American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

5 matching records for this search.

Bloodaxe E S, Hughes J M, Dyar M D, Grew E S, Guidotti C V
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American Mineralogist 84 (1999) 922-928
Linking structure and chemistry in the schorl-dravite series
Sample LCW2356
Locality: Dunton mine, Newry, Oxford County, Maine, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0002240
15.915 15.915 7.187 90 90 120 R3m
atom      x      y     z  occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3)  B(1,2)  B(1,3)   B(2,3)
NaX       0      0   .25 .418 .00120 .00120  .0064  .00060       0        0
CaX       0      0   .25 .370 .00120 .00120  .0064  .00060       0        0
KX        0      0   .25 .027 .00120 .00120  .0064  .00060       0        0
MgY  .27110 .54220 .3196 .506 .00095 .00114  .0063  .00057 .000385   .00077
FeY  .27110 .54220 .3196 .183 .00095 .00114  .0063  .00057 .000385   .00077
AlY  .27110 .54220 .3196 .364 .00095 .00114  .0063  .00057 .000385   .00077
TiY  .27110 .54220 .3196 .012 .00095 .00114  .0063  .00057 .000385   .00077
VY   .27110 .54220 .3196 .003 .00095 .00114  .0063  .00057 .000385   .00077
LiY  .27110 .54220 .3196 .002 .00095 .00114  .0063  .00057 .000385   .00077
CrY  .27110 .54220 .3196 .003 .00095 .00114  .0063  .00057 .000385   .00077
AlZ  .29793 .26154 .6312 .830 .00053 .00056  .0021 .000265 -.00005        0
MgZ  .29793 .26154 .6312 .170 .00053 .00056  .0021 .000265 -.00005        0
SiT  .19192 .18999 .0193      .00056 .00053 .00223 .000265 .000025 -.000145
B     .1097  .2194 .4714       .0008  .0012  .0020   .0006 -.00015   -.0003
O1        0      0 .7933 .848  .0014  .0014  .0029   .0007       0        0
OH1       0      0 .7933 .018  .0014  .0014  .0029   .0007       0        0
F1        0      0 .7933 .134  .0014  .0014  .0029   .0007       0        0
O2    .0607  .1214 .5018       .0013  .0009  .0059  .00045  .00005    .0001
OH3   .2649 .13245 .5301       .0026  .0014  .0022   .0013  .00015  .000075
O4    .0928  .1856 .0908      .00090  .0017  .0037  .00085  -.0001   -.0002
O5    .1831 .09155 .1115       .0017 .00076  .0045  .00085  .00025  .000125
O6    .1958  .1857 .7965      .00105 .00107  .0026  .00059 -.00035  -.00025
O7    .2853  .2849 .0986      .00086 .00081  .0039 .000295 -.00025   -.0002
O8    .2091  .2696 .4599      .00063 .00088  .0049 .000355   .0001    .0003
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Bloodaxe E S, Hughes J M, Dyar M D, Grew E S, Guidotti C V
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American Mineralogist 84 (1999) 922-928
Linking structure and chemistry in the schorl-dravite series
Sample Ru-T18-92
Locality: Rumford, Oxford County, Maine, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0002245
15.945 15.945 7.169 90 90 120 R3m
atom      x      y     z  occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3)  B(1,2)  B(1,3)   B(2,3)
NaX       0      0   .25 .626  .0019  .0019  .0077  .00095       0        0
CaX       0      0   .25 .061  .0019  .0019  .0077  .00095       0        0
KX        0      0   .25 .031  .0019  .0019  .0077  .00095       0        0
MgY  .27103 .54206 .3151 .366 .00071 .00097  .0053 .000485  .00024   .00048
Fe2Y .27103 .54206 .3151 .176 .00071 .00097  .0053 .000485  .00024   .00048
AlY  .27103 .54206 .3151 .318 .00071 .00097  .0053 .000485  .00024   .00048
Fe3Y .27103 .54206 .3151 .087 .00071 .00097  .0053 .000485  .00024   .00048
TiY  .27103 .54206 .3151 .041 .00071 .00097  .0053 .000485  .00024   .00048
CrY  .27103 .54206 .3151 .002 .00071 .00097  .0053 .000485  .00024   .00048
VY   .27103 .54206 .3151 .003 .00071 .00097  .0053 .000485  .00024   .00048
LiY  .27103 .54206 .3151 .002 .00071 .00097  .0053 .000485  .00024   .00048
MnY  .27103 .54206 .3151 .002 .00071 .00097  .0053 .000485  .00024   .00048
AlZ  .29813 .26163 .6300 .894 .00059 .00052 .00231  .00026  .00000  .000055
MgZ  .29813 .26163 .6300 .106 .00059 .00052 .00231  .00026  .00000  .000055
SiT  .19181 .18982 .0188      .00062 .00054 .00250 .000275 -.00001 -.000145
B     .1102  .2204 .4733       .0009  .0008  .0027   .0004 -.00005   -.0001
O1        0      0 .7954 .669  .0018  .0018  .0050   .0009       0        0
F1        0      0 .7954 .331  .0018  .0018  .0050   .0009       0        0
O2   .06143 .12286 .5041      .00155  .0008  .0050   .0004   .0003    .0006
O3    .2660  .1330 .5283 .106  .0023 .00119  .0034  .00115  -.0002   -.0001
OH3   .2660  .1330 .5283 .894  .0023 .00119  .0034  .00115  -.0002   -.0001
O4    .0931  .1862 .0888      .00082  .0019  .0039  .00095   .0000    .0000
O5    .1859 .09295 .1106       .0016 .00065  .0045   .0008  .00015  .000075
O6    .1966  .1864 .7947      .00116 .00122  .0025  .00070  -.0003  -.00035
O7    .2851  .2854 .0979      .00085 .00069  .0036  .00024  -.0001  -.00025
O8    .2097  .2705 .4596      .00071 .00101  .0050  .00055 -.00015    .0003
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Bosi F, Skogby H
American Mineralogist 98 (2013) 1442-1448
Oxy-dravite, Na(Al2Mg)(Al5Mg)(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3O, a new mineral species
of the tourmaline supergroup
Locality: Osarara, Narok district, Kenya
_database_code_amcsd 0020259
15.9273 15.9273 7.20010 90 90 120 R3m
atom       x       y      z  occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2)  U(1,3)  U(2,3)
NaX        0       0 .22939 .830  .0223  .0217  .0217  .0235  .0108    .000    .000
KX         0       0 .22939 .020  .0223  .0217  .0217  .0235  .0108    .000    .000
AlY   .12223 .061116 .63657 .447 .00881 .00895 .00675 .01145 .00448 -.00316 -.00158
MgY   .12223 .061116 .63657 .343 .00881 .00895 .00675 .01145 .00448 -.00316 -.00158
FeY   .12223 .061116 .63657 .203 .00881 .00895 .00675 .01145 .00448 -.00316 -.00158
TiY   .12223 .061116 .63657 .007 .00881 .00895 .00675 .01145 .00448 -.00316 -.00158
AlZ  .297683 .261493 .61014 .825 .00552 .00531 .00536 .00583 .00262 -.00008  .00039
MgZ  .297683 .261493 .61014 .172 .00552 .00531 .00536 .00583 .00262 -.00008  .00039
FeZ  .297683 .261493 .61014 .003 .00552 .00531 .00536 .00583 .00262 -.00008  .00039
B     .10989  .21978 .45430      .00626  .0054  .0060  .0076  .0030  .00027   .0005
Si   .191532 .189631      0      .00490 .00458 .00429 .00590 .00226 -.00054 -.00061
O1         0       0  .7698  .76  .0110  .0127  .0127  .0075 .00637    .000    .000
OH1        0       0  .7698  .24  .0110  .0127  .0127  .0075 .00637    .000    .000
O2    .06076  .12151 .48724      .00918  .0112  .0042  .0098 .00210  .00044   .0009
O3    .26112  .13056 .50994      .01206  .0221  .0124  .0049  .0110   .0008  .00040
H3     .2453   .1227   .396        .018
O4    .09356  .18712 .07152      .00936  .0070  .0140  .0094 .00699 -.00075  -.0015
O5    .18445  .09223 .09252      .00900  .0148  .0066  .0083 .00740   .0016  .00080
O6    .19447  .18433 .77729      .00751  .0090  .0089  .0054 .00505 -.00081 -.00140
O7    .28509  .28474 .07754      .00776  .0064  .0053  .0084 .00047 -.00179 -.00106
O8    .20920  .27005 .43936      .00909  .0039  .0088  .0140 .00275  .00051  .00227
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Gatta G D, Bosi F, McIntyre G J, Skogby H
Mineralogical Magazine 78 (2014) 681-692
First accurate location of two proton sites in tourmaline: A single-crystal
neutron diffraction study of oxy-dravite
Note: H1 site on the three-fold axis
Locality: Osarara, Narok District, Kenya
_database_code_amcsd 0020483
15.9272 15.9272 7.2001 90 90 120 R3m
atom      x      y      z   occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
NaX       0      0  .2323  .866  .0105  .0082  .0082  .0150  .0041      0      0
AlY  .12264 .06132 .63587  .526 .00528  .0054  .0033  .0078  .0027  .0028  .0014
MgY  .12264 .06132 .63587  .274 .00528  .0054  .0033  .0078  .0027  .0028  .0014
FeY  .12264 .06132 .63587    .2 .00528  .0054  .0033  .0078  .0027  .0028  .0014
AlZ  .29767 .26140 .61072  .841 .00251  .0023  .0020  .0030  .0008  .0004  .0001
MgZ  .29767 .26140 .61072  .159 .00251  .0023  .0020  .0030  .0008  .0004  .0001
B    .10991 .21982 .45430       .00353  .0023  .0022  .0060  .0011  .0004  .0007
SiT  .19161 .18988 .00084       .00300  .0028  .0023  .0039  .0013  .0005  .0004
O1        0      0 .77115       .00943  .0111  .0111  .0060  .0056      0  .0000
O2   .06069 .12138 .48767       .00766  .0096  .0032  .0080  .0016  .0004  .0009
O3   .26138 .13069 .50988 1.008 .01060  .0188  .0104  .0054  .0094  .0007  .0004
O4   .09379 .18759 .07268       .00618  .0042  .0088  .0071  .0044  .0007  .0014
O5   .18437 .09219 .09380       .00603  .0082  .0042  .0070  .0041  .0007  .0003
O6   .19456 .18438 .77774       .00579  .0073  .0075  .0045  .0052  .0007  .0008
O7   .28540 .28484 .07821       .00586  .0049  .0036  .0070  .0006  .0024  .0005
O8   .20920 .27008 .43993       .00688  .0034  .0061  .0112  .0025  .0006  .0011
H3   .25760 .12880 .37511  .983  .0263  .0469  .0299  .0081  .0232  .0009  .0005
H1        0      0  .9042  .245   .030
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Gatta G D, Bosi F, McIntyre G J, Skogby H
Mineralogical Magazine 78 (2014) 681-692
First accurate location of two proton sites in tourmaline: A single-crystal
neutron diffraction study of oxy-dravite
Note: H1 site off the three-fold axis
Locality: Osarara, Narok District, Kenya
_database_code_amcsd 0020484
15.9272 15.9272 7.2001 90 90 120 R3m
atom      x      y      z   occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
NaX       0      0  .2324  .873  .0107  .0087  .0087  .0148  .0043      0      0
AlY  .12267 .06134 .63585  .529 .00519  .0052  .0033  .0078  .0026 -.0028 -.0014
MgY  .12267 .06134 .63585  .271 .00519  .0052  .0033  .0078  .0026 -.0028 -.0014
FeY  .12267 .06134 .63585    .2 .00519  .0052  .0033  .0078  .0026 -.0028 -.0014
AlZ  .29768 .26140 .61077  .825 .00266  .0023  .0021  .0033  .0009 -.0004 -.0001
MgZ  .29768 .26140 .61077  .175 .00266  .0023  .0021  .0033  .0009 -.0004 -.0001
B    .10989 .21979 .45431       .00353  .0024  .0023  .0059  .0011  .0004  .0007
SiT  .19162 .18987 .00078       .00295  .0028  .0022  .0039  .0012 -.0005 -.0004
O1        0      0 .77118       .00933  .0110  .0110  .0059  .0055      0      0
O2   .06069 .12138 .48769       .00765  .0096  .0032  .0080  .0016  .0004  .0008
O3   .26136 .13068 .50988 1.013 .01077  .0191  .0105  .0055  .0095  .0009  .0004
O4   .09382 .18763 .07268       .00622  .0041  .0088  .0072  .0044 -.0007 -.0013
O5   .18437 .09219 .09380       .00599  .0081  .0042  .0070  .0041  .0006  .0003
O6   .19459 .18441 .77775       .00578  .0072  .0076  .0045  .0052 -.0006 -.0008
O7   .28541 .28486 .07822       .00587  .0050  .0036  .0070  .0006 -.0024 -.0005
O8   .20919 .27007 .43990       .00684  .0033  .0060  .0112  .0024  .0006  .0011
H3   .25766 .12883 .37526  .954  .0252  .0451  .0288  .0072  .0226  .0008  .0004
H1    .0194  .0097  .9043  .101   .014
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