American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

2 matching records for this search.

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Giester G, Kolitsch U, Leverett P, Turner P, Williams P A
European Journal of Mineralogy 19 (2007) 75-93
The crystal structures of lavendulan, sampleite, and a new polymorph of sampleite
Locality: Northparkes mine, Goonumbla, New South Wales, Australia
_database_code_amcsd 0007196
9.676 19.284 9.766 90 90.07 90 P2_1/n
atom      x      y       z  Uiso
Na    .2865  .1032   .6398 .0112
Ca   .76999 .09306  .14427 .0043
Cu1  .04881 .21185  .14075 .0032
Cu2  .51567 .22076  .14043 .0033
Cu3  .28372 .21763  .36863 .0029
Cu4  .28443 .21228 -.08722 .0035
Cu5  .78575 .09295  .64142 .0033
P1   -.0109 .15821   .4326 .0029
P2   -.0086 .15469   .8503 .0025
P3    .5786 .16499   .4328 .0026
P4    .5786 .16071   .8473 .0023
O1   -.0688  .0928   .5009 .0040
O2   -.0488  .1578   .2768 .0036
O3    .1457  .1601   .4592 .0105
O4   -.0753  .2255   .4961 .0059
O5   -.0691  .0890   .7827 .0057
O6    .1466  .1560   .8222 .0056
O7   -.0460  .1547  1.0041 .0041
O8   -.0751  .2220   .7829 .0028
O9    .6477  .1018   .4968 .0077
O10   .4217  .1638   .4620 .0068
O11   .6133  .1673   .2766 .0050
O12   .6365  .2332   .4974 .0031
O13   .6473  .0967   .7855 .0064
O14   .4233  .1585   .8193 .0061
O15   .6372  .2293   .7801 .0049
O16   .6137  .1648  1.0037 .0037
Cl    .2911 .13745   .1425 .0053
Wat1  .8509  .0009   .2984 .0077
Wat2  .2394  .0236   .3825 .0175
Wat3  .4579  .0169   .6121 .0340
Wat4  .8390  .0043  -.0063 .0113
Wat5  .5576  .0242   .1337 .0354
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Giester G, Kolitsch U, Leverett P, Turner P, Williams P A
European Journal of Mineralogy 19 (2007) 75-93
The crystal structures of lavendulan, sampleite, and a new polymorph of sampleite
Locality: Lake Boga, Victoria, Australia
Note: This is a polymorph or perhaps polytype of sampleite
_database_code_amcsd 0007197
9.695 9.673 19.739 90 102.61 90 P2_1/c
atom       x      y      z occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Na     .1870  .2080  .6027     .0430   .030   .035   .062  -.004   .005   .011
Ca     .3191  .2770 .40528     .0233  .0317  .0167  .0204 -.0051  .0032  .0027
Cu1   .73327 .05287 .21307     .0185  .0081  .0171  .0306 -.0017  .0051 -.0020
Cu2   .26393 .02044 .27943     .0190  .0106  .0182  .0285  .0006  .0047 -.0016
Cu3  -.03815 .28727 .21499     .0152  .0141  .0081  .0242 -.0022  .0057 -.0012
Cu4   .50696 .28915 .21511     .0171  .0134  .0105  .0269  .0011  .0031  .0012
Cu5   .81906 .28848 .40553     .0173  .0157  .0108  .0249  .0002  .0035  .0000
P1     .4195 -.0036 .15683     .0141  .0103  .0088  .0229  .0015  .0030 -.0010
P2    -.0013 -.0080 .15795     .0151  .0117  .0105  .0244 -.0012  .0071  .0004
P3     .5808  .0843 .33693     .0147  .0120  .0081  .0226 -.0047  .0007  .0005
P4    -.0045  .0824 .33647     .0152  .0119  .0100  .0229  .0017  .0016 -.0020
O1     .3184 -.0642  .0923      .022   .016   .021   .025   .007  -.006  -.005
O2     .3939  .1496  .1574      .021   .017   .009   .036   .009   .003  -.007
O3     .5725 -.0420  .1565      .024   .011   .024   .034   .001   .003   .006
O4     .3838 -.0690  .2242      .021   .020   .019   .026  -.015   .006   .003
O5     .0378 -.0627  .0927      .021   .018   .011   .033   .009   .006   .003
O6    -.1522 -.0407  .1579     .0157   .000   .023   .023  -.004   .000   .000
O7     .0255  .1480  .1589      .029   .040   .018   .033   .003   .015   .000
O8     .0971 -.0708  .2241      .020   .011   .023   .026   .002   .004   .001
O9     .6688  .1537  .4000      .027   .012   .028   .041  -.020   .003  -.010
O10    .4218  .1165  .3339     .0176   .005   .020   .027  -.003   .002  -.001
O11    .6123 -.0709  .3388      .023   .000   .020   .049  -.001   .003  -.008
O12    .6183  .1436  .2693      .019   .013   .017   .029   .009   .012   .006
O13   -.0375  .1497  .4000      .022   .019   .016   .034   .002   .010   .000
O14    .1483  .1139  .3353      .022   .020   .033   .015   .025   .010   .000
O15   -.1004  .1405  .2697      .020   .018   .014   .028   .003   .003  -.006
O16   -.0315 -.0694  .3395      .019   .007   .011   .045  -.008   .015  -.011
Cl     .7001  .2933 .13837     .0226  .0176  .0204  .0296  .0020  .0048  .0035
Wat1   .2042  .3515  .4962      .042   .024   .058   .041  -.003   .001   .001
Wat2  -.1252  .2682  .5214      .056   .078   .059   .026  -.016   .002  -.004
Wat3    .115   .045  .5142 .56  .059    .10   .020    .08   .010    .06   .000
Wat4   .5083  .3408  .4955      .040   .030   .037   .054  -.009   .007   .007
Wat5    .356  .0615  .4766      .076   .090   .064   .084  -.032   .040  -.016
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