American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

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Chernitsova N M, Pudovkina Z V, Voronkov A A, Ilyukhin V V, Pyatenko Y A
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 252 (1980) 618-621
Imandrite Na12Ca3Fe2[Si6O18]2 - a representative of
a new branch in the lovozerite structural family
_database_code_amcsd 0012468
10.331 10.546 7.426 90 90 90 Pmnn
atom     x     y     z occ Biso
Na1      0     0    .5      .19
Na2  .2407 .2334 .0207     1.61
Na3     .5     0     0     3.97
Ca      .5 .2549 .7563 .75  .96
Fe       0     0     0      .99
Si1  .2723 .9920 .7152      .69
Si2     .5 .2184 .2564      .77
O1       0  .199  .935     2.04
O2    .128  .376  .755     2.38
O3      .5  .290  .073     1.50
O4    .364  .444  .697     1.68
O5    .329  .121  .787     1.94
O6    .240     0    .5     2.89
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