Hamburger G E, Buerger M J
American Mineralogist 33 (1948) 532-540
The structure of tourmaline
Locality: de Kalb, New York, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0000045
15.951 15.951 7.24 90 90 120 R3m
atom x y z
NaX 0 0 .770
MgY .133 .0665 .255
AlZ .050 .3670 .825
SiT .192 .1920 .624
B .117 .2340 0
OH1 0 0 .403
O2 .058 .1160 0
OH3 .233 .1165 .032
O4 .142 .0710 .624
O5 .102 .2040 .742
O6 .200 .2000 .403
O7 .279 .2460 .758
O8 .058 .2920 0
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