Trilithionite |
Brigatti M F, Caprilli E, Malferrari D, Medici L, Poppi L |
European Journal of Mineralogy 17 (2005) 475-481 |
Crystal structure and chemistry of trilithionite-2M2 and polylithionite-2M2 |
Note: sample Lch 59a |
Locality: Chedeville, France |
_database_code_amcsd 0007103 |
9.056 5.216 20.282 90 99.64 90 C2/c |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
KA 0 .0929 .25 .872 .0289 .0287 .0289 .0290 0 .0041 0 |
NaA 0 .0929 .25 .073 .0289 .0287 .0289 .0290 0 .0041 0 |
BaA 0 .0929 .25 .002 .0289 .0287 .0289 .0290 0 .0041 0 |
LiM1 .25 .75 0 .027 .020 .034 .028 .011 .006 -.006 |
AlM2 .08478 .2548 .00005 .695 .0135 .0138 .0122 .0150 .0000 .0038 -.0010 |
LiM2 .08478 .2548 .00005 .261 .0135 .0138 .0122 .0150 .0000 .0038 -.0010 |
MnM2 .08478 .2548 .00005 .240 .0135 .0138 .0122 .0150 .0000 .0038 -.0010 |
Fe2+M2 .08478 .2548 .00005 .013 .0135 .0138 .0122 .0150 .0000 .0038 -.0010 |
TiM2 .08478 .2548 .00005 .003 .0135 .0138 .0122 .0150 .0000 .0038 -.0010 |
Cr3+M2 .08478 .2548 .00005 .001 .0135 .0138 .0122 .0150 .0000 .0038 -.0010 |
SiT1 .12577 .5861 .13434 .797 .0134 .0139 .0123 .0140 .0018 .0021 .0001 |
AlT1 .12577 .5861 .13434 .203 .0134 .0139 .0123 .0140 .0018 .0021 .0001 |
SiT2 .29499 .0933 .13432 .797 .0125 .0115 .0133 .0133 .0013 .0036 .0000 |
AlT2 .29499 .0933 .13432 .203 .0125 .0115 .0133 .0133 .0013 .0036 .0000 |
O1 .0885 .5708 .05271 .0186 .0192 .0213 .0150 .0024 .0016 .0007 |
O2 .2684 .1115 .05309 .0202 .0223 .0224 .0151 -.0014 .0011 .0001 |
O3 .2033 .3192 .16694 .0227 .0284 .0195 .0213 .0068 .0077 .0005 |
O4 .4733 .1302 .16629 .0276 .0189 .0378 .0257 -.0008 .0025 -.0034 |
O5 .2434 .8199 .16143 .0235 .0244 .0196 .0249 -.0047 -.0008 .0035 |
F .9491 .0699 .04940 .770 .0313 .0296 .0438 .0212 .0137 .0062 -.0004 |
OH .9491 .0699 .04940 .230 .0313 .0296 .0438 .0212 .0137 .0062 -.0004 |
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Trilithionite |
Brigatti M F, Caprilli E, Malferrari D, Medici L, Poppi L |
European Journal of Mineralogy 17 (2005) 475-481 |
Crystal structure and chemistry of trilithionite-2M2 and polylithionite-2M2 |
Note: sample Lch 132 |
Locality: Chedeville, France |
_database_code_amcsd 0007104 |
9.033 5.210 20.271 90 99.71 90 C2/c |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
KA 0 .0930 .25 .903 .0289 .0243 .0255 .0270 0 .0019 0 |
NaA 0 .0930 .25 .045 .0289 .0243 .0255 .0270 0 .0019 0 |
CaA 0 .0930 .25 .002 .0289 .0243 .0255 .0270 0 .0019 0 |
LiM1 .25 .75 0 .028 .024 .033 .029 .000 .005 -.011 |
AlM2 .08495 .2550 .00002 .679 .0111 .0095 .0114 .0121 .0018 .0010 .0000 |
LiM2 .08495 .2550 .00002 .286 .0111 .0095 .0114 .0121 .0018 .0010 .0000 |
MnM2 .08495 .2550 .00002 .022 .0111 .0095 .0114 .0121 .0018 .0010 .0000 |
Fe2+M2 .08495 .2550 .00002 .004 .0111 .0095 .0114 .0121 .0018 .0010 .0000 |
TiM2 .08495 .2550 .00002 .002 .0111 .0095 .0114 .0121 .0018 .0010 .0000 |
SiT1 .12582 .5869 .13437 .823 .0105 .0086 .0095 .0131 .0006 .0009 -.0003 |
AlT1 .12582 .5869 .13437 .177 .0105 .0086 .0095 .0131 .0006 .0009 -.0003 |
SiT2 .29486 .0950 .13441 .823 .0107 .0091 .0097 .0132 .0006 .0015 .0003 |
AlT2 .29486 .0950 .13441 .177 .0107 .0091 .0097 .0132 .0006 .0015 .0003 |
O1 .0872 .5698 .05290 .0188 .0229 .0188 .0140 -.0003 .0009 -.0019 |
O2 .2681 .1152 .05297 .0189 .0179 .0235 .0148 -.0015 .0016 .0009 |
O3 .2034 .3199 .16710 .0226 .0277 .0198 .0201 .0099 .0034 .0012 |
O4 .4730 .1301 .16689 .0217 .0112 .034 .0195 -.0014 .0022 .0002 |
O5 .2432 .8163 .16081 .0239 .0257 .0212 .0223 -.0056 -.0028 .0044 |
F .9502 .0675 .04946 .794 .0293 .0249 .044 .0195 .0100 .0037 -.0017 |
OH .9502 .0675 .04946 .206 .0293 .0249 .044 .0195 .0100 .0037 -.0017 |
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