American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

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Redhammer G J, Tippelt G, Roth G, Amthauer G
American Mineralogist 89 (2004) 405-420
Structural variations in the brownmillerite series Ca2(Fe2-xAlx)O5:
Single-crystal X-ray diffraction at 25 deg C and high temperature
X-ray powder diffraction (25 C <= T <= 1000 C)
Sample: bht140_2
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0003442
5.2991 14.4434 5.5099 90 90 90 I2mb
atom      x      y     z  occ  Uiso
Ca    .4919 .10859 .0266      .0091
FeM  -.0004      0     0 .541 .0071
AlM  -.0004      0     0 .459 .0071
FeT   .9527    .25 .9264 .113 .0054
AlT   .9527    .25 .9264 .887 .0054
O1    .2481  .9875 .2522      .0090
O2    .0185  .1438 .0648      .0118
O3    .6183    .25 .8593      .0093
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