 .00003 .00057 .00078 |
O6 .3427 .1224 .5983 .96 .00186 .00073 .01172 .00010 .00155 0 |
O7 .3333 0 .2990 1.27 .00240 .00100 .01612 0 .00304 0 |
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