American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

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Nagashima M, Akasaka M
American Mineralogist 89 (2004) 1119-1129
An X-ray Rietveld study of piemontite on the join
Ca2Al3Si3O12(OH) - Ca2Mn3+3Si3O12(OH) formed by hydrothermal synthesis
Sample: q = 1.75, p = 1.25, Synthesis at P=350 MPa, T=500 C
_database_code_amcsd 0003596
8.8581 5.6949 10.1771 90 115.518 90 P2_1/m
atom     x    y    z occ
Ca1   .757  3/4 .154
Ca2   .594  3/4 .422
AlM1     0    0    0 .73
MnM1     0    0    0 .27
AlM2     0    0  1/2 .97
MnM2     0    0  1/2 .03
AlM3  .300  .25 .222 .05
MnM3  .300  .25 .222 .95
Si1   .335  3/4 .043
Si2   .686  .25 .271
Si3   .181  3/4 .322
O1    .241 .985 .030
O2    .311 .981 .353
O3    .802 .015 .337
O4    .068  .25 .133
O5    .039  3/4 .150
O6    .078  3/4 .424
O7    .521  3/4 .184
O8    .531  .25 .310
O9    .607  .25 .085
OH10  .085  .25 .421
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