American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

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Francis C A, Ribbe P H
American Mineralogist 65 (1980) 1263-1269
The forsterite-tephroite series: I. Crystal structure refinements
Sample: Fo51 olivine
Locality: Langban, Sweden
_database_code_amcsd 0000801
4.794 10.491 6.123 90 90 90 Pbnm
atom     x     y     z occ B(1,1)  B(2,2)  B(3,3)  B(1,2) B(1,3)  B(2,3)
Mg1      0     0     0     0.0031 0.00135 0.00250 -.00010 -.0005 -.00034
Mn2  .9870 .2790   .25 .97 0.0061 0.00116 0.00366 0.00024      0       0
Mg2  .9870 .2790   .25 .03 0.0061 0.00116 0.00366 0.00024      0       0
Si   .4226 .0910   .25     0.0031 0.00096 0.00250       0      0       0
O1   .7585 .0867   .25     0.0022 0.00170 0.00370 -.00020      0       0
O2   .2301 .4489   .25     0.0040 0.00110 0.00380 -.00050      0       0
O3   .2782 .1590 .0374     0.0039 0.00130 0.00360 0.00000 0.0000 0.00040
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