Lepidolite |
Hendricks S B, Jefferson M E |
American Mineralogist 24 (1939) 729-771 |
Polymorphism of the micas with optical measurements |
_database_code_amcsd 0000027 |
9.2 5.3 60.0 90 90. 90 Cc |
atom x y z occ |
K1 0 .3333 .0825 |
K2 .3333 .6667 .2492 |
K3 .1667 .8333 .4158 |
Mg1 0 0 0 |
Mg2 0 0 .1667 |
Mg3 0 0 .3333 |
Mg4 .1667 .5 0 |
Mg5 .1667 .5 .1667 |
Mg6 .1667 .5 .3333 |
Mg7 .3333 0 0 |
Mg8 .3333 0 .1667 |
Mg9 .3333 0 .3333 |
Si1 .3333 .3333 .0440 .75 |
Si2 0 .6667 .2107 .75 |
Si3 0 .3333 .3773 .75 |
Si4 .1667 .8333 .0440 .75 |
Si5 .1667 .1667 .2107 .75 |
Si6 .3333 .3333 .3773 .75 |
Si7 0 .6667 -.044 .75 |
Si8 .1667 .8333 .1227 .75 |
Si9 0 .6667 .2893 .75 |
Si10 .3333 .6667 -.044 .75 |
Si11 .3333 .3333 .1227 .75 |
Si12 .1667 .1667 .2893 .75 |
Al1 .3333 .3333 .0440 .25 |
Al2 0 .6667 .2107 .25 |
Al3 0 .3333 .3773 .25 |
Al4 .1667 .8333 .0440 .25 |
Al5 .1667 .1667 .2107 .25 |
Al6 .3333 .3333 .3773 .25 |
Al7 0 .6667 -.044 .25 |
Al8 .1667 .8333 .1227 .25 |
Al9 0 .6667 .2893 .25 |
Al10 .3333 .6667 -.044 .25 |
Al11 .3333 .3333 .1227 .25 |
Al12 .1667 .1667 .2893 .25 |
O1 .25 .0833 .0530 |
O2 .0833 .4167 .2197 |
O3 .1667 .3333 .3863 |
O4 .25 .5833 .0530 |
O5 .3333 .1667 .2197 |
O6 .4167 .0833 .3863 |
O7 .5 .3333 .0530 |
O8 .0833 .5833 .2197 |
O9 .4167 .5833 .3863 |
O10 .3333 .3333 .0170 |
O11 0 .6667 .1837 |
O12 0 .3333 .3503 |
O13 .1667 .8333 .0170 |
O14 .1667 .1667 .1837 |
O15 .3333 .3333 .3503 |
O16 0 .6667 -.017 |
O17 .1667 .8333 .1497 |
O18 0 .6667 .3163 |
O19 .3333 .6667 -.017 |
O20 .3333 .3333 .1497 |
O21 .1667 .1667 .3163 |
O22 .1667 .6667 -.053 |
O23 0 .8333 .1137 |
O24 .0833 .4167 .2803 |
O25 .4167 .4167 -.053 |
O26 .25 .0833 .1137 |
O27 .0833 .5833 .2803 |
O28 .4167 .5833 -.053 |
O29 .25 .5833 .1137 |
O30 .3333 .1667 .2803 |
OH1 0 .3333 .0170 .50 |
OH2 .3333 .6667 .1837 .50 |
OH3 .1667 .8333 .3503 .50 |
OH4 .1667 .1667 -.017 .50 |
OH5 0 .3333 .1497 .50 |
OH6 .3333 .6667 .3163 .50 |
F1 0 .3333 .0170 .50 |
F2 .3333 .6667 .1837 .50 |
F3 .1667 .8333 .3503 .50 |
F4 .1667 .1667 -.017 .50 |
F5 0 .3333 .1497 .50 |
F6 .3333 .6667 .3163 .50 |
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Lepidolite |
Brown B E |
American Mineralogist 63 (1978) 332-336 |
The crystal structure of a 3T lepidolite |
Locality: Coolgardie, Australia |
_database_code_amcsd 0000640 |
5.200 5.200 29.76 90 90 120 P3_112 |
atom x y z occ Biso |
K .1111 .8889 5/6 .667 1.92 |
Li1 .421 .579 1/3 .467 1.7 |
Al1 .421 .579 1/3 .200 1.7 |
Li2 .779 .221 1/3 .593 .03 |
Mn2 .779 .221 1/3 .037 .03 |
Al3 .121 .879 1/3 .573 .52 |
Li3 .121 .879 1/3 .093 .52 |
Si1 .7867 .2127 -.0890 .500 .23 |
Al1 .7867 .2127 -.0890 .167 .23 |
Si2 .4572 .5555 -.0903 .667 1.59 |
Oa .777 .172 -.0349 .667 .6 |
Ob .446 .571 -.0356 .667 .9 |
OH .090 .864 -.0333 .667 .43 |
Oc .654 .874 -.1116 .667 1.4 |
Od .120 .426 -.1076 .667 1.7 |
Oe .583 .350 -.1121 .167 2.2 |
F .583 .350 -.1121 .500 2.2 |
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Lepidolite-2M2 |
Guggenheim S |
American Mineralogist 66 (1981) 1221-1232 |
Cation ordering in lepidolite |
type 2M(2) from Radkovice |
_database_code_amcsd 0000850 |
9.023 5.197 20.171 90 99.48 90 C2/c |
atom x y z occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) |
K .5 .4097 .25 .00549 .0152 .001160 0 .00033 0 |
Li1 .25 .25 0 .00300 .0070 .000490 .00030 .00040 .00050 |
Al1 .58561 .2437 .00005 .325 .00210 .0057 .000500 -.00020 .00018 -.00001 |
Li2 .58561 .2437 .00005 .120 .00210 .0057 .000500 -.00020 .00018 -.00001 |
Si1 .79426 .4078 .13397 .873 .00182 .0044 .000439 -.00024 .00015 -.00003 |
Al1 .79426 .4078 .13397 .127 .00182 .0044 .000439 -.00024 .00015 -.00003 |
Si2 .12556 .4136 .13394 .873 .00164 .0049 .000436 -.00008 .00017 0 |
Al2 .12556 .4136 .13394 .127 .00164 .0049 .000436 -.00008 .00017 0 |
O1 .7676 .3937 .05270 .00570 .0085 .000400 .00060 .0001 -.00010 |
O2 .0905 .4261 .05283 .00400 .0132 .000430 .00230 .00007 .00003 |
O3 .4468 .4291 .04923 .5 .00600 .0334 .000610 -.00830 .00037 .00020 |
F3 .4468 .4291 .04923 .5 .00600 .0334 .000610 -.00830 .00037 .00020 |
O4 .7058 .1774 .16634 .00510 .0098 .000900 -.00320 .00043 0 |
O5 .2380 .1785 .16219 .00540 .0098 .000730 .00280 .00007 -.00026 |
O6 .9716 .3787 .16611 .00240 .0185 .000860 -.00030 .00040 .00020 |
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Lepidolite-1M |
Guggenheim S |
American Mineralogist 66 (1981) 1221-1232 |
Cation ordering in lepidolite |
type 1M from Radkovice |
_database_code_amcsd 0000851 |
5.209 9.011 10.149 90 100.77 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) |
K 0 .5 0 .0190 .00595 .00519 0 .00150 0 |
Li1 0 0 .5 .0190 .00500 .00520 0 .00330 0 |
Al2 0 .32890 .5 .650 .0062 .00231 .00213 0 .00050 0 |
Li2 0 .32890 .5 .280 .0062 .00231 .00213 0 .00050 0 |
Si .0810 .1686 .23203 .873 .0065 .00209 .00221 -.00012 .00058 -.00001 |
Al .0810 .1686 .23203 .127 .0065 .00209 .00221 -.00012 .00058 -.00001 |
O1 .0218 0 .1750 .0199 .0029 .0031 0 -.0001 0 |
O2 .3252 .2319 .1680 .0113 .0056 .0038 -.0028 .0016 -.0003 |
O3 .1418 .1768 .3945 .0170 .0037 .00223 -.0012 .0004 -.0001 |
F .1076 .5 .4017 .0125 .0141 .0030 0 .0011 0 |
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Lepidolite-1M |
Guggenheim S |
American Mineralogist 66 (1981) 1221-1232 |
Cation ordering in lepidolite |
Tanakamiyama |
_database_code_amcsd 0000852 |
5.242 9.055 10.097 90 100.77 90 C2 |
atom x y z occ Biso |
K 0 .5028 0 2.21 |
Li1 0 -.006 .5 0.30 |
Al2 0 .3230 .5 0.66 |
Li3 .5 .1610 .5 1.30 |
Si1 .0756 .1704 .2309 .967 0.85 |
Al1 .0756 .1704 .2309 .032 0.85 |
Si2 .5863 .3338 .2302 .967 0.87 |
Al2 .5863 .3338 .2302 .032 0.87 |
O1 .041 .002 .1708 1.53 |
O2 .319 .243 .1690 1.60 |
O3 .813 .260 .1620 1.40 |
O4 .114 .175 .3940 1.10 |
O5 .663 .328 .3911 0.90 |
F .110 .4729 .3985 .5 1.00 |
OH6 .110 .4729 .3985 .5 1.00 |
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Lepidolite 1M |
Sartori F |
Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 23 (1976) 65-75 |
The crystal structure of a 1M lepidolite |
Locality: Elba, Tuscany, Italy |
_database_code_amcsd 0015659 |
5.20 9.01 10.09 90 99.38 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ Biso |
K 0 .5 0 .88 1.68 |
Na 0 .5 0 .06 1.68 |
Rb 0 .5 0 .05 1.68 |
Ca 0 .5 0 .01 1.68 |
LiM2 0 0 .5 .97 1.11 |
AlM2 0 0 .5 .03 1.11 |
LiM1 0 .3283 .5 .3 .96 |
AlM1 0 .3283 .5 .7 .96 |
AlT .0810 .1685 .2320 .16 .86 |
SiT .0810 .1685 .2320 .84 .86 |
O1 .0214 0 .1742 1.56 |
O2 .3251 .2310 .1680 1.58 |
O3 .1421 .1768 .3941 1.38 |
F4 .1107 .5 .4015 .765 2.32 |
OH4 .1107 .5 .4015 .235 2.32 |
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