Yofortierite |
Hawthorne F C, Abdu Y A, Tait K T, Back M E |
The Canadian Mineralogist 51 (2013) 243-251 |
The crystal structure of yofortierite |
Locality: Poudrette Quarry, Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
_database_code_amcsd 0019873 |
14.1686 17.8583 5.2919 90 105.878 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Si1 .29667 .41441 .02119 .0139 .0204 .0104 .0120 -.0012 .0064 -.0003 |
Si2 .29544 .33245 .52172 .0150 .0233 .0110 .0112 -.0015 .0056 -.0010 |
Mn1 .5 .5 0 .57 .0147 .0209 .0132 .0108 0 .0059 0 |
Mg1 .5 .5 0 .43 .0147 .0209 .0132 .0108 0 .0059 0 |
Al2 .5 .41128 .5 .005 .0171 .0194 .0208 .0115 0 .0051 0 |
Ti2 .5 .41128 .5 .01 .0171 .0194 .0208 .0115 0 .0051 0 |
Fe2 .5 .41128 .5 .11 .0171 .0194 .0208 .0115 0 .0051 0 |
Mn2 .5 .41128 .5 .635 .0171 .0194 .0208 .0115 0 .0051 0 |
Zn2 .5 .41128 .5 .055 .0171 .0194 .0208 .0115 0 .0051 0 |
Mg2 .5 .41128 .5 .015 .0171 .0194 .0208 .0115 0 .0051 0 |
Ca3 .5 .31362 0 .09 .0183 .0229 .0192 .0124 0 .0040 0 |
Mn3 .5 .31362 0 .63 .0183 .0229 .0192 .0124 0 .0040 0 |
Mg3 .5 .31362 0 .28 .0183 .0229 .0192 .0124 0 .0040 0 |
O1 .41446 .40991 .1074 .0177 .0211 .0160 .0171 -.0013 .0070 -.0020 |
O2 .4124 .33161 .6084 .0238 .0258 .0303 .0155 .0051 .0058 -.0031 |
O3 .25 .25 .5 .0316 .058 .0134 .025 -.0124 .0132 -.0017 |
O4 .5754 .5 .3966 .67 .0208 .0252 .0191 .0189 0 .0075 0 |
Wat4 .5754 .5 .3966 .33 .0208 .0252 .0191 .0189 0 .0075 0 |
O5 .2572 .5 .0070 .0212 .0272 .0131 .0236 0 .0076 0 |
O6 .25093 .37121 .2329 .0190 .0242 .0183 .0155 -.0003 .0074 .0047 |
O7 .2514 .37756 .7334 .0200 .0263 .0201 .0141 -.0021 .0066 -.0053 |
Wat8 .4065 .2306 .1033 .0506 .052 .052 .047 -.0185 .0121 .0045 |
Wat9 .5776 0 .276 .82 .160 .128 .145 .25 0 .122 0 |
Wat10 .5 .1261 .5 .82 .088 .089 .074 .085 0 -.003 0 |
H .6472 .5 .456 .67 .07 |
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