American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

7 matching records for this search.

Download hom/ingersonite.pdf
Bonazzi P, Bindi L
Download am/vol92/AM92_947.pdf
American Mineralogist 92 (2007) 947-953
The crystal structure of ingersonite, Ca3Mn2+Sb5+4O14, and its relationships with
Locality: Langban mine, Varmland, Sweden
_database_code_amcsd 0004361
7.282 7.282 17.604 90 90 120 P3_121
atom      x     y      z  occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2)  U(1,3)  U(2,3)
CaA1      0 .8444    2/3       .0080  .0064  .0091  .0076  .0032  -.0013  -.0006
MnA2  .8355     0    5/6       .0173  .0236  .0260  .0029  .0130   .0024   .0048
CaA3  .4989 .3518 .66075       .0090  .0105  .0079  .0093  .0051  -.0009   .0022
SbB1 .31881     0    1/3      .00320  .0044  .0037  .0012 .00186 -.00007 -.00015
SbB2 .32968     0    5/6 .983 .00347  .0042  .0037  .0023 .00185 -.00012  -.0002
MgB2 .32968     0    5/6 .017 .00347  .0042  .0037  .0023 .00185 -.00012  -.0002
SbB3 .33428 .5019 .83499      .00299 .00389 .00344 .00215 .00221 -.00014 -.00003
O1    .1989 .2199  .1471       .0096  .0060  .0120  .0112  .0052  -.0002  -.0013
O2    .5543 .6091  .2034       .0107  .0176  .0081  .0086  .0080  -.0050  -.0017
O3    .1975 .6399  .1489       .0092  .0050  .0079  .0106  .0001  -.0010   .0003
O4   -.0399 .3091  .0573       .0082  .0096  .0093  .0058  .0049  -.0006  -.0007
O5   -.0541 .8050  .0566       .0071  .0051  .0099  .0053  .0029  -.0021  -.0010
O6    .5437 .4046  .0560       .0073  .0085  .0081  .0032  .0026   .0015   .0015
O7    .5347 .7988  .0599       .0073  .0137  .0084  .0037  .0084   .0022   .0000
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Download hom/ingersonite.pdf
Zanazzi P F, Chelazzi L, Bonazzi P, Bindi L
Download am/vol94/AM94_352.pdf
American Mineralogist 94 (2009) 352-358
High-pressure structural behavior of ingersonite, Ca3Mn2+Sb45+O14:
An in-situ single-crystal X-ray study
Locality: Langban mine, Varmland, Sweden
Note: P = 0.0001 GPa
_database_code_amcsd 0004848
7.279 7.279 17.667 90 90 120 P3_121
atom     x     y     z occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
SbB1 .3205     0   1/3     .0090  .0113  .0082  .0063  .0041  .0002  .0003
SbB2 .3306     0   5/6 .96 .0101  .0106  .0106  .0091  .0053 -.0001 -.0001
MgB2 .3306     0   5/6 .04 .0101  .0106  .0106  .0091  .0053 -.0001 -.0001
SbB3 .3340 .5031 .8348 .96 .0071  .0083  .0074  .0064  .0045  .0007  .0003
MgB3 .3340 .5031 .8348 .04 .0071  .0083  .0074  .0064  .0045  .0007  .0003
CaA1     0  .843   2/3 .92  .014   .006   .019   .013  .0028  -.001 -.0004
MnA1     0  .843   2/3 .08  .014   .006   .019   .013  .0028  -.001 -.0004
MnA2  .839     0   5/6 .92 .0193   .024   .028   .008  .0142  .0037   .008
SbA2  .839     0   5/6 .08 .0193   .024   .028   .008  .0142  .0037   .008
CaA3  .498 .3492 .6615 .94 .0132   .010   .012   .013   .003  -.002   .001
MnA3  .498 .3492 .6615 .06 .0132   .010   .012   .013   .003  -.002   .001
O1    .203  .217 .1469      .024   .018   .040   .020   .019   .003   .004
O2    .549  .609 .2028      .029   .060   .040   .009   .040   .003   .002
O3    .194  .638 .1482      .018   .003   .021   .018  -.004  -.002   .001
O4   -.037  .310 .0561      .020   .023   .023   .018   .014  -.004  -.007
O5   -.056  .801 .0564      .015   .016   .020   .018  -.004  -.002   .002
O6    .539  .402 .0557      .017   .014   .021   .012   .005  -.005   .002
O7    .540  .803 .0595      .015   .023   .012   .015   .013   .003   .002
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Download hom/ingersonite.pdf
Zanazzi P F, Chelazzi L, Bonazzi P, Bindi L
Download am/vol94/AM94_352.pdf
American Mineralogist 94 (2009) 352-358
High-pressure structural behavior of ingersonite, Ca3Mn2+Sb45+O14:
An in-situ single-crystal X-ray study
Locality: Langban mine, Varmland, Sweden
Note: P = 2.25 GPa
_database_code_amcsd 0004849
7.243 7.243 17.570 90 90 120 P3_121
atom     x     y     z occ  Uiso
SbB1 .3193     0   1/3      .012
SbB2 .3298     0   5/6 .96  .010
MgB2 .3298     0   5/6 .04  .010
SbB3 .3351 .5002 .8354 .96 .0079
MgB3 .3351 .5002 .8354 .04 .0079
CaA1     0  .842   2/3 .92  .013
MnA1     0  .842   2/3 .08  .013
MnA2  .829     0   5/6 .92  .024
SbA2  .829     0   5/6 .08  .024
CaA3  .496 .3457 .6619 .94  .014
MnA3  .496 .3457 .6619 .06  .014
O1    .198  .210  .144      .031
O2    .561  .609  .199      .017
O3    .194  .636 .1609      .037
O4   -.028  .313  .056      .024
O5   -.056  .798  .069      .036
O6    .533  .399  .049      .008
O7    .542  .815  .070      .021
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Download hom/ingersonite.pdf
Zanazzi P F, Chelazzi L, Bonazzi P, Bindi L
Download am/vol94/AM94_352.pdf
American Mineralogist 94 (2009) 352-358
High-pressure structural behavior of ingersonite, Ca3Mn2+Sb45+O14:
An in-situ single-crystal X-ray study
Locality: Langban mine, Varmland, Sweden
Note: P = 4.23 GPa
_database_code_amcsd 0004850
7.218 7.218 17.510 90 90 120 P3_121
atom     x     y     z occ Uiso
SbB1 .3185     1   1/3     .016
SbB2 .3271     0   5/6 .96 .013
MgB2 .3271     0   5/6 .04 .013
SbB3 .3362 .5035 .8351 .96 .014
MgB3 .3362 .5035 .8351 .04 .014
CaA1     0  .839   2/3 .92 .014
MnA1     0  .839   2/3 .08 .014
MnA2  .834     0   5/6 .92 .030
SbA2  .834     0   5/6 .08 .030
CaA3  .487  .342  .662 .94 .023
MnA3  .487  .342  .662 .06 .023
O1    .199  .220  .151     .027
O2    .553  .604  .197     .019
O3    .191  .634  .164      .06
O4   -.030  .317  .053     .026
O5   -.048  .797  .065     .033
O6    .527  .401  .053     .008
O7    .553  .825  .065     .018
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Download hom/ingersonite.pdf
Zanazzi P F, Chelazzi L, Bonazzi P, Bindi L
Download am/vol94/AM94_352.pdf
American Mineralogist 94 (2009) 352-358
High-pressure structural behavior of ingersonite, Ca3Mn2+Sb45+O14:
An in-situ single-crystal X-ray study
Locality: Langban mine, Varmland, Sweden
Note: P = 5.41 GPa
_database_code_amcsd 0004851
7.204 7.204 17.450 90 90 120 P3_121
atom     x     y     z occ  Uiso
SbB1 .3170     0   1/3      .018
SbB2 .3279     0   5/6 .96 .0142
MgB2 .3279     0   5/6 .04 .0142
SbB3 .3368 .5006 .8360 .96 .0132
MgB3 .3368 .5006 .8360 .04 .0132
CaA1     0  .832   2/3 .92  .007
MnA1     0  .832   2/3 .08  .007
MnA2  .829     0   5/6 .92  .019
SbA2  .829     0   5/6 .08  .019
CaA3  .487  .344 .6652 .94  .010
MnA3  .487  .344 .6652 .06  .010
O1    .201  .212  .151      .012
O2    .565  .605  .193      .034
O3    .188  .628  .161      .027
O4   -.024  .322  .048      .037
O5   -.044  .811  .062      .030
O6    .540  .399  .041      .005
O7    .537  .801  .068      .031
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Download hom/ingersonite.pdf
Zanazzi P F, Chelazzi L, Bonazzi P, Bindi L
Download am/vol94/AM94_352.pdf
American Mineralogist 94 (2009) 352-358
High-pressure structural behavior of ingersonite, Ca3Mn2+Sb45+O14:
An in-situ single-crystal X-ray study
Locality: Langban mine, Varmland, Sweden
Note: P = 6.38 GPa
_database_code_amcsd 0004852
7.182 7.182 17.465 90 90 120 P3_121
atom     x     y     z occ  Uiso
SbB1 .3188     0   1/3      .004
SbB2 .3303     0   5/6 .96 .0085
MgB2 .3303     0   5/6 .04 .0085
SbB3 .3360 .5001 .8343 .96 .0033
MgB3 .3360 .5001 .8343 .04 .0033
CaA1     0  .840   2/3 .92  .018
MnA1     0  .840   2/3 .08  .018
MnA2  .826     0   5/6 .92  .025
SbA2  .826     0   5/6 .08  .025
CaA3  .491  .348 .6623 .94  .015
MnA3  .491  .348 .6623 .06  .015
O1    .197  .202  .153      .037
O2    .559  .609  .188      .026
O3    .191  .628  .154      .022
O4   -.035  .304  .047      .021
O5   -.052  .802  .068      .018
O6    .536  .400  .042      .017
O7    .552  .816  .068      .017
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Download hom/ingersonite.pdf
Zanazzi P F, Chelazzi L, Bonazzi P, Bindi L
Download am/vol94/AM94_352.pdf
American Mineralogist 94 (2009) 352-358
High-pressure structural behavior of ingersonite, Ca3Mn2+Sb45+O14:
An in-situ single-crystal X-ray study
Locality: Langban mine, Varmland, Sweden
Note: P = 7.42 GPa
_database_code_amcsd 0004853
7.170 7.170 17.406 90 90 120 P3_121
atom     x     y     z occ  Uiso
SbB1 .3191     0   1/3      .015
SbB2 .3313     0   5/6 .96  .016
MgB2 .3313     0   5/6 .04  .016
SbB3 .3364 .4986 .8340 .96 .0114
MgB3 .3364 .4986 .8340 .04 .0114
CaA1     0  .844   2/3 .92  .018
MnA1     0  .844   2/3 .08  .018
MnA2  .827     0   5/6 .92  .026
SbA2  .827     0   5/6 .08  .026
CaA3  .500  .349  .659 .94  .025
MnA3  .500  .349  .659 .06  .025
O1    .199  .203  .145      .023
O2    .545  .605  .172       .05
O3    .197  .637  .151       .07
O4   -.046  .293  .045      .029
O5   -.044  .799  .054      .017
O6    .534  .406  .042      .011
O7    .559  .819  .074      .031
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