Zinnwaldite |
Guggenheim S, Bailey S W |
American Mineralogist 62 (1977) 1158-1167 |
The refinement of zinnwaldite-1M in subgroup symmetry |
Note: the sample is from the Sadisdorf Mine dump, East Germany |
_database_code_amcsd 0000604 |
5.296 9.140 10.096 90 100.83 90 C2 |
atom x y z occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) |
K 0 .5028 0 .900 .0181 .0048 .0054 0 .0013 0 |
Na 0 .5028 0 .050 .0181 .0048 .0054 0 .0013 0 |
Al1 0 -.0069 .5 .0067 .0009 .00236 0 .0013 0 |
Fe2 0 .3217 .5 .160 .0050 .0014 .0017 0 .0006 0 |
Ti2 0 .3217 .5 .010 .0050 .0014 .0017 0 .0006 0 |
Fe2 0 .3217 .5 .770 .0050 .0014 .0017 0 .0006 0 |
Mn2 0 .3217 .5 .050 .0050 .0014 .0017 0 .0006 0 |
Li6 .5 .1631 .5 .670 .0050 .0012 .0023 0 0 0 |
Mg6 .5 .1631 .5 .010 .0050 .0012 .0023 0 0 0 |
Si1 .0745 .1688 .2276 .773 .0053 .0010 .0016 .0003 .0003 -.0002 |
Al1 .0745 .1688 .2276 .227 .0053 .0010 .0016 .0003 .0003 -.0002 |
Si2 .5844 .3323 .2275 .773 .0044 .0009 .0022 .0002 .0006 -.0000 |
Al2 .5844 .3323 .2275 .227 .0044 .0009 .0022 .0002 .0006 -.0000 |
O1 .0289 -.0002 .1720 .0202 .0021 .0030 .0000 .0002 -.0002 |
O2 .3248 .2350 .1725 .0125 .0053 .0029 -.0031 .0019 -.0005 |
O22 .8177 .2641 .1597 .0117 .0046 .0031 .0028 .0010 .0007 |
O3 .1155 .1748 .3939 .0067 .0019 .0019 .0011 .0008 -.0001 |
O33 .6639 .3271 .3928 .0058 .0022 .0022 .0002 .0003 .0000 |
F .1089 .4715 .3989 .0108 .0025 .0032 -.0007 .0009 .0005 |
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Zinnwaldite-2M1 |
Rieder M, Hybler J, Smrcok L, Weiss Z |
European Journal of Mineralogy 8 (1996) 1241-1248 |
Refinement of the crystal structure of zinnwaldite 2M_1 |
Locality: Barbora mine, Krupka, Czech Republic |
_database_code_amcsd 0006631 |
5.292 9.187 19.935 90 95.40 90 Cc |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
KMi 0 .0894 .25 .978 .0271 |
FeM1 .2611 .7539 .0000 .59 .0116 |
LiM1 .2611 .7539 .0000 .27 .0116 |
AlM2 .7657 .5882 .0001 .9 .0108 |
FeM2 .7657 .5882 .0001 .1 .0108 |
FeM3 -.7421 -.5808 -.0005 .644 .0117 |
LiM3 -.7421 -.5808 -.0005 .216 .0117 |
SiT1 .4629 .9256 .1365 .81 .0095 |
AlT1 .4629 .9256 .1365 .19 .0095 |
SiT11 -.4628 -.9178 -.1363 .75 .0100 |
AlT11 -.4628 -.9178 -.1363 .25 .0100 |
SiT2 .9621 .7531 .1371 .79 .0134 |
AlT2 .9621 .7531 .1371 .21 .0134 |
SiT21 -.9557 -.7549 -.1357 .76 .0063 |
AlT21 -.9557 -.7549 -.1357 .24 .0063 |
O1 .4337 .9390 .0545 .0143 |
O11 -.4479 -.9123 -.0526 .0088 |
O2 .9344 .7417 .0541 .0099 |
O21 -.9079 -.7635 -.0524 .0116 |
O3 .9466 .5898 .1699 .0197 |
O31 -.9371 -.5872 -.1637 .0211 |
O4 .2403 .8240 .1637 .0212 |
O41 -.2321 -.8226 -.1640 .0194 |
O5 .7384 .8543 .1644 .0193 |
O51 -.7337 -.8504 -.1692 .0170 |
OH .4873 .5874 .0507 .545 .0214 |
F .4873 .5874 .0507 .455 .0214 |
OH1 -.4020 -.5599 -.0497 .545 .0216 |
F1 -.4020 -.5599 -.0497 .455 .0216 |
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