American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

11 matching records for this search.

Download hom/pyrochlore.pdf
Bonazzi P, Bindi L, Zoppi M, Capitani G C, Olmi F
Download am/vol91/AM91_794.pdf
American Mineralogist 91 (2006) 794-801
Single-crystal diffraction and transmission electron microscopy studies
of "silicified" pyrochlore from Narssarssk, Julianehaab district, Greenland
Locality: Narssarssk, Julianehaab district, Greenland
Sample: 396a
_database_code_amcsd 0004144
10.4200 10.4200 10.4200 90 90 90 *Fd-3m
.125 .125 .125
atom     x    y    z  occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Na      .5   .5   .5 .185  .024   .024   .024   .024  .0011  .0011  .0011
K       .5   .5   .5 .010  .024   .024   .024   .024  .0011  .0011  .0011
Ca      .5   .5   .5 .365  .024   .024   .024   .024  .0011  .0011  .0011
Sr      .5   .5   .5 .035  .024   .024   .024   .024  .0011  .0011  .0011
Mn      .5   .5   .5 .020  .024   .024   .024   .024  .0011  .0011  .0011
Pb      .5   .5   .5 .005  .024   .024   .024   .024  .0011  .0011  .0011
La      .5   .5   .5 .005  .024   .024   .024   .024  .0011  .0011  .0011
Ce      .5   .5   .5 .015  .024   .024   .024   .024  .0011  .0011  .0011
Nd      .5   .5   .5 .005  .024   .024   .024   .024  .0011  .0011  .0011
U       .5   .5   .5 .010  .024   .024   .024   .024  .0011  .0011  .0011
Nb       0    0    0 .860 .0198  .0198  .0198  .0198 -.0018 -.0018 -.0018
Ta       0    0    0 .010 .0198  .0198  .0198  .0198 -.0018 -.0018 -.0018
Ti       0    0    0 .080 .0198  .0198  .0198  .0198 -.0018 -.0018 -.0018
Si       0    0    0 .035 .0198  .0198  .0198  .0198 -.0018 -.0018 -.0018
Fe       0    0    0 .015 .0198  .0198  .0198  .0198 -.0018 -.0018 -.0018
O    .3175 .125 .125 .838 .0228   .027   .021   .021      0      0   .008
OH   .3175 .125 .125 .162 .0228   .027   .021   .021      0      0   .008
F     .375 .375 .375  .62  .044   .044   .044   .044      0      0      0
OH    .375 .375 .375  .38  .044   .044   .044   .044      0      0      0
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Download hom/pyrochlore.pdf
Bonazzi P, Bindi L, Zoppi M, Capitani G C, Olmi F
Download am/vol91/AM91_794.pdf
American Mineralogist 91 (2006) 794-801
Single-crystal diffraction and transmission electron microscopy studies
of "silicified" pyrochlore from Narssarssk, Julianehaab district, Greenland
Locality: Narssarssk, Julianehaab district, Greenland
Sample: 170a
_database_code_amcsd 0004145
10.3738 10.3738 10.3738 90 90 90 *Fd-3m
.125 .125 .125
atom     x    y    z  occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Na      .5   .5   .5 .090  .026   .026   .026   .026  .0053  .0053  .0053
K       .5   .5   .5 .025  .026   .026   .026   .026  .0053  .0053  .0053
Ca      .5   .5   .5 .360  .026   .026   .026   .026  .0053  .0053  .0053
Sr      .5   .5   .5 .040  .026   .026   .026   .026  .0053  .0053  .0053
Mn      .5   .5   .5 .020  .026   .026   .026   .026  .0053  .0053  .0053
Pb      .5   .5   .5 .005  .026   .026   .026   .026  .0053  .0053  .0053
La      .5   .5   .5 .005  .026   .026   .026   .026  .0053  .0053  .0053
Ce      .5   .5   .5 .020  .026   .026   .026   .026  .0053  .0053  .0053
Nd      .5   .5   .5 .005  .026   .026   .026   .026  .0053  .0053  .0053
U       .5   .5   .5 .010  .026   .026   .026   .026  .0053  .0053  .0053
Nb       0    0    0 .740 .0225  .0225  .0225  .0225 -.0017 -.0017 -.0017
Ta       0    0    0 .020 .0225  .0225  .0225  .0225 -.0017 -.0017 -.0017
Ti       0    0    0 .080 .0225  .0225  .0225  .0225 -.0017 -.0017 -.0017
Si       0    0    0 .120 .0225  .0225  .0225  .0225 -.0017 -.0017 -.0017
Fe       0    0    0 .040 .0225  .0225  .0225  .0225 -.0017 -.0017 -.0017
O    .3173 .125 .125 .772  .028   .029   .028   .028      0      0   .011
OH   .3173 .125 .125 .228  .028   .029   .028   .028      0      0   .011
F     .375 .375 .375 .460  .031   .031   .026   .026      0      0      0
OH    .375 .375 .375 .540  .031   .031   .031   .031      0      0      0
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Perrault G
Download cm/vol9/CM9_383.pdf
The Canadian Mineralogist 9 (1968) 383-402
La composition chimique et la structure cristalline du pyrochlore d'Oka, P.Q.
Sample: No. 1
_database_code_amcsd 0005084
10.43 10.43 10.43 90 90 90 Fd3m
atom    x    y    z Biso
Nb    5/8  5/8  5/8 1.59
Ca   .125 .125 .125 1.59
O    .316    0    0 1.59
F       0    0    0 1.59
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Perrault G
Download cm/vol9/CM9_383.pdf
The Canadian Mineralogist 9 (1968) 383-402
La composition chimique et la structure cristalline du pyrochlore d'Oka, P.Q.
Sample: No. 2
_database_code_amcsd 0005085
10.393 10.393 10.393 90 90 90 Fd3m
atom    x    y    z Biso
Nb    5/8  5/8  5/8 1.45
Ca   .125 .125 .125 1.45
O    .313    0    0 1.45
F       0    0    0 1.45
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Perrault G
Download cm/vol9/CM9_383.pdf
The Canadian Mineralogist 9 (1968) 383-402
La composition chimique et la structure cristalline du pyrochlore d'Oka, P.Q.
Sample: No. 3
_database_code_amcsd 0005086
10.428 10.428 10.428 90 90 90 Fd3m
atom    x    y    z Biso
Nb    5/8  5/8  5/8 1.49
Ca   .125 .125 .125 1.49
O    .322    0    0 1.49
F       0    0    0 1.49
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Download hom/pyrochlore.pdf
Perrault G
Download cm/vol9/CM9_383.pdf
The Canadian Mineralogist 9 (1968) 383-402
La composition chimique et la structure cristalline du pyrochlore d'Oka, P.Q.
Sample: No. 4
_database_code_amcsd 0005087
10.3947 10.3947 10.3947 90 90 90 Fd3m
atom    x    y    z Biso
Nb    5/8  5/8  5/8 2.00
Ca   .125 .125 .125 2.00
O    .315    0    0 2.00
F       0    0    0 2.00
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Download hom/pyrochlore.pdf
Perrault G
Download cm/vol9/CM9_383.pdf
The Canadian Mineralogist 9 (1968) 383-402
La composition chimique et la structure cristalline du pyrochlore d'Oka, P.Q.
Sample: No. 5
_database_code_amcsd 0005088
10.4205 10.4205 10.4205 90 90 90 Fd3m
atom    x    y    z Biso
Nb    5/8  5/8  5/8 3.03
Ca   .125 .125 .125 3.03
O    .330    0    0 3.03
F       0    0    0 3.03
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Brandenberger E
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 76 (1931) 322-334
Die Kristallstruktur des Koppit
_cod_database_code 1011136
_database_code_amcsd 0018025
10.39 10.39 10.39 90 90 90 Fd3m
atom    x    y    z   occ
Na1  .625 .625 .625 .1875
K1   .625 .625 .625  .125
Ca1  .625 .625 .625 .5625
Ce1  .625 .625 .625  .125
Fe1  .125 .125 .125 .1875
Nb1  .125 .125 .125 .8125
O1    .19    0    0
O2     .5   .5   .5  .375
O3     .5   .5   .5  .375
F1     .5   .5   .5   .25
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Groult D, Michel C, Raveau B
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry 37 (1975) 2203-2205
Sur de nouveaux pyrochlores lacunaires d'ions bivalents synthetises par
echanges d'ions
_cod_database_code 1001264
_database_code_amcsd 0013046
10.512 10.512 10.512 90 90 90 *Fd3m
.125 .125 .125
atom    x    y    z occ
Nb1     0    0    0
Ca1    .5   .5   .5  .2
O1   .375 .375 .375
O2   .315 .125 .125
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Gaertner H
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie. Beilage 61 (1930) 1-30
Die Kristallstrukturen von Loparit und Pyrochlor
_cod_database_code 1011142
_database_code_amcsd 0018030
10.348 10.348 10.348 90 90 90 Fd3m
atom    x    y    z occ
Na1  .625 .625 .625  .5
Ca1  .625 .625 .625  .5
Nb1  .125 .125 .125
O1   .200    0    0
F1     .5   .5   .5
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Gaertner H
Zentralblatt fur Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie A 61 (1930) 1-30
Die Kristallstrukturen von Loparit und Pyrochlor.
_cod_database_code 1011128
_database_code_amcsd 0018022
10.34 10.34 10.34 90 90 90 Fd3m
atom    x    y    z
Nb1  .125 .125 .125
Ca1  .625 .625 .625
O1     .5   .5   .5
O2   .205    0    0
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