American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

4 matching records for this search.

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Ghose S, Wan C
Download am/vol64/AM64_187.pdf
American Mineralogist 64 (1979) 187-195
Hilgardite, Ca2[B5O9]Cl*H2O: a piezoelectric zeolite-type pentaborate
Note: polytype Hilgardite-4M
Locality: Choctow Salt Dome, Iberville Parish, Louisiana, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0000696
11.438 11.318 6.318 90 90.06 90 Aa
atom      x      y      z Biso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Ca1       0 .25023      0       .0107  .0116  .0073  .0005  .0002 -.0007
Ca2  .27346 .47081 .84144       .0101  .0092  .0061  .0011  .0002  .0012
Cl   .02385 .49169 .90054       .0122  .0123  .0202  .0000 -.0017 -.0013
B1    .2604  .1951  .6460       .0660  .0059  .0052 -.0001  .0002  .0008
B2    .2710  .0280  .8833       .0091  .0060  .0067 -.0004 -.0003  .0000
B3    .2252  .3065  .3208       .0056  .0056  .0051  .0008 -.0002  .0006
B4    .3361  .2296  .0083       .0061  .0060  .0047 -.0001 -.0001  .0004
B5    .0602  .2573  .5415       .0051  .0084  .0071  .0007 -.0002 -.0005
O1    .2668  .0652  .6779       .0160  .0055  .0061 -.0007 -.0002  .0009
O2    .3458  .2565  .7813       .0069  .0076  .0047 -.0015 -.0012  .0002
O3    .1411  .2367  .6981       .0052  .0139  .0069  .0022 -.0004  .0007
O4    .2894  .2121  .4268       .0086  .0070  .0042  .0024  .0002  .0009
O5    .2953  .1055  .0429       .0167  .0057  .0062 -.0025 -.0007 -.0001
O6    .4494  .2436  .1134       .0048  .0164  .0069 -.0021 -.0003 -.0001
O7    .2528  .3138  .0991       .0089  .0084  .0047  .0028  .0012  .0005
O8    .2479  .4161  .4462       .0168  .0054  .0071 -.0027 -.0003 -.0001
O9    .0949  .2834  .3389       .0058  .0132  .0067 -.0005 -.0004  .0026
OW    .0101  .0492  .9092       .0283  .0132  .0238  .0025  .0044  .0036
H1     .034   .026   .789  4.2
H2     .041   .495   .521 10.3
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Wan C, Ghose S
Download am/vol68/AM68_604.pdf
American Mineralogist 68 (1983) 604-613
Parahilgardite, Ca6[B5O9]3Cl3*3H2O: a triclinic piezoelectric
zeolite-type pentaborate
Note: polytype Hilgardite-3A
Locality: Iberville Parish, Louisiana, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0000901
17.495 6.487 6.313 60.77 79.56 83.96 P1
atom      x      y      z Biso
Ca1       0      0      0 0.81
Ca2  .18463 .56531 .96931 0.81
Ca3  .33334 .00002 .33482 0.86
Ca4  .51576 .43129 .86912 0.77
Ca5  .66644 .98093 .67773 0.83
Ca6  .84599 .52972 .65317 0.86
Cl1  .02582 .52911 .11807 1.24
Cl2  .35067 .48145 .98505 1.19
Cl3  .68142 .49631 .81316 1.13
B1    .0405  .0022  .5211 0.61
B2    .1506  .8968  .2989 0.48
B3    .1743  .1188  .5017 0.53
B4    .2246  .0452  .8756 0.50
B5    .1820  .4510  .5692 0.63
B6    .3739  .0113  .8501 0.59
B7    .4838  .1049  .5276 0.51
B8    .5074  .8812  .9527 0.54
B9    .5577  .9458  .2570 0.42
B10   .5139  .5458  .3556 0.59
B11   .7071  .9615  .2081 0.57
B12   .8178  .8571  .9856 0.53
B13   .8399  .0793  .1890 0.53
B14   .8905  .0108  .5597 0.48
B15   .8459  .4128  .2559 0.65
O1    .0939  .0491  .6294 0.82
O2    .9667  .9929  .6355 0.89
O3    .0643  .9485  .3344 0.90
O4    .1643  .6742  .5304 0.90
O5    .1698  .8790  .0782 0.63
O6    .1938  .0804  .2928 0.63
O7    .1810  .3785  .4005 0.80
O8    .2304  .9903  .6739 0.59
O9    .1971  .2945  .8002 0.79
O10   .3002  .0133  .9585 0.86
O11   .4280  .9680  .0024 0.77
O12   .3972  .0630  .6094 0.71
O13   .5266  .9151  .7072 0.58
O14   .5027  .1199  .2894 0.61
O15   .4983  .3237  .5374 0.78
O16   .5641  .0003  .0002 0.56
O17   .5116  .6203  .1134 0.75
O18   .6331  .9677  .3137 0.86
O19   .5301  .7001  .4295 0.79
O20   .7608  .9967  .3225 0.80
O21   .7307  .9087  .0199 0.86
O22   .8324  .6387  .2141 0.82
O23   .8376  .8386  .7649 0.64
O24   .8595  .0452  .9769 0.62
O25   .8428  .3400  .0883 0.78
O26   .8975  .9576  .3562 0.56
O27   .8595  .2559  .4884 0.77
OW1  -.0138  .4338  .6971 1.81
OW2   .3392  .5966  .4420 1.61
OW3   .6725  .3833  .3809 1.73
H1     .008   .460   .527 5.49
H2     .001   .501   .798 4.14
H3     .330   .575   .302 6.15
H4     .355   .485   .597 5.01
H5     .679   .409   .214 4.24
H6     .680   .489   .455 5.08
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Burns P C, Hawthorne F C
Acta Crystallographica C50 (1994) 653-655
Refinement of the structure of hilgardite-1A
Note: polytype Hilgardite-1A
Locality: Penobsquis potash deposit, Sussex, New Brunswick
_database_code_amcsd 0010290
6.452 6.559 6.286 61.60 118.72 105.86 P1
atom     x     y     z  Uiso
Cal      0     0     0 .0088
Ca2  .4524 .5484 .1099 .0099
B1   .4741 .8707 .4713 .0047
B2   .3306 .0909 .6016 .0050
B3   .5515 .0245 .0713 .0062
B4   .8823 .0030 .4837 .0074
B5   .4476 .4211 .7138 .0072
O2   .4477 .6424 .6750 .0091
O3   .7221 .9630 .5849 .0080
O4   .4205 .8525 .2258 .0062
O5   .3081 .0276 .4028 .0066
O6   .1080 .0518 .6372 .0096
O7   .3946 .3499 .5194 .0087
O8   .5119 .9652 .8620 .0062
O9   .8105 .0102 .2380 .0092
O10  .4851 .2634 .9706 .0079
Cl   .9796 .4730 .8121 .0155
Wat  .8862 .5813 .2218 .0213
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Rumanova I M, Iorysh Z I, Belov N V
Soviet Physics Doklady 22 (1977) 460-462
Crystal structure of triclinic chilgardite Ca2[B5O9]Cl*H2O =
Note: polytype hilgardite-1A
Locality: not given
_database_code_amcsd 0015604
6.463 6.564 6.302 61.63 118.77 105.78 P1
atom     x      y      z Biso
Ca1      0      0      0 1.28
Ca2  .5462  .4527 -.1125 1.31
B1   .5258  .1280  .5313  .78
B2   .6678 -.0893  .3964  .91
B3   .4459 -.0233 -.0714  .97
B4   .1183 -.0048  .5198  .94
B5   .5524  .5777  .2896  .92
O2   .5523  .3567  .3259 1.22
O3   .2773  .0372  .4160  1.2
O4   .5786  .1456  .7750  1.0
O5   .6913 -.0292  .5987 1.08
O6   .8914 -.0513  .3639  1.3
O7   .6073  .6489  .4823 1.22
O8   .4914  .0329  .1418 1.11
O9   .1904 -.0131 -.2364 1.23
O10  .5150  .7361  .0306 1.21
Cl   .0214  .5265  .1924 1.68
Wat  .1107  .4169 -.2212 2.02
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