American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

19 matching records for this search.

Smith J V
Download am/vol38/AM38_643.pdf
American Mineralogist 38 (1953) 643-661
Reexamination of the crystal structure of melilite
_database_code_amcsd 0000058
7.789 7.789 5.018 90 90 90 P-42_1m
atom     x     y     z occ
Ca   .3355 .1645 .5073 .85
Na   .3355 .1645 .5073 .10
K    .3355 .1645 .5073 .05
Si   .1396 .3604 .9412
Mg       0     0     0 .50
Al       0     0     0 .40
O1      .5     0 .1804
O2   .1450 .3550 .2583
O3   .0820 .1820 .7909
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Armbruster T, Rothlisberger F, Seifert F
Download am/vol75/AM75_847.pdf
American Mineralogist 75 (1990) 847-858
Layer topology, stacking variation and site distortion in melilite-related
compounds in the system CaO-ZnO-GeO2-SiO2
high-temperature polymorph
_database_code_amcsd 0001314
7.950 7.950 5.186 90 90 90 P-42_1m
atom      x      y     z U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
CaX   .3320  .1680 .5038  0.049  0.049 0.0141  0.038 0.0001 -.0001
Zn1       0      0     0 0.0196 0.0196 0.0092      0      0      0
Ge2  .14206 .35794 .9531 0.0152 0.0152 0.0109 0.0002 0.0040 -.0040
O1       .5      0  .181   0.11   0.11  0.006  -0.09      0      0
O2    .1400  .3600  .277  0.042  0.042  0.012  0.025 -0.002  0.002
O3     .088   .179  .783   0.20  0.042  0.031 -0.075  0.061 -0.026
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Armbruster T, Rothlisberger F, Seifert F
Download am/vol75/AM75_847.pdf
American Mineralogist 75 (1990) 847-858
Layer topology, stacking variation and site distortion in melilite-related
compounds in the system CaO-ZnO-GeO2-SiO2
low-temperature polymorph
_database_code_amcsd 0001315
8.020 7.995 15.506 90 89.47 90 P2_1
atom      x     y      z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
ZnA1  .7385 .9354  .1543     0.0147 0.0153 0.0123 -.0005 0.0018 0.0020
ZnA2  .2553 .4237  .1646     0.0212 0.0153 0.0122 0.0001 0.0023 -.0007
GeA3  .3928 .7837  .1464     0.0145 0.0097 0.0081 0.0001 0.0019 -.0019
GeA4  .6120 .2840  .1913     0.0197 0.0223 0.0103 -.0016 0.0047 -.0021
GeA5  .8869 .5788  .1836     0.0205 0.0150 0.0052 0.0017 0.0011 -.0013
GeA6  .1028 .0643  .1508     0.0119 0.0141 0.0071 0.0001 -.0003 0.0005
ZnB1  .2668 .7644  .5085     0.0153 0.0145 0.0121 -.0005 0.0024 0.0022
GeB2  .3875 .4077  .4721     0.0178 0.0129 0.0088 0.0012 0.0034 0.0003
GeB3  .8930 .6183  .5169     0.0128 0.0146 0.0052 -.0005 -.0008 -.0002
Caa1  .4168 .0996  .0004      0.041  0.055  0.012  -.031  0.000  0.009
Caa2  .0814 .7646 -.0052      0.047  0.058  0.013 -0.037  0.002 -0.006
Cab1  .4042 .0684  .3308      0.031  0.026  0.012  0.012  0.012  0.007
Cab2  .6011 .6316  .3373      0.026  0.034  0.015  0.017  0.010  0.013
Cab3  -.002  .346  .3297 .61  0.091  0.087  0.047  0.039  0.023  0.043
Cab4a  .125  .757  .3254 .37  0.027  0.022  0.006 -0.015  0.008 -0.002
Cab4b  .172  .696   .331 .41    .06   0.18  0.041  -0.01 -0.007  -0.03
Cab5a  .866  .936  .3437 .52  0.035  0.027  0.009 -0.003  0.005 -0.004
Cab5b  .834   .01   .332 .35    .11   0.17   0.03  -0.05   0.01  -0.02
OA1    .562  .858  .0848      0.030   0.09  0.009 -0.033  0.004 -0.006
OA2    .104  .061  .2612      0.029  0.049  0.001  0.008  0.000 -0.002
OA3    .077  .541  .2297      0.027  0.054  0.009  0.021  0.002 -0.005
OA4    .241  .920  .1034        .09   0.08 .01510   0.07 -0.004 -0.012
OA5    .353  .602   .096       0.13  0.018  0.029 -0.034   0.04 -0.012
OA6    .401  .797  .2578      0.028  0.017  0.011  0.006 -0.001  0.002
OA7    .420  .329  .2393      0.030   0.18  0.026   0.05  0.012   0.04
OA8    .168  .247  .0980       0.14  0.023  0.023 -0.040 -0.021  0.012
OA9    .811  .762  .2343      0.062  0.033  0.010  0.028  0.003  0.004
OA10   .748  .438  .2338      0.059  0.049 .01510 -0.038  0.007 -0.005
OA11   .670  .100  .2435       0.11  0.025  0.019  0.008  0.032 -0.004
OA12   .624  .281  .0802      0.053   0.08  0.008 -0.036  0.008 -0.012
OA13   .881  .581  .0719      0.043  0.037 .01500 -0.013  0.007  0.000
OA14   .931  .012  .0906      0.030   0.14  0.024 -0.045 -0.007  0.024
OB1    .113  .136  .5934      0.024  0.029 .01500 -0.002 -0.002 -0.001
OB2    .601  .908  .4157      0.023  0.030  0.009  0.005  0.008 -0.003
OB3    .183  .940  .4316      0.072  0.025  0.008  0.025  0.009  0.004
OB4    .344  .602   .423       0.09  0.019  0.025  0.017  0.029  0.009
OB5    .235  .274  .4315       0.07   0.07 .01500  -0.05  0.001  0.002
OB6    .916  .162  .4345      0.020  0.053  0.009  0.011 -0.002 -0.015
OB7    .567  .352  .4174      0.030   0.13  0.011  0.043  0.004  0.012
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Armbruster T, Rothlisberger F, Seifert F
Download am/vol75/AM75_847.pdf
American Mineralogist 75 (1990) 847-858
Layer topology, stacking variation and site distortion in melilite-related
compounds in the system CaO-ZnO-GeO2-SiO2
low-temperature polymorph
_database_code_amcsd 0001316
9.112 7.900 9.380 90 114.03 90 P2_1/n
atom      x      y      z  occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Zn1  .82867 .09678 .11477      0.0081 0.0101 0.0100 0.0001 0.0044 0.0010
Ge2  .87207 .45559 .20899 .734 0.0061 0.0061 0.0061      0 .00250      0
Si2  .87207 .45559 .20899 .266 0.0061 0.0061 0.0061      0 .00250      0
Ge3  .96891 .76878 .07667 .521 0.0059 0.0059 0.0059      0 .00240      0
Si3  .96891 .76878 .07667 .479 0.0059 0.0059 0.0059      0 .00240      0
Ca4   .4574  .2821  .0282      0.0087 0.0107 0.0071 0.0024 0.0026 0.0006
Ca5   .2891  .5654  .2014      0.0120 0.0244 0.0092 0.0100 0.0043 0.0014
O1    .0094  .5682  .1572      0.0102 0.0115 0.0137 0.0009 0.0053 0.0024
O2    .6321  .0625  .1343      0.0104 0.0179 0.0142 0.0030 0.0071 0.0081
O3    .6915  .4557  .0501      0.0086 0.0112 0.0084 -.0001 0.0033 0.0005
O4    .9672 -.0987  .2191      0.0116 0.0085 0.0077 0.0016 0.0035 0.0001
O5    .8564  .1810 -.0651      0.0120 0.0164 0.0103 0.0014 0.0055 0.0044
O6    .9545  .2625  .2764      0.0145 0.0117 0.0073 -.0023 0.0009 -.0005
O7    .2959  .7292  .4207      0.0122 0.0186 0.0134 -.0010 0.0047 -.0039
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Armbruster T, Rothlisberger F
Download am/vol75/AM75_963.pdf
American Mineralogist 75 (1990) 963-969
Crystal growth and structures of mixed-anion silicates-germanates:
Ca5[(Ge,Si)2O7][(Ge,Si)O4] and Na2Ca6[Si2O7][SiO4]2
sample Ca5Ge2.23Si.77O11
_database_code_amcsd 0001318
10.912 8.695 11.000 90 96.87 90 C2/m
atom      x     y     z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Ge1   .5606     0 .2709 .73 0.0045 0.0125 0.0081      0 0.0001      0
Si1   .5606     0 .2709 .27 0.0045 0.0125 0.0081      0 0.0001      0
Ge2   .8106     0 .4631 .81 0.0094 0.0059 0.0068      0 -.0009      0
Si2   .8106     0 .4631 .19 0.0094 0.0059 0.0068      0 -.0009      0
Ge3   .7947     0 .0177 .69 0.0044 0.0079 0.0083      0 -.0002      0
Si3   .7947     0 .0177 .31 0.0044 0.0079 0.0083      0 -.0002      0
Ca1  -.0162     0 .2497     0.0060 0.0292 0.0077      0 -.0008      0
Ca2   .2701 .1876 .2436     0.0092 0.0073 0.0167 -.0020 -.0043 0.0010
Ca3       0 .2890     0     0.0161 0.0298 0.0113      0 0.0050      0
Ca4      .5 .1768    .5     0.0212 0.0208 0.0233      0 -.0023      0
O1    .4187     0 .3234      0.005  0.016 0.014       0  0.001      0
O2    .8536 .1540 .1035      0.010  0.012 0.012  -0.002 -0.001 -0.002
O3    .8701 .1546 .3925      0.011  0.008 0.014  -0.002      0  0.003
O4    .8570     0 .8795      0.017  0.016 0.014       0  0.007      0
O5    .6490     0 .4208      0.010  0.018 0.009       0  0.000      0
O6    .1648     0 .3813      0.004  0.023 0.012       0 -0.002      0
O7    .8594    .5 .0267      0.013  0.012 0.050       0  0.007      0
O8    .5889 .8281 .2070      0.016  0.032 0.020   0.011 -0.008 -0.012
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Armbruster T, Rothlisberger F
Download am/vol75/AM75_963.pdf
American Mineralogist 75 (1990) 963-969
Crystal growth and structures of mixed-anion silicates-germanates:
Ca5[(Ge,Si)2O7][(Ge,Si)O4] and Na2Ca6[Si2O7][SiO4]2
sample Na2Ca6Si4O15
_database_code_amcsd 0001319
5.525 17.413 14.489 90 90.57 90 P2_1/c
atom      x      y      z occ Biso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Na1   .7174 .43889  .4516 .37      0.0216 0.0115 0.0135 0.0015 -.0053 0.0001
Ca1   .7174 .43889  .4516 .63      0.0216 0.0115 0.0135 0.0015 -.0053 0.0001
Na2   .2481  .2755  .1549 .68      0.0295 0.0122 0.0154 0.0022 0.0052 0.0034
Ca2   .2481  .2755  .1549 .32      0.0295 0.0122 0.0154 0.0022 0.0052 0.0034
Na3   .2274  .6503  .2985          0.0220 0.0154 0.0224 0.0002 0.0036 -.0061
Ca1   .2446 .74221 .98536          0.0089 0.0083 0.0112 0.0006 0.0008 0.0008
Ca2   .1948 .56255 .09917          0.0098 0.0146 0.0080 0.0004 0.0001 0.0026
Ca3   .7049 .73337 .12063          0.0129 0.0103 0.0103 0.0000 0.0008 0.0001
Ca4   .2888 .56823 .85372          0.0155 0.0122 0.0099 -.0014 -.0003 0.0024
Ca5   .2538 .44438 .29060          0.0098 0.0089 0.0079 0.0004 0.0006 0.0012
Si1   .7302 .59724 .98371          0.0066 0.0064 0.0061 0.0002 0.0000 0.0003
Si2   .2044 .80792 .21690          0.0105 0.0086 0.0054 0.0000 0.0001 -.0006
Si3   .7257 .57795  .2677          0.0066 0.0063 0.0060 -.0006 0.0003 0.0004
Si4   .7812 .61555  .4710          0.0092 0.0069 0.0070 0.0002 0.0003 -.0007
O1    .6865  .5639  .3805           0.017 0.0128 0.0057 -.0052 0.0012 -.0010
O2    .4700  .6346  .0073          0.0072 0.0117  0.019 0.0032 0.0037 0.0016
O3    .4800  .5464  .2202          0.0083 0.0135 0.0106 -.0018 -.0019 0.0014
O4   -.0622  .6581  .0163          0.0097 0.012 5 0.017 -.0029 -.0009 -.0038
O5    .2598  .4171  .1272           0.024  0.013 0.0072 0.0001 0.0008 -.0007
O6    .0556  .8563  .9557           0.013  0.016  0.018 0.0042 -.0006 0.0003
O7    .2902  .7382  .1509           0.019  0.018  0.012 0.0045 0.0014 -.0055
O8   -.0437  .5287  .2342          0.0098  0.019  0.012 0.0055 0.0013 0.0020
O9    .3571  .6132  .6975           0.016  0.016  0.013 0.0083 0.0009 -.0004
O10   .2245  .4832  .9643          0.0151 0.0099  0.013 0.0018 -.0006 0.0028
O11a   .217  .7118  .8282 .52  0.8
O11d   .282  .7111  .8259 .48  0.9
O12   .6014  .8128  .9865           0.020  0.021  0.024 -.0112 -.0041 0.0094
O13   .9175  .8248  .2009          0.0113 0.0110  0.023 0.0010 -.0011 -.0003
O14   .7703  .6680  .2539           0.029 0.0088  0.014 -.0050 -.0019 0.0021
O15a   .199  .4506  .4493 .38  0.5
O15b   .268  .4492  .4495 .62  1.1
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Bindi L, Bonazzi P, Fitton J G
European Journal of Mineralogy 13 (2001) 121-125
Crystal chemistry of strontian soda melilite from nephelinite
lava of Mt. Etinde, Cameroon
Sample: ET1
Locality: nephelinite lava of Mt. Etinde, Cameroon
_database_code_amcsd 0006851
7.754 7.754 5.101 90 90 90 P-42_1m
atom      x      y      z  occ  Uiso
CaX  .33740  .1626 .50948  .42 .0236
SrX  .33740  .1626 .50948 .225 .0236
NaX  .33740  .1626 .50948 .355 .0236
MgT1      0      0      0  .19 .0195
FeT1      0      0      0  .29 .0195
MnT1      0      0      0  .03 .0195
ZnT1      0      0      0  .02 .0195
AlT1      0      0      0  .46 .0195
TiT1      0      0      0  .01 .0195
SiT2 .14016 .35984 .95098 .995 .0192
AlT2 .14016 .35984 .95098 .005 .0192
O1       .5      0 .16430      .0334
O2   .14238 .35762 .25781      .0350
O3   .08233 .18078 .81188      .0341
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Bindi L, Bonazzi P, Fitton J G
European Journal of Mineralogy 13 (2001) 121-125
Crystal chemistry of strontian soda melilite from nephelinite
lave of Mt. Etinde, Cameroon
Sample: ET2
Locality: nephelinite lava of Mt. Etinde, Cameroon
_database_code_amcsd 0006852
7.764 7.764 5.095 90 90 90 P-42_1m
atom      x      y      z  occ  Uiso
CaX  .33731 .16269 .50936 .415 .0231
SrX  .33731 .16269 .50936 .225 .0231
NaX  .33731 .16269 .50936  .36 .0231
MgT1      0      0      0   .2 .0198
FeT1      0      0      0  .29 .0198
MnT1      0      0      0  .03 .0198
ZnT1      0      0      0  .01 .0198
AlT1      0      0      0  .45 .0198
TiT1      0      0      0  .02 .0198
SiT2 .14010  .3599 .95101 .995 .0189
AlT2 .14010  .3599 .95101 .005 .0189
O1       .5      0 .16428      .0328
O2   .14225 .35775 .25769      .0328
O3    .0821 .18041 .81181      .0338
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Bindi L, Bonazzi P
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 32 (2005) 89-96
Incommensurate-normal phase transition in natural melilite:
an in situ high-temperature X-ray single-crystal study
Sample: San Venanzo, Italy; T = 298 K
Note: xO1 and yO1 corrected by authors
_database_code_amcsd 0008953
7.826 7.826 5.004 90 90 90 P-42_1m
atom     x     y     z  occ  Uiso
CaX  .3316 .1684 .5065 .935 .0354
NaX  .3316 .1684 .5065  .05 .0354
SrX  .3316 .1684 .5065  .01 .0354
KX   .3316 .1684 .5065  .01 .0354
MgT1     0     0     0  .96 .0267
AlT1     0     0     0  .07 .0267
SiT2 .1399 .3601 .9359  .99 .0259
AlT2 .1399 .3601 .9359  .01 .0259
O1      .5     0 .1805      .0401
O2   .1408 .3592 .2558      .0367
O3   .0795 .1868 .7864      .0397
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Bindi L, Bonazzi P
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 32 (2005) 89-96
Incommensurate-normal phase transition in natural melilite:
an in situ high-temperature X-ray single-crystal study
Sample: San Venanzo, Italy; T = 348 K
Note: xO1 and yO1 corrected by authors
_database_code_amcsd 0008954
7.830 7.830 5.002 90 90 90 P-42_1m
atom     x     y     z  occ  Uiso
CaX  .3320 .1680 .5059 .935 .0340
NaX  .3320 .1680 .5059  .05 .0340
SrX  .3320 .1680 .5059  .01 .0340
KX   .3320 .1680 .5059  .01 .0340
MgT1     0     0     0  .96 .0272
AlT1     0     0     0  .07 .0272
SiT2 .1400 .3600 .9349  .99 .0257
AlT2 .1400 .3600 .9349  .01 .0257
O1      .5     0 .1828      .0355
O2   .1407 .3593 .2536      .0372
O3   .0805 .1871 .7859      .0363
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Bindi L, Bonazzi P
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 32 (2005) 89-96
Incommensurate-normal phase transition in natural melilite:
an in situ high-temperature X-ray single-crystal study
Sample: San Venanzo, Italy; T = 359 K
Note: xO1 and yO1 corrected by authors
_database_code_amcsd 0008955
7.832 7.832 5.003 90 90 90 P-42_1m
atom     x     y     z  occ  Uiso
CaX  .3320 .1680 .5057 .935 .0515
NaX  .3320 .1680 .5057  .05 .0515
SrX  .3320 .1680 .5057  .01 .0515
KX   .3320 .1680 .5057  .01 .0515
MgT1     0     0     0  .96 .0450
AlT1     0     0     0  .07 .0450
SiT2 .1401 .3599 .9345  .99 .0434
AlT2 .1401 .3599 .9345  .01 .0434
O1      .5     0 .1832      .0552
O2   .1407 .3593 .2537      .0550
O3   .0814 .1874 .7869      .0542
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Bindi L, Bonazzi P
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 32 (2005) 89-96
Incommensurate-normal phase transition in natural melilite:
an in situ high-temperature X-ray single-crystal study
Sample: San Venanzo, Italy; T = 373 K
Note: xO1 and yO1 corrected by authors
_database_code_amcsd 0008956
7.833 7.833 5.004 90 90 90 P-42_1m
atom     x     y     z  occ  Uiso
CaX  .3320 .1680 .5055 .935 .0351
NaX  .3320 .1680 .5055  .05 .0351
SrX  .3320 .1680 .5055  .01 .0351
KX   .3320 .1680 .5055  .01 .0351
MgT1     0     0     0  .96 .0276
AlT1     0     0     0  .07 .0276
SiT2 .1401 .3599 .9349  .99 .0265
AlT2 .1401 .3599 .9349  .01 .0265
O1      .5     0 .1829      .0355
O2   .1409 .3591 .2546      .0379
O3   .0806 .1861 .7855      .0367
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Bindi L, Bonazzi P
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 32 (2005) 89-96
Incommensurate-normal phase transition in natural melilite:
an in situ high-temperature X-ray single-crystal study
Sample: San Venanzo, Italy; T = 413 K
Note: xO1 and yO1 corrected by authors
_database_code_amcsd 0008957
7.838 7.838 5.006 90 90 90 P-42_1m
atom     x     y     z  occ  Uiso
CaX  .3319 .1681 .5057 .935 .0372
NaX  .3319 .1681 .5057  .05 .0372
SrX  .3319 .1681 .5057  .01 .0372
KX   .3319 .1681 .5057  .01 .0372
MgT1     0     0     0  .96 .0293
AlT1     0     0     0  .07 .0293
SiT2 .1401 .3599 .9347  .99 .0277
AlT2 .1401 .3599 .9347  .01 .0277
O1      .5     0 .1813      .0387
O2   .1411 .3589 .2542      .0412
O3   .0804 .1873 .7862      .0380
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Bindi L, Bonazzi P
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 32 (2005) 89-96
Incommensurate-normal phase transition in natural melilite:
an in situ high-temperature X-ray single-crystal study
Sample: San Venanzo, Italy; T = 463 K
Note: xO1 and yO1 corrected by authors
_database_code_amcsd 0008958
7.845 7.845 5.011 90 90 90 P-42_1m
atom     x     y     z  occ  Uiso
CaX  .3321 .1679 .5058 .935 .0380
NaX  .3321 .1679 .5058  .05 .0380
SrX  .3321 .1679 .5058  .01 .0380
KX   .3321 .1679 .5058  .01 .0380
MgT1     0     0     0  .96 .0290
AlT1     0     0     0  .07 .0290
SiT2 .1397 .3603 .9350  .99 .0276
AlT2 .1397 .3603 .9350  .01 .0276
O1      .5     0 .1787      .0381
O2   .1405 .3595 .2550      .0422
O3   .0811 .1873 .7863      .0404
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Bindi L, Bonazzi P
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 32 (2005) 89-96
Incommensurate-normal phase transition in natural melilite:
an in situ high-temperature X-ray single-crystal study
Sample: San Venanzo, Italy; T = 513 K
Note: xO1 and yO1 corrected by authors
_database_code_amcsd 0008959
7.852 7.852 5.019 90 90 90 P-42_1m
atom     x     y     z  occ  Uiso
CaX  .3319 .1681 .5055 .935 .0429
NaX  .3319 .1681 .5055  .05 .0429
SrX  .3319 .1681 .5055  .01 .0429
KX   .3319 .1681 .5055  .01 .0429
MgT1     0     0     0  .96 .0326
AlT1     0     0     0  .07 .0326
SiT2 .1399 .3601 .9352  .99 .0318
AlT2 .1399 .3601 .9352  .01 .0318
O1      .5     0 .1831      .0446
O2   .1408 .3592 .2542      .0484
O3   .0805 .1866 .7861      .0450
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Bindi L, Bonazzi P
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 32 (2005) 89-96
Incommensurate-normal phase transition in natural melilite:
an in situ high-temperature X-ray single-crystal study
Sample: San Venanzo, Italy; T = 573 K
Note: xO1 and yO1 corrected by authors
_database_code_amcsd 0008960
7.857 7.857 5.022 90 90 90 P-42_1m
atom     x     y     z  occ  Uiso
CaX  .3321 .1679 .5057 .935 .0314
NaX  .3321 .1679 .5057  .05 .0314
SrX  .3321 .1679 .5057  .01 .0314
KX   .3321 .1679 .5057  .01 .0314
MgT1     0     0     0  .96 .0207
AlT1     0     0     0  .07 .0207
SiT2 .1395 .3605 .9347  .99 .0181
AlT2 .1395 .3605 .9347  .01 .0181
O1      .5     0 .1799      .0343
O2   .1406 .3594 .2531      .0376
O3   .0812 .1877 .7867      .0334
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Bindi L, Bonazzi P
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 32 (2005) 89-96
Incommensurate-normal phase transition in natural melilite:
an in situ high-temperature X-ray single-crystal study
Sample: San Venanzo, Italy; T = 673 K
Note: xO1 and yO1 corrected by authors
_database_code_amcsd 0008961
7.868 7.868 5.027 90 90 90 P-42_1m
atom     x     y     z  occ  Uiso
CaX  .3317 .1683 .5058 .935 .0481
NaX  .3317 .1683 .5058  .05 .0481
SrX  .3317 .1683 .5058  .01 .0481
KX   .3317 .1683 .5058  .01 .0481
MgT1     0     0     0  .96 .0362
AlT1     0     0     0  .07 .0362
SiT2 .1397 .3603 .9351  .99 .0336
AlT2 .1397 .3603 .9351  .01 .0336
O1      .5     0 .1791      .0512
O2   .1412 .3588 .2527      .0551
O3   .0799 .1876 .7871      .0489
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View JMOL 3-D Structure (permalink)
Bindi L, Bonazzi P
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 32 (2005) 89-96
Incommensurate-normal phase transition in natural melilite:
an in situ high-temperature X-ray single-crystal study
Sample: San Venanzo, Italy; T = 773 K
Note: xO1 and yO1 corrected by authors
_database_code_amcsd 0008962
7.879 7.879 5.032 90 90 90 P-42_1m
atom     x     y     z  occ  Uiso
CaX  .3317 .1683 .5058 .935 .0482
NaX  .3317 .1683 .5058  .05 .0482
SrX  .3317 .1683 .5058  .01 .0482
KX   .3317 .1683 .5058  .01 .0482
MgT1     0     0     0  .96 .0361
AlT1     0     0     0  .07 .0361
SiT2 .1397 .3603 .9351  .99 .0337
AlT2 .1397 .3603 .9351  .01 .0337
O1      .5     0 .1795      .0507
O2   .1412 .3588 .2527      .0558
O3   .0799 .1872 .7872      .0485
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Louisnathan S J
Download zk/vol131/ZK131_314.pdf
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 131 (1970) 314-321
The crystal structure of synthetic soda melilite, CaNaAlSi2O7
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0010711
7.6344 7.6344 5.0513 90 90 90 P-42_1m
atom     x     y     z occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Ca   .3399 .1601 .5134  .5  .0050  .0050  .0071  .0015  .0009 -.0009
Na   .3399 .1601 .5134  .5  .0050  .0050  .0071  .0015  .0009 -.0009
Al       0     0     0      .0018  .0018  .0047      0      0      0
Si   .1416 .3584 .9531      .0009  .0009  .0010 -.0003 -.0002  .0002
O1      .5     0 .1687      .0034  .0034  .0034 -.0023      0      0
O2   .1428 .3572 .2652      .0074  .0074  .0075  .0007 -.0012  .0012
O3   .0852 .1747 .8120      .0045  .0035  .0059 -.0013  .0013  .0010
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