Spodumene |
Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J |
American Mineralogist 58 (1973) 594-618 |
High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, |
spodumene, and ureyite |
T = 24 C |
pyroxene |
_database_code_amcsd 0000355 |
9.463 8.392 5.218 90 110.15 90 C2/c |
atom x y z B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) |
Si .2941 .0935 .2560 .000418 .000589 .001482 -.000180 .000301 -.000093 |
Al1 0 .9066 1/4 .000538 .000729 .001400 0 .000223 0 |
Li2 0 .2752 1/4 .003036 .004036 .013584 0 .002022 0 |
O1 .1099 .0823 .1402 .000640 .001089 .001775 -.000095 .000067 .000012 |
O2 .3646 .2673 .3009 .001385 .001194 .006341 -.000660 .001536 -.000295 |
O3 .3565 .9871 .0578 .000967 .002404 .002287 .000244 .000255 -.001184 |
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Spodumene |
Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J |
American Mineralogist 58 (1973) 594-618 |
High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, |
spodumene, and ureyite |
T = 300 C |
pyroxene |
_database_code_amcsd 0000356 |
9.468 8.412 5.224 90 110.05 90 C2/c |
atom x y z B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) |
Si .2943 .0932 .2547 .001567 .002269 .004496 -.000273 .000880 -.000120 |
Al1 0 .9059 1/4 .001781 .002160 .005382 0 .001011 0 |
Li2 0 .2758 1/4 .007250 .007687 .020955 0 .003477 0 |
O1 .1101 .0819 .1397 .001619 .003051 .006061 -.000129 .000750 .000292 |
O2 .3649 .2662 .3012 .003593 .002854 .013562 -.001321 .003094 -.001052 |
O3 .3565 .9886 .0546 .002449 .005649 .007905 .000113 .001284 -.002688 |
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Spodumene |
Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J |
American Mineralogist 58 (1973) 594-618 |
High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, |
spodumene, and ureyite |
T = 460 C |
pyroxene |
_database_code_amcsd 0000357 |
9.473 8.43 5.229 90 109.99 90 C2/c |
atom x y z B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) |
Si .2943 .0931 .2537 .001881 .002656 .005800 -.000306 .001294 -.000214 |
Al1 0 .9054 1/4 .002242 .002613 .006860 0 .001398 0 |
Li2 0 .2750 1/4 .008692 .010239 .027891 0 .004310 0 |
O1 .1104 .0815 .1394 .001864 .003707 .008294 -.000231 .001176 .000240 |
O2 .3650 .2656 .3014 .004468 .003681 .017169 -.001845 .004109 -.001257 |
O3 .3565 .9896 .0526 .003255 .007153 .009821 .000355 .001922 -.003474 |
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Spodumene |
Cameron M, Sueno S, Prewitt C T, Papike J J |
American Mineralogist 58 (1973) 594-618 |
High-temperature crystal chemistry of acmite, diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, |
spodumene, and ureyite |
T = 760 C |
pyroxene |
_database_code_amcsd 0000358 |
9.489 8.46 5.236 90 109.88 90 C2/c |
atom x y z B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) |
Si .2943 .0928 .2522 .002749 .003837 .008564 -.000483 .001487 -.000465 |
Al1 0 .9044 1/4 .003367 .003906 .010391 0 .001865 0 |
Li2 0 .2769 1/4 .013796 .013592 .036669 0 .003761 0 |
O1 .1105 .0810 .1383 .002548 .005584 .011803 -.000261 .001142 .000697 |
O2 .3652 .2644 .3018 .006300 .004908 .024037 -.002314 .005090 -.001628 |
O3 .3562 .9911 .0495 .004129 .009903 .013567 .000385 .002120 -.004719 |
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Spodumene |
Tribaudino M, Nestola F, Prencipe M, Rundlof H |
The Canadian Mineralogist 41 (2003) 521-527 |
A single-crystal neutron-diffraction investigation of spodumene at 54 K |
Sample: T = 54 K, neutron radiation |
_database_code_amcsd 0005836 |
9.504 8.371 5.204 90 110.33 90 C2/c |
atom x y z Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Li 0 .2735 .25 .0107 .012 .010 .010 0 .005 0 |
Al 0 .9070 .25 .0031 .0021 .0040 .0031 0 .0009 0 |
Si .2939 .0937 .2573 .0027 .0004 .0042 .0037 .0001 .0011 -.0001 |
O1 .1097 .08265 .1413 .0036 .0009 .0058 .0043 .0003 .0012 .0003 |
O2 .36461 .2674 .3001 .0043 .0024 .0054 .0059 -.0006 .0023 -.0001 |
O3 .35656 -.0146 .0609 .0044 .0017 .0073 .0042 .0001 .0012 -.0015 |
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Spodumene |
Tribaudino M, Nestola F, Prencipe M, Rundlof H |
The Canadian Mineralogist 41 (2003) 521-527 |
A single-crystal neutron-diffraction investigation of spodumene at 54 K |
Sample: T = 298 K, X-ray radiation |
_database_code_amcsd 0005837 |
9.479 8.403 5.223 90 110.14 90 C2/c |
atom x y z Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Li 0 .2741 .25 .0164 .0158 .0152 .0181 0 .0055 0 |
Al 0 .90661 .25 .00457 .00411 .00444 .00494 0 .00129 0 |
Si .29410 .09345 .25609 .00434 .00370 .00473 .00439 -.00062 .00115 -.00022 |
O1 .10972 .08233 .14057 .00532 .00383 .00626 .00536 -.00037 .00092 .00015 |
O2 .36476 .26704 .30051 .00812 .00823 .00595 .0107 -.00288 .00391 -.00093 |
O3 .35664 -.01332 .05854 .00802 .00587 .0118 .00599 .00063 .00150 -.00316 |
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Spodumene |
Arlt T, Angel R J |
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 27 (2000) 719-731 |
Displacive phase transitions in C-centred clinopyroxenes: |
spodumene, LiScSi2O6 and ZnSiO3 |
Sample: P = 0 GPa |
_database_code_amcsd 0008492 |
9.4628 8.3882 5.2186 90 110.187 90 C2/c |
atom x y z Biso |
LiM2 0 .2750 .25 2.35 |
AlM1 0 .90661 .25 .64 |
Si .29409 .09345 .25619 .61 |
O1 .10971 .08236 .1403 .70 |
O2 .36453 .2671 .3001 .92 |
O3 .35647 .9866 .0586 .92 |
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Spodumene |
Arlt T, Angel R J |
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 27 (2000) 719-731 |
Displacive phase transitions in C-centred clinopyroxenes: |
spodumene, LiScSi2O6 and ZnSiO3 |
Sample: P = 3.164 GPa |
_database_code_amcsd 0008493 |
9.3895 8.3240 5.1865 90 110.023 90 C2/c |
atom x y z Biso |
LiM2 0 .2777 .25 2.1 |
AlM1 0 .9082 .25 .32 |
Si .29460 .09429 .2566 .37 |
O1 .1088 .0843 .1415 .44 |
O2 .3641 .2689 .3018 .61 |
O3 .3574 .9870 .0576 .56 |
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Spodumene |
Arlt T, Angel R J |
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 27 (2000) 719-731 |
Displacive phase transitions in C-centred clinopyroxenes: |
spodumene, LiScSi2O6 and ZnSiO3 |
Sample: P = 3.342 GPa |
_database_code_amcsd 0008494 |
9.3114 8.3614 5.1100 90 109.274 90 P2_1/c |
atom x y z Biso |
LiM2 .2563 .016 .230 2.2 |
AlM1 .2497 .6561 .2234 .32 |
SiA .0466 .3440 .2738 .32 |
SiB .5505 .8426 .2364 .35 |
O1A .8616 .3316 .1661 .36 |
O1B .3628 .8297 .1126 .32 |
O2A .1175 .5175 .2875 .53 |
O2B .6215 .0084 .3520 .58 |
O3A .1086 .2813 .5914 .34 |
O3B .6102 .7126 .4845 .58 |
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Spodumene |
Arlt T, Angel R J |
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 27 (2000) 719-731 |
Displacive phase transitions in C-centred clinopyroxenes: |
spodumene, LiScSi2O6 and ZnSiO3 |
Sample: P = 8.835 GPa |
_database_code_amcsd 0008495 |
9.2007 8.2656 5.0240 90 108.910 90 P2_1/c |
atom x y z Biso |
LiM2 .2587 .015 .224 2.3 |
AlM1 .2505 .6565 .2156 .31 |
SiA .0468 .3441 .2821 .42 |
SiB .5533 .8413 .2302 .39 |
O1A .8590 .3327 .1741 .36 |
O1B .3659 .8307 .1081 .37 |
O2A .1168 .5169 .2844 .82 |
O2B .6247 .0074 .3662 .33 |
O3A .1128 .2857 .6091 .27 |
O3B .6136 .6999 .4667 .36 |
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Spodumene |
Warren B, Biscoe J |
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 80 (1931) 391-401 |
The crystal structure of monoclinic pyroxenes |
_cod_database_code 1011191 |
_database_code_amcsd 0018064 |
9.5 8.3 5.24 90 69.67 90 C2/c |
atom x y z |
Li1 0 -.31 .25 |
Al1 0 .09 .25 |
Si1 .21 .41 .25 |
O1 .39 .41 .14 |
O2 .13 .25 .32 |
O3 .14 .49 0 |
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Spodumene-II |
Li C T, Peacor D R |
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 126 (1968) 46-65 |
The crystal structure LiAlSi2O6-II ("beta spodumene") |
Locality: synthetic |
Note, y coordinate of Si1 altered according to Clarke and Spink (1969) |
_database_code_amcsd 0010656 |
7.541 7.541 9.156 90 90 90 P4_32_12 |
atom x y z occ Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) |
Li .0705 .1953 .5011 .5 4.26 .0195 .0245 .0083 -.0130 .0066 -.0091 |
Al1 .3323 .1221 .2384 1/3 .19 .0012 .0013 .0000 .0001 .0002 -.0003 |
Si1 .3323 .1221 .2384 2/3 .19 .0012 .0013 .0000 .0001 .0002 -.0003 |
Al2 .4178 .4178 0 1/3 .22 .0011 .0011 .0005 -.0003 -.0005 .0005 |
Si2 .4178 .4178 0 2/3 .22 .0011 .0011 .0005 -.0003 -.0005 .0005 |
O1 .4432 .1207 .3931 1.88 .0102 .0091 .0037 -.0022 -.0044 .0008 |
O2 .1245 .1159 .2994 1.07 .0031 .0080 .0020 .0006 .0000 -.0006 |
O3 .3637 .3046 .1459 2.34 .0129 .0080 .0068 .0006 .0033 .0033 |
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Spodumene-II |
Clarke P T, Spink J M |
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 130 (1969) 420-426 |
The crystal structure of beta spodumene, LiAlSi2O6-II |
Locality: synthetic |
_database_code_amcsd 0010702 |
7.534 7.543 9.158 90 90 90 P4_32_12 |
atom x y z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Li .0826 .1982 .4944 .5 .0555 .0810 .0227 -.0238 -.0059 -.0063 |
Al1 .3322 .1223 .2388 1/3 .0127 .0124 .0099 -.0004 .0003 .0001 |
Si1 .3322 .1223 .2388 2/3 .0127 .0124 .0099 -.0004 .0003 .0001 |
Al2 .4174 .4174 0 1/3 .0111 .0111 .0125 -.0007 .0003 -.0003 |
Si2 .4174 .4174 0 2/3 .0111 .0111 .0125 -.0007 .0003 -.0003 |
O1 .4426 .1216 .3947 .0322 .0343 .0266 -.0056 -.0162 .0014 |
O2 .1243 .1153 .3001 .0153 .0308 .0219 .0011 -.0005 -.0022 |
O3 .3654 .3048 .1468 .0483 .0329 .0339 -.0035 .0087 .0145 |
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Spodumene |
Redhammer G J, Roth G |
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 219 (2004) 278-294 |
Structural variation and crystal chemistry of LiMe3+Si2O6 clinopyroxenes |
Me3+ = Al, Ga, Cr, V, Fe, Sc, and In |
Locality: synthetic |
Sample: LiAl |
_database_code_amcsd 0011109 |
9.474 8.390 5.219 90 110.07 90 C2/c |
atom x y z Uiso |
Li 0 .2746 .25 .0154 |
Al 0 .90674 .25 .0035 |
Si .29413 .09354 .25599 .0032 |
O1 .1096 .0825 .1404 .0044 |
O2 .3647 .2669 .3004 .0073 |
O3 .35650 -.0133 .0585 .0069 |
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