Nuffieldite |
Moelo Y, Meerschaut A, Makovicky E |
The Canadian Mineralogist 35 (1997) 1497-1508 |
Refinement of the crystal structure of nuffieldite, Pb2Cu1.4(Pb.4Bi.4Sb.2)Bi2S7: |
Structural relationships and genesis of complex lead sulfosalt structures |
_database_code_amcsd 0005532 |
14.4949 21.4195 4.0420 90 90 90 Pbnm |
atom x y z occ Biso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
PbM1 .1558 .1955 .25 .030 .034 .0119 -.009 0 0 |
BiM2 .3905 .33299 .25 .0174 .0171 .0099 .0022 0 0 |
PbM3 .6326 .0239 .25 .032 .044 .0250 -.013 0 0 |
BiM4 .6000 .4709 .25 .39 .022 .026 .0136 .001 0 0 |
PbM4 .6000 .4709 .25 .37 .022 .026 .0136 .001 0 0 |
SbM4 .6000 .4709 .25 .24 .022 .026 .0136 .001 0 0 |
BiM5 .9540 .34229 .25 .0187 .0226 .0103 .0006 0 0 |
Cu1 .6718 .1722 .25 2.0 |
Cu2 .281 .0696 .25 .37 1.9 |
S1 .5186 .2437 .25 1.0 |
S2 .0067 .1109 .25 1.2 |
S3 .4429 .0634 .25 1.1 |
S4 .8006 .2311 .25 .9 |
S5 .1290 .3708 .25 1.0 |
S6 .7269 .3879 .25 1.4 |
S7 .3108 .4709 .25 1.7 |
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Nuffieldite |
Kohatsu I, Wuensch B J |
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 138 (1973) 343-365 |
The crystal structure of nuffieldite, Pb2Cu(Pb,Bi)Bi2S7 |
Locality: Alice Arm, British Columbia, Canada |
_database_code_amcsd 0017790 |
14.387 21.011 4.046 90 90 90 Pbmn |
atom x y z occ Biso |
PbM1 .1599 .1929 .25 .5 .9 |
BiM1 .1599 .1929 .25 .5 .9 |
PbM2 .3936 .3347 .25 .88 |
PbM3 .6319 .0211 .25 2.04 |
BiM4 .6075 .4724 .25 1.14 |
BiM5 .9579 .3431 .25 .99 |
Cu .6691 .1722 .25 .9 |
S1 .5417 .2399 .25 3.6 |
S2 .0169 .1117 .25 1.4 |
S3 .4718 .0676 .25 .01 |
S4 .8026 .2276 .25 .2 |
S5 .1438 .3724 .25 .9 |
S6 .7417 .3883 .25 2.5 |
S7 .3190 .4687 .25 .5 |
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