Labradorite |
Wenk H R, Joswig W, Tagai T, Korekawa M, Smith B K |
American Mineralogist 65 (1980) 81-95 |
The average structure of An 62-66 labradorite |
Sissone x-ray |
feldspar |
_database_code_amcsd 0000762 |
8.152 12.834 7.079 93.49 116.13 90.4 C-1 |
atom x y z occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) |
Ca1 .2665 .9835 .1692 .34 0.0043 .00790 0.0113 -.00240 0.00450 -.00620 |
Na1 .2665 .9835 .1692 .15 0.0043 .00790 0.0113 -.00240 0.00450 -.00620 |
Ca2 .2701 .0304 .0956 .34 0.0035 .00267 0.0070 0.00104 0.00130 -.00110 |
Na2 .2701 .0304 .0956 .15 0.0035 .00267 0.0070 0.00104 0.00130 -.00110 |
Si1 .00546 .16279 .21484 .585 0.0052 .00249 0.0040 -.00039 0.00190 0.00065 |
Al1 .00546 .16279 .21484 .415 0.0052 .00249 0.0040 -.00039 0.00190 0.00065 |
Si2 .00267 .81695 .23107 .585 0.0052 .00236 0.0035 0.00126 0.00184 0.00032 |
Al2 .00267 .81695 .23107 .415 0.0052 .00236 0.0035 0.00126 0.00184 0.00032 |
Si3 .68370 .10883 .31609 .585 0.0024 .00123 0.0024 0.00055 0.00070 -.00010 |
Al3 .68370 .10883 .31609 .415 0.0024 .00123 0.0024 0.00055 0.00070 -.00010 |
Si4 .68035 .87876 .35693 .585 0.0039 .00191 0.0046 0.00034 0.00136 0.00095 |
Al4 .68035 .87876 .35693 .415 0.0039 .00191 0.0046 0.00034 0.00136 0.00195 |
Oa1 .0012 .1274 .9783 0.0131 .00408 0.0050 0.00070 0.00560 0.00050 |
Oa2 .5777 .9918 .2765 0.0068 .00275 0.0063 0.00020 0.00250 0.00060 |
Obo .8100 .1031 .1851 0.0089 .00360 0.0143 -.00070 0.00580 -.00020 |
Obm .8140 .8539 .2410 0.0087 .00390 0.0234 0.00080 0.00650 -.00100 |
Oco .0141 .2893 .2821 0.0076 .00450 0.0102 -.00040 0.00340 0.00160 |
Ocm .0110 .6864 .2108 0.0084 .00403 0.0070 0.00190 0.00040 -.00140 |
Odo .1967 .1064 .3798 0.0089 .00328 0.0060 0.00000 0.00040 0.00010 |
Odm .1903 .8662 .4315 0.0095 .00410 0.0090 0.00150 -.00040 -.00070 |
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