American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

2 matching records for this search.

Pertlik F, Schnorrer G
Mineralogy and Petrology 48 (1993) 193-200
A re-appraisal of the chemical formula of nealite, Pb4Fe(AsO3)2Cl4*2H2O,
on the basis of a crystal structure determination
Locality: Laurion, Greece
_database_code_amcsd 0014634
6.548 10.243 5.587 96.2 89.6 97.7 P-1
atom     x     y     z Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Pb1  .2014 .4519 .2450       .0185  .0343  .0174  .0014 -.0046  .0019
Pb2  .0689 .8204 .2842       .0180  .0343  .1527 -.0006  .0231 -.0013
Fe      .5     0     0       .0133  .0223  .0347 -.0034 -.0010  .0035
As   .3059 .6849 .7892       .0178  .0310  .0232 -.0008 -.0013  .0005
O1    .131  .634  .533 .027
O2    .122  .643  .039 .031
O3    .276  .856  .836 .048
Cl1   .352  .368  .723 .030
Cl2   .203  .128  .171 .034
Wat4  .460  .902  .314 .043
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Giuseppetti G, Mazzi F, Tadini C
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1993 (1993) 278-288
The crystal structure of nealite: Pb4Fe(AsO3)2Cl4*2H2O
Locality: Laurion, Greece
_database_code_amcsd 0014867
6.53 10.23 5.588 96.4 89.5 97.8 P-1
atom     x     y     z  occ  Uiso
Pb1  .7014 .4522 .2462      .0195
Pb2A .5786 .8177 .3271 .514 .0209
Pb2B .5570 .8237 .2313 .486 .0244
Fe       0     0     0      .0199
As   .1940 .3142 .2114      .0193
O1    .368  .360  .457       .026
O2    .376  .365 -.015       .024
O3    .225  .143  .161       .043
Cl1  .1464 .6313 .2753       .026
Cl2  .7053 .1267 .1674       .028
Wat   .955  .909  .313       .054
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