American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

2 matching records for this search.

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Talybov A G, Vainshtein B K
Soviet Physics Crystallography 6 (1962) 432-438
An electron diffraction study of the structure of PbBi4Te7
Loality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0015543
4.50 4.50 17.600 90 90 120 P-3m1
atom   x   y    z   occ
Bi1    0   0    0
Te2  1/3 2/3 .110
Te1    0   0  1/3 .8125
Pb1    0   0  1/3 .1875
Te3  1/3 2/3 .444 .8125
Pb2  1/3 2/3 .444 .1875
Bi2  1/3 2/3 .778
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Talybov A G, Vainshtein B K
Soviet Physics Crystallography 7 (1962) 32-37
An electron diffraction study of the second superlattice in PbBi4Te7
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0015545
4.44 4.44 71.7 90 90 120 P-3m1
atom   x   y       z occ
Te1  2/3 1/3   .5/36
Te2    0   0  1.5/36  .5
Pb2    0   0  1.5/36  .5
Bi3  1/3 2/3  2.5/36
Te4  2/3 1/3  3.5/36
Bi5    0   0  4.5/36
Te6  1/3 2/3  5.5/36
Bi7  2/3 1/3  6.5/36
Te8    0   0  7.5/36
Te9  1/3 2/3  8.5/36 2/3
Pb9  1/3 2/3  8.5/36 1/3
Te10 2/3 1/3  9.5/36 5/6
Pb10 2/3 1/3  9.5/36 1/6
Te11   0   0 10.5/36
Bi12 1/3 2/3 11.5/36
Te13 2/3 1/3 12.5/36
Bi14   0   0 13.5/36
Te15 1/3 2/3 14.5/36
Bi16 2/3 1/3 15.5/36
Te17   0   0 16.5/36  .5
Pb17   0   0 16.5/36  .5
Te18 1/3 2/3 17.5/36
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