American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Sokolova E, Hawthorne F C
Download cm/vol46/CM46_1323.pdf
The Canadian Mineralogist 46 (2008) 1323-1331
From structure topology to chemical composition. IV. Titanium silicates:
The orthorhombic polytype of nabalamprophyllite
from Lovozero Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia
Note: polytype nabalamprophyllite-2O
Locality: Lovozero Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0019470
19.564 7.1173 5.4144 90 90 90 Pnmn
atom       x     y     z  occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
BaAP  .21647     0 .6442 .435 .0095  .0150  .0060  .0074      0  .0002      0
SrAP  .21647     0 .6442 .235 .0095  .0150  .0060  .0074      0  .0002      0
NaAP  .21647     0 .6442  .14 .0095  .0150  .0060  .0074      0  .0002      0
KAP   .21647     0 .6442  .10 .0095  .0150  .0060  .0074      0  .0002      0
CaAP  .21647     0 .6442  .01 .0095  .0150  .0060  .0074      0  .0002      0
TiMH  .35220     0 .1436 .985 .0040  .0064  .0018  .0037      0 -.0003      0
AlMH  .35220     0 .1436 .015 .0040  .0064  .0018  .0037      0 -.0003      0
TiMO1      0     0     0  .85 .0228   .026   .007   .036      0  -.026      0
FeMO1      0     0     0  .11 .0228   .026   .007   .036      0  -.026      0
NbMO1      0     0     0  .04 .0228   .026   .007   .036      0  -.026      0
NaMO2     .5     0    .5       .020   .025   .017   .018      0  -.008      0
NaMO3     .5 .2610     0  .78 .0085   .013   .006   .007      0 -.0030      0
MnMO3     .5 .2610     0  .20 .0085   .013   .006   .007      0 -.0030      0
MgMO3     .5 .2610     0  .02 .0085   .013   .006   .007      0 -.0030      0
Si    .14125 .2162 .1428      .0043  .0071  .0007  .0050  .0018 -.0005  .0002
OH1    .0568     0  .700 .445  .020   .012   .017   .032      0   .006      0
F1     .0568     0  .700 .325  .020   .012   .017   .032      0   .006      0
O1     .0568     0  .700  .23  .020   .012   .017   .032      0   .006      0
O2     .3274 .1864 .3933      .0073   .011   .001   .010  -.003   .001  -.003
O3     .3280 .1868 .8881      .0071   .012   .000   .010  -.002   .003   .004
O4     .1727     0  .145       .008   .012   .000   .013      0   .005      0
O5     .0587 .2049 .1455      .0087   .006   .007   .014  -.001   .001  -.001
O6     .4382     0 .1435       .015   .009   .027   .010      0  -.001      0
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