Orthoclase |
Viswanathan K, Kielhorn H M |
American Mineralogist 68 (1983) 122-124 |
Al,Si distribution in a ternary (Ba,K,Na)-feldspar as determined |
by crystal structure refinement |
Note: variety hyalophane |
Locality: Yugoslavia |
_database_code_amcsd 0019651 |
8.544 13.030 7.195 90 115.68 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Al1 .0089 .1835 .2242 .437 0.0039 0.0011 0.0029 -.0004 0.0024 -.0002 |
Si1 .0089 .1835 .2242 .563 0.0039 0.0011 0.0029 -.0004 0.0024 -.0002 |
Al2 .7050 .1179 .3454 .268 0.0035 0.0008 0.0036 -.0001 0.0021 0.0000 |
Si2 .7050 .1179 .3454 .732 0.0035 0.0008 0.0036 -.0001 0.0021 0.0000 |
Ba .2828 0 .1331 .400 0.0048 0.0024 0.0084 0 0.0027 0 |
K .2828 0 .1331 .470 0.0048 0.0024 0.0084 0 0.0027 0 |
Na .2828 0 .1331 .130 0.0048 0.0024 0.0084 0 0.0027 0 |
Oa1 0 .1428 0 0.0078 0.0017 0.0064 0 0.0048 0 |
Oa2 .6264 0 .2867 0.0061 0.0008 0.0088 0 0.0022 0 |
Ob .8273 .1415 .2274 0.0069 0.0026 0.0091 -.0007 0.0053 0.0002 |
Oc .0303 .3104 .2558 0.0064 0.0015 0.0088 -.0005 0.0041 -.0004 |
Od .1842 .1261 .4030 0.0039 0.0011 0.0029 -.0004 0.0024 -.0002 |
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Orthoclase |
Colville A A, Ribbe P H |
American Mineralogist 53 (1968) 25-37 |
The crystal structure of an adularia and a refinement of the structure of orthoclase |
Locality: St. Gotthard, Switzerland, known as Spencer B, variety adularia |
_database_code_amcsd 0000166 |
8.554 12.970 7.207 90 116.01 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ Biso |
K .2835 0 .1369 2.26 |
Si1 .0094 .1843 .2247 .61 .83 |
Al1 .0094 .1843 .2247 .39 .83 |
Si2 .7079 .1176 .3443 .89 .65 |
Al2 .7079 .1176 .3443 .11 .65 |
OA1 0 .1448 0 1.7 |
OA2 .6354 0 .2840 1.3 |
OB .8276 .1448 .2277 2.2 |
OC .0351 .3116 .2590 1.6 |
OD .1818 .1254 .4075 1.2 |
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Orthoclase |
Colville A A, Ribbe P H |
American Mineralogist 53 (1968) 25-37 |
The crystal structure of an adularia and a refinement of the structure of orthoclase |
Locality: St. Gotthard, Switzerland, known as Spencer C |
_database_code_amcsd 0000167 |
8.561 12.996 7.192 90 116.01 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ Biso |
K .2838 0 .1373 2.23 |
Si1 .0095 .1844 .2239 .65 .91 |
Al1 .0095 .1844 .2239 .35 .91 |
Si2 .7089 .1178 .3443 .85 .80 |
Al2 .7089 .1178 .3443 .15 .80 |
OA1 0 .1459 0 1.8 |
OA2 .6346 0 .2851 1.8 |
OB .8280 .1470 .2282 2.2 |
OC .0349 .3106 .2607 1.7 |
OD .1815 .1258 .4065 1.6 |
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Orthoclase |
Phillips M W, Ribbe P H |
American Mineralogist 58 (1973) 263-270 |
The structures of monoclinic potassium-rich feldspars |
Note: variety adularia |
Locality: St. Gotthard, Switzerland |
_database_code_amcsd 0000313 |
8.545 12.967 7.201 90 116.00 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) |
Si1 .0093 .1842 .2243 .60 .0041 .0013 .0050 -.0003 .0022 -.0003 |
Al1 .0093 .1842 .2243 .40 .0041 .0013 .0050 -.0003 .0022 -.0003 |
Si2 .7078 .1176 .3445 .89 .0033 .0009 .0049 0 .0018 .0002 |
Al2 .7078 .1176 .3445 .11 .0033 .0009 .0049 0 .0018 .0002 |
K .2834 0 .1372 .88 .0065 .0036 .0128 0 .0030 0 |
Na .2834 0 .1372 .12 .0065 .0036 .0128 0 .0030 0 |
OA(1) 0 .1447 0 .0081 .0021 .0115 0 .0049 0 |
OA(2) .6339 0 .2848 .0065 .0014 .0096 0 .0017 0 |
OB .8262 .1449 .2280 .0077 .0033 .0125 -.0005 .0063 .0002 |
OC .0339 .3117 .2585 .0057 .0018 .0095 -.0006 .0026 -.0006 |
OD .1821 .1257 .4070 .0069 .0020 .0071 .0001 .0019 .0004 |
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Orthoclase |
Prince E, Donnay G, Martin R F |
American Mineralogist 58 (1973) 500-507 |
Neutron diffraction refinement of an ordered orthoclase structure |
Locality: Himalaya mine, California, USA |
_database_code_amcsd 0000320 |
8.5632 12.963 7.2099 90 116.073 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Si1 .0095 .1842 .2247 .5 .017478 .012538 .011905 -.002913 .007472 -.001900 |
Al1 .0095 .1842 .2247 .5 .017478 .012538 .011905 -.002913 .007472 -.001900 |
Si2 .7085 .1176 .3446 .017478 .012032 .013932 .000253 .006966 .000380 |
K .2840 0 .1388 .86 .018998 .030396 .025330 0 .006586 0 |
Na .2840 0 .1388 .10 .018998 .030396 .025330 0 .006586 0 |
OA(1) 0 .1451 0 .026977 .019504 .023810 0 .012032 0 |
OA(2) .6365 0 .2853 .024570 .012285 .019378 0 .004179 0 |
OB .8256 .1459 .2279 .027610 .031030 .028243 -.003040 .018618 .002026 |
OC .0353 .3118 .2599 .021024 .017731 .022164 -.003800 .008106 -.004559 |
OD .1818 .1252 .4080 .024190 .020264 .012665 .001773 .002913 .001646 |
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Orthoclase |
Angel R J, Ross N L, Zhao J, Sochalski-Kolbus L, Kruger H, Schmidt B C |
European Journal of Mineralogy 25 (2013) 597-614 |
Structural controls on the anisotropy of tetrahedral frameworks: |
the example of monoclinic feldspars |
Note: Sample H003 |
Locality: Unknown |
_database_code_amcsd 0020509 |
8.5739 12.9874 7.2018 90 116.042 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
K .28499 0 .13858 .93 .0297 .0206 .0359 .0292 0 .0078 0 |
Na .28499 0 .13858 .07 .0297 .0206 .0359 .0292 0 .0078 0 |
SiT1 .00935 .18481 .22391 .62 .01251 .0128 .0133 .0115 -.0024 .0054 -.0012 |
AlT1 .00935 .18481 .22391 .38 .01251 .0128 .0133 .0115 -.0024 .0054 -.0012 |
SiT2 .70914 .11767 .34453 .88 .01182 .0121 .0104 .0121 .0001 .0045 .0002 |
AlT2 .70914 .11767 .34453 .12 .01182 .0121 .0104 .0121 .0001 .0045 .0002 |
OA1 0 .14607 0 .0214 .0239 .0206 .0201 0 .0099 0 |
OA2 .6378 0 .2849 .0209 .0209 .0137 .0208 0 .0023 0 |
OB .8268 .14672 .2278 .0256 .0227 .0315 .0270 -.0018 .0149 .0018 |
OC .0352 .31136 .2592 .0196 .0174 .0174 .0220 -.0016 .0070 -.0030 |
OD .1809 .12605 .4067 .0204 .0211 .0210 .0144 .0018 .0035 .0011 |
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Orthoclase |
Angel R J, Ross N L, Zhao J, Sochalski-Kolbus L, Kruger H, Schmidt B C |
European Journal of Mineralogy 25 (2013) 597-614 |
Structural controls on the anisotropy of tetrahedral frameworks: |
the example of monoclinic feldspars |
Note: Gemini RT Data, Sample H003 |
Locality: Unknown |
_database_code_amcsd 0020540 |
8.5739 12.9874 7.2018 90 116.042 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
K .28459 0 .13815 .92 .02791 .0185 .0336 .0281 0 .00699 0 |
Na .28459 0 .13815 .08 .02791 .0185 .0336 .0281 0 .00699 0 |
SiT1 .00935 .18474 .22409 .62 .01086 .01133 .01162 .00984 -.00226 .00484 -.00138 |
AlT1A .00935 .18474 .22409 .38 .01086 .01133 .01162 .00984 -.00226 .00484 -.00138 |
SiT2 .70899 .11770 .34449 .88 .01088 .01070 .00972 .01153 -.00010 .00424 .00038 |
AlT2A .70899 .11770 .34449 .12 .01088 .01070 .00972 .01153 -.00010 .00424 .00038 |
OA1 0 .14592 0 .0211 .0241 .0196 .0207 0 .0108 0 |
OA2 .63753 0 .2852 .0208 .0202 .0128 .0223 0 .0027 0 |
OB .82646 .14651 .22738 .0249 .0216 .0317 .0270 -.0026 .0158 .0020 |
OC .03505 .31153 .25924 .0191 .0161 .0177 .0214 -.0025 .0063 -.0031 |
OD .18100 .12582 .40703 .0196 .0204 .0198 .0131 .0017 .0023 .0013 |
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Orthoclase |
Angel R J, Ross N L, Zhao J, Sochalski-Kolbus L, Kruger H, Schmidt B C |
European Journal of Mineralogy 25 (2013) 597-614 |
Structural controls on the anisotropy of tetrahedral frameworks: |
the example of monoclinic feldspars |
Note: T = 293 K, Sample H003_RTend |
Locality: Unknown |
_database_code_amcsd 0020541 |
8.5750 12.9840 7.2008 90 116.028 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
K .28476 0 .13825 .92 .0319 .0225 .0379 .0322 0 .0092 0 |
Na .28476 0 .13825 .08 .0319 .0225 .0379 .0322 0 .0092 0 |
SiT1 .00932 .18481 .22407 .62 .01412 .0152 .0145 .0135 -.00238 .00705 -.00143 |
AlT1A .00932 .18481 .22407 .38 .01412 .0152 .0145 .0135 -.00238 .00705 -.00143 |
SiT2 .70912 .11770 .34449 .88 .01425 .0147 .0129 .0150 -.00001 .00640 .00039 |
AlT2A .70912 .11770 .34449 .12 .01425 .0147 .0129 .0150 -.00001 .00640 .00039 |
OA1 0 .14607 0 .0246 .0274 .0231 .0244 0 .0125 0 |
OA2 .6379 0 .2853 .0245 .0247 .0163 .0258 0 .0049 0 |
OB .82665 .14651 .2277 .0285 .0260 .0342 .0308 -.0022 .0175 .0023 |
OC .03510 .31147 .2593 .0225 .0197 .0213 .0248 -.0020 .0082 -.0027 |
OD .18081 .12583 .40697 .0233 .0242 .0237 .0168 .0011 .0042 .0010 |
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Orthoclase |
Angel R J, Ross N L, Zhao J, Sochalski-Kolbus L, Kruger H, Schmidt B C |
European Journal of Mineralogy 25 (2013) 597-614 |
Structural controls on the anisotropy of tetrahedral frameworks: |
the example of monoclinic feldspars |
Note: T = 293 K, Sample H003_RT |
Locality: Unknown |
_database_code_amcsd 0020542 |
8.5752 12.9860 7.2013 90 116.023 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
K .28485 0 .13820 .92 .0321 .0229 .0381 .0323 0 .0093 0 |
Na .28485 0 .13820 .08 .0321 .0229 .0381 .0323 0 .0093 0 |
SiT1 .00927 .18479 .22406 .62 .01464 .0160 .0151 .0137 -.00226 .00729 -.00138 |
AlT1A .00927 .18479 .22406 .38 .01464 .0160 .0151 .0137 -.00226 .00729 -.00138 |
SiT2 .70902 .11769 .34450 .88 .01482 .0155 .0136 .0153 -.00001 .00667 .00042 |
AlT2A .70902 .11769 .34450 .12 .01482 .0155 .0136 .0153 -.00001 .00667 .00042 |
OA1 0 .14606 0 .0248 .0283 .0228 .0246 0 .0127 0 |
OA2 .6380 0 .2854 .0252 .0259 .0164 .0265 0 .0052 0 |
OB .82683 .14641 .2278 .0289 .0265 .0353 .0304 -.0020 .0174 .0025 |
OC .03505 .31152 .2593 .0228 .0205 .0217 .0247 -.0024 .0085 -.0028 |
OD .18076 .12584 .40681 .0237 .0249 .0243 .0170 .0011 .0046 .0011 |
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Orthoclase |
Angel R J, Ross N L, Zhao J, Sochalski-Kolbus L, Kruger H, Schmidt B C |
European Journal of Mineralogy 25 (2013) 597-614 |
Structural controls on the anisotropy of tetrahedral frameworks: |
the example of monoclinic feldspars |
Note: T = 600 K, Sample H003 |
Locality: Unknown |
_database_code_amcsd 0020543 |
8.6159 12.9806 7.1991 90 115.956 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
K .28773 0 .13994 .92 .0498 .0359 .0581 .0522 0 .0165 0 |
Na .28773 0 .13994 .08 .0498 .0359 .0581 .0522 0 .0165 0 |
SiT1 .00962 .18576 .22416 .62 .0198 .0219 .0204 .0184 -.00326 .0101 -.00171 |
AlT1A .00962 .18576 .22416 .38 .0198 .0219 .0204 .0184 -.00326 .0101 -.00171 |
SiT2 .71201 .11802 .34502 .88 .0197 .0205 .0172 .0212 -.00062 .0091 .00014 |
AlT2A .71201 .11802 .34502 .12 .0197 .0205 .0172 .0212 -.00062 .0091 .00014 |
OA1 0 .14725 0 .0343 .0413 .0341 .0301 0 .0181 0 |
OA2 .6437 0 .2850 .0337 .0345 .0197 .0375 0 .0070 0 |
OB .8279 .14860 .2283 .0404 .0367 .0491 .0441 -.0066 .0258 .0019 |
OC .0377 .31246 .2606 .0316 .0290 .0261 .0380 -.0047 .0130 -.0038 |
OD .1790 .12586 .4067 .0343 .0364 .0351 .0237 .0042 .0061 .0023 |
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Orthoclase |
Angel R J, Ross N L, Zhao J, Sochalski-Kolbus L, Kruger H, Schmidt B C |
European Journal of Mineralogy 25 (2013) 597-614 |
Structural controls on the anisotropy of tetrahedral frameworks: |
the example of monoclinic feldspars |
Note: T = 900 K, Sample H003 |
Locality: Unknown |
_database_code_amcsd 0020544 |
8.6609 12.9770 7.2003 90 115.876 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
K .29047 0 .14187 .92 .0687 .0511 .0792 .0726 0 .0239 0 |
Na .29047 0 .14187 .08 .0687 .0511 .0792 .0726 0 .0239 0 |
SiT1 .01024 .18679 .22437 .62 .0254 .0277 .0265 .0232 -.0046 .0123 -.00204 |
AlT1A .01024 .18679 .22437 .38 .0254 .0277 .0265 .0232 -.0046 .0123 -.00204 |
SiT2 .71500 .11839 .34564 .88 .0250 .0257 .0217 .0271 -.00113 .0110 .00003 |
AlT2A .71500 .11839 .34564 .12 .0250 .0257 .0217 .0271 -.00113 .0110 .00003 |
OA1 0 .1484 0 .0440 .0542 .0447 .0363 0 .0225 0 |
OA2 .6487 0 .2850 .0425 .0439 .0228 .0487 0 .0091 0 |
OB .8291 .15091 .2288 .0528 .0469 .0655 .0572 -.0103 .0331 .0023 |
OC .0403 .31333 .2616 .0406 .0366 .0327 .0502 -.0063 .0169 -.0050 |
OD .1775 .12599 .4067 .0450 .0486 .0457 .0298 .0063 .0069 .0031 |
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Orthoclase |
Angel R J, Ross N L, Zhao J, Sochalski-Kolbus L, Kruger H, Schmidt B C |
European Journal of Mineralogy 25 (2013) 597-614 |
Structural controls on the anisotropy of tetrahedral frameworks: |
the example of monoclinic feldspars |
Note: T = 1075 K, Sample H003 |
Locality: Unknown |
_database_code_amcsd 0020545 |
8.6849 12.9747 7.2030 90 115.819 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
K .29190 0 .1432 .92 .0802 .0602 .0923 .0852 0 .0290 0 |
Na .29190 0 .1432 .08 .0802 .0602 .0923 .0852 0 .0290 0 |
SiT1 .01058 .18734 .22450 .62 .0286 .0314 .0298 .0260 -.0051 .0138 -.00197 |
AlT1A .01058 .18734 .22450 .38 .0286 .0314 .0298 .0260 -.0051 .0138 -.00197 |
SiT2 .71666 .11855 .34601 .88 .0280 .0288 .0242 .0303 -.0010 .0124 .00009 |
AlT2A .71666 .11855 .34601 .12 .0280 .0288 .0242 .0303 -.0010 .0124 .00009 |
OA1 0 .1490 0 .0494 .0615 .0503 .0404 0 .0261 0 |
OA2 .6519 0 .2852 .0477 .0494 .0249 .0555 0 .0106 0 |
OB .8300 .1523 .2294 .0591 .0527 .0728 .0643 -.0122 .0372 .0024 |
OC .0418 .31360 .2623 .0459 .0412 .0355 .0582 -.0066 .0190 -.0053 |
OD .1764 .12595 .4066 .0509 .0551 .0521 .0327 .0077 .0073 .0036 |
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Orthoclase |
Tseng H-Y, Heaney P J, Onstott T C |
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 22 (1995) 399-405 |
Characterization of lattice strain induced by neutron irradiation |
Sample: Unirradiated |
_database_code_amcsd 0007928 |
8.58804 13.00492 7.19238 90 116.026 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
K .2832 0 .1358 .006 |
Al1 .0090 .1842 .2226 .5 .002 |
Si1 .0090 .1842 .2226 .5 .002 |
Si2 .7078 .11848 .3395 .002 |
OA1 0 .1487 0 .012 |
OA2 .6328 0 .2782 .012 |
OB .8307 .1466 .2218 .012 |
OC .0364 .3126 .2546 .012 |
OD .1821 .1254 .4063 .012 |
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Orthoclase |
Tseng H-Y, Heaney P J, Onstott T C |
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 22 (1995) 399-405 |
Characterization of lattice strain induced by neutron irradiation |
Sample: neutron dose = 6.3*10^18 n/cm2 |
_database_code_amcsd 0007929 |
8.59122 13.00089 7.19192 90 116.009 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
K .2848 0 .1397 .006 |
Al1 .0105 .18666 .2252 .5 .002 |
Si1 .0105 .18666 .2252 .5 .002 |
Si2 .7083 .11871 .3444 .002 |
OA1 0 .1475 0 .012 |
OA2 .6343 0 .2824 .012 |
OB .8290 .1484 .2249 .012 |
OC .0353 .3131 .2527 .012 |
OD .1814 .1240 .4120 .012 |
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Orthoclase |
Tseng H-Y, Heaney P J, Onstott T C |
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 22 (1995) 399-405 |
Characterization of lattice strain induced by neutron irradiation |
Sample: neutron dose = 1.26*10^19 n/cm2 |
_database_code_amcsd 0007930 |
8.59046 12.99323 7.18763 90 115.990 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
K .2835 0 .1364 .006 |
Al1 .0104 .1846 .2241 .5 .002 |
Si1 .0104 .1846 .2241 .5 .002 |
Si2 .7093 .11900 .3411 .002 |
OA1 0 .1481 0 .012 |
OA2 .6316 0 .2739 .012 |
OB .8311 .1466 .2320 .012 |
OC .0355 .3120 .2571 .012 |
OD .1838 .1224 .4099 .012 |
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Orthoclase |
Jones J B, Taylor W H |
Acta Crystallographica 14 (1961) 443-456 |
The structure of orthoclase |
Locality: Mogok, Upper Burma |
_database_code_amcsd 0020547 |
8.5616 12.9962 7.1934 90 116.015 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ |
K .2843 0 .1361 |
SiT1 .0101 .1848 .2237 .70 |
AlT1 .0101 .1848 .2237 .30 |
SiT2 .7084 .1175 .3437 .81 |
AlT2 .7084 .1175 .3437 .19 |
Oa1 0 .1461 0 |
Oa2 .6335 0 .2840 |
Ob .8276 .1465 .2271 |
Oc .0347 .3104 .2631 |
Od .1801 .1256 .4051 |
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Orthoclase |
Dal Negro A, De Pieri R, Quareni S |
Acta Crystallographica B34 (1978) 2699-2707 |
The crystal structures of nine K feldspars from the Adamello |
Massif (Northern Italy) |
Note: Sample P2B |
Locality: Adamello Massif, Northern Italy |
_database_code_amcsd 0020550 |
8.589 13.013 7.197 90 116.02 90 C-1 |
atom x y z occ |
K1 .2850 .9998 .1378 .94 |
Na1 .2850 .9998 .1378 .06 |
Al1 .0097 .1850 .2237 .37 |
Si1 .0097 .1850 .2237 .63 |
Al2 .0095 .8151 .2241 .35 |
Si2 .0095 .8151 .2241 .65 |
Al3 .7093 .1179 .3442 .15 |
Si3 .7093 .1179 .3442 .85 |
Al4 .7092 .8822 .3446 .14 |
Si4 .7092 .8822 .3446 .86 |
O1 .9997 .1459 .9998 |
O2 .6373 .0002 .2852 |
O3 .8275 .1471 .2270 |
O4 .8277 .8534 .2275 |
O5 .0357 .3115 .2582 |
O6 .0352 .6892 .2590 |
O7 .1812 .1260 .4054 |
O8 .1804 .8738 .4057 |
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Orthoclase |
Dal Negro A, De Pieri R, Quareni S |
Acta Crystallographica B34 (1978) 2699-2707 |
The crystal structures of nine K feldspars from the Adamello |
Massif (Northern Italy) |
Note: Sample P2A |
Locality: Adamello Massif, Northern Italy |
_database_code_amcsd 0020551 |
8.583 12.988 7.202 90 116.05 90 C-1 |
atom x y z occ |
K1 .2851 .9996 .1380 .931 |
Na1 .2851 .9996 .1380 .055 |
Ca1 .2851 .9996 .1380 .009 |
Ba1 .2851 .9996 .1380 .005 |
Al1 .0095 .1852 .2236 .415 |
Si1 .0095 .1852 .2236 .585 |
Al2 .0096 .8152 .2247 .335 |
Si2 .0096 .8152 .2247 .665 |
Al3 .7096 .1181 .3442 .11 |
Si3 .7096 .1181 .3442 .89 |
Al4 .7093 .8823 .3447 .11 |
Si4 .7093 .8823 .3447 .89 |
O1 .9996 .1458 .9983 |
O2 .6382 .0003 .2854 |
O3 .8267 .1469 .2270 |
O4 .8276 .8533 .2276 |
O5 .0357 .3119 .2579 |
O6 .0354 .6888 .2597 |
O7 .1810 .1260 .4062 |
O8 .1801 .8738 .4066 |
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Orthoclase |
Dal Negro A, De Pieri R, Quareni S |
Acta Crystallographica B34 (1978) 2699-2707 |
The crystal structures of nine K feldspars from the Adamello |
Massif (Northern Italy) |
Note: Sample CA1A |
Locality: Adamello Massif, Northern Italy |
_database_code_amcsd 0020552 |
8.563 12.990 7.210 90 115.93 90 C-1 |
atom x y z occ |
K1 .2840 .9993 .1375 .88 |
Na1 .2840 .9993 .1375 .1 |
Ca1 .2840 .9993 .1375 .01 |
Ba1 .2840 .9993 .1375 .01 |
Al1 .0096 .1846 .2235 .47 |
Si1 .0096 .1846 .2235 .53 |
Al2 .0095 .8160 .2252 .365 |
Si2 .0095 .8160 .2252 .635 |
Al3 .7087 .1180 .3441 .085 |
Si3 .7087 .1180 .3441 .915 |
Al4 .7082 .8826 .3451 .085 |
Si4 .7082 .8826 .3451 .915 |
O1 .9999 .1452 .9981 |
O2 .6355 .0006 .2855 |
O3 .8261 .1457 .2271 |
O4 .8268 .8544 .2290 |
O5 .0353 .3123 .2582 |
O6 .0353 .6893 .2601 |
O7 .1826 .1255 .4065 |
O8 .1809 .8742 .4074 |
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Orthoclase |
Fenn P M, Brown G E |
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 145 (1977) 124-145 |
Crystal structure of a synthetic, compositionally intermediate, |
hypersolvus alkali feldspar: evidence for Na, K site ordering |
Locality: Synthetic |
_database_code_amcsd 0020553 |
8.434 13.015 7.1717 90 116.09 90 C-1 |
atom x y z occ Biso |
K1 .2787 0 .1357 .50 1.79 |
K2 .2880 -.0012 .1416 .08 9.4 |
Na1 .2880 -.0012 .1416 .42 9.4 |
Si1 .0086 .1816 .2237 .71 1.28 |
Al1 .0086 .1816 .2237 .29 1.28 |
Si2 .0083 .8183 .2235 .72 1.26 |
Al2 .0083 .8183 .2235 .28 1.26 |
Si3 .7019 .1170 .3430 .78 1.23 |
Al3 .7019 .1170 .3430 .22 1.23 |
Si4 .7020 .8828 .3430 .78 1.22 |
Al4 .7020 .8828 .3430 .22 1.22 |
O1 0 .1426 -.0002 2.00 |
O2 .6184 .0002 .2842 1.97 |
O3 .8262 .1411 .2268 2.06 |
O4 .8266 .8588 .2275 1.99 |
O5 .0291 .3081 .2554 1.78 |
O6 .0289 .6922 .2559 1.80 |
O7 .1847 .1261 .4042 1.85 |
O8 .1845 .8743 .4041 1.86 |
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Orthoclase |
Gering E |
Dissertation Kernforshungszentrum Karlsruhe 1 (1985) 1-97 |
Silizium/Aluminium-Ordnung und Kristallperfektion von Sanidinen |
Note: Sample ORMA, X-Ray diffraction |
Locality: Madagascar |
_database_code_amcsd 0020546 |
8.578 12.978 7.204 90 116.02 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
K1M .28542 0 .13794 .0193 .0338 .0283 0 .0064 0 |
SiT1 .00941 .18486 .22426 .588 .0143 .0124 .0109 -.0023 .0059 -.0015 |
AlT1 .00941 .18486 .22426 .412 .0143 .0124 .0109 -.0023 .0059 -.0015 |
SiT2 .20920 .38228 .34453 .912 .0129 .0098 .0117 .0000 .0049 -.0004 |
AlT2 .20920 .38228 .34453 .088 .0129 .0098 .0117 .0000 .0049 -.0004 |
Oa1 0 .14566 0 .0261 .0191 .0213 0 .0106 0 |
Oa2 .63855 0 .28559 .0221 .0121 .0213 0 .0031 0 |
Ob .82650 .14642 .22747 .0242 .0309 .0273 -.0024 .0168 .0021 |
Oc .03523 .31194 .25940 .0181 .0177 .0208 -.0030 .0062 -.0031 |
Od .18093 .12581 .40759 .0223 .0196 .0132 .0014 .0026 .0015 |
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Orthoclase |
Chao S, Hargreaves A, Taylor W |
Mineralogical Magazine 25 (1940) 498-512 |
The structure of orthoclase. |
_cod_database_code 1011205 |
_database_code_amcsd 0018075 |
8.6 13.02 7.22 90 116.05 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ |
K1 .2917 0 .1389 |
Si1 .7097 .1167 .347 |
Al2 .0097 .1875 .225 .5 |
Si2 .0097 .1875 .225 .5 |
O1 0 .1528 0 |
O2 .6667 0 .3028 |
O3 .8194 .1528 .2278 |
O4 .0417 .3167 .2611 |
O5 .1722 .1278 .4167 |
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Orthoclase |
Kimata M, Saito S, Shimizu M, Iida I, Matsui T |
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen 171 (1996) 199-213 |
Low-temperature structures of orthoclase and sanidine |
Note: T = 121 K |
Locality: Itrongay, Madagascar |
_database_code_amcsd 0020548 |
8.574 13.006 7.191 90 116.07 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ |
K .2841 0 .1375 |
SiT1 .0091 .1848 .2237 .648 |
AlT1 .0091 .1848 .2237 .352 |
SiT2 .7085 .1177 .3437 .852 |
AlT2 .7085 .1177 .3437 .148 |
Oa1 0 .1453 0 |
Oa2 .6372 0 .2842 |
Ob .8267 .1466 .2261 |
Oc .0341 .3115 .2584 |
Od .1809 .1256 .4064 |
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Orthoclase |
Kimata M, Saito S, Shimizu M, Iida I, Matsui T |
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen 171 (1996) 199-213 |
Low-temperature structures of orthoclase and sanidine |
Note: T = 296 K |
Locality: Itrongay, Madagascar |
_database_code_amcsd 0020549 |
8.600 13.005 7.193 90 116.03 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ |
K .2863 0 .1387 |
SiT1 .0096 .1856 .2240 .648 |
AlT1 .0096 .1856 .2240 .352 |
SiT2 .7104 .1180 .3443 .852 |
AlT2 .7104 .1180 .3443 .148 |
Oa1 0 .1462 0 |
Oa2 .6400 0 .2846 |
Ob .8284 .1477 .2276 |
Oc .0364 .3113 .2589 |
Od .1795 .1263 .4060 |
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