Orthominasragrite |
Hawthorne F C, Schindler M, Grice J D, Haynes P |
The Canadian Mineralogist 39 (2001) 1325-1331 |
Orthominasragrite, VO(SO4)(H2O)5, a new mineral species from Temple |
Mountain, Emery county, Utah, U.S.A. |
Locality: Temple Mountain, Emery county, Utah, USA |
_database_code_amcsd 0005743 |
7.242 9.319 6.192 90 90 90 Pmn2_1 |
atom x y z Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
V 0 .2867 0 .0188 .0165 .0173 0 0 -.0035 |
S 0 .7647 -.0238 .0181 .0164 .0188 0 0 .0011 |
O(1) 0 .3468 .239 .0447 .0285 .0249 0 0 -.0098 |
OW(2) 0 .1708 .6848 .0302 .0308 .0152 0 0 .0000 |
OW(3) .2030 .1390 .0459 .0297 .0187 .0282 .0034 -.0090 -.0021 |
OW(4) .1938 .4154 .8681 .0208 .0240 .0494 -.0012 .0102 .0024 |
O(5) .1653 .8563 -.0429 .0174 .0244 .0259 -.0036 .0028 .0032 |
O(6) 0 .6608 .7997 .0367 .0184 .0391 0 0 -.0007 |
O(7) 0 .6911 .1881 .0245 .0367 .0238 0 0 .0111 |
H(1) 0 .157 .528 .030 |
H(2) 0 .256 .592 .030 |
H(3) .164 .045 -.007 .030 |
H(4) .274 .131 .180 .030 |
H(5) .306 .370 .812 .030 |
H(6) .189 .517 .829 .030 |
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