American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

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Bosi F, Andreozzi G B, Ferrini V, Lucchesi S
American Mineralogist 89 (2004) 1367-1373
Behavior of cation vacany in kenotetrahedral Cr-spinels from Albanian eastern belt ophiolites
Sample: Shb4f, Provenance is Shebenik massif, Sequence is cumulate
_database_code_amcsd 0003630
8.2902 8.2902 8.2902 90 90 90 *Fd3m
.125 .125 .125
atom       x      y      z  occ  Uiso
Fe2+T   .125   .125   .125 .275 .0057
Fe3+T   .125   .125   .125 .071 .0057
MgT     .125   .125   .125 .625 .0057
MnT     .125   .125   .125 .006 .0057
SiT     .125   .125   .125 .001 .0057
AlM       .5     .5     .5 .222 .0035
Fe3+M     .5     .5     .5 .016 .0035
MgM       .5     .5     .5 .006 .0035
CrM       .5     .5     .5 .750 .0035
VM        .5     .5     .5 .002 .0035
NiM       .5     .5     .5 .002 .0035
TiM       .5     .5     .5 .001 .0035
O     .26220 .26220 .26220      .0054
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