Gobbinsite |
Gatta G D, Birch W D, Rotiroti N |
American Mineralogist 95 (2010) 481-486 |
Reinvestigation of the crystal structure of the zeolite gobbinsite: |
a single-crystal x-ray diffraction study |
Locality: Bundoora, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia |
_database_code_amcsd 0005035 |
10.1035 9.7819 10.1523 90 90 90 Pmnb |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Na .0753 .5486 .6519 .592 .074 .0586 .116 .0462 .0101 .0169 .0319 |
Ca .0447 .5065 .5408 .154 .098 .163 .071 .061 -.022 -.014 .016 |
AlT1 .40570 .13813 .35438 .353 .0121 .0114 .0123 .0125 -.0004 -.0017 .00146 |
SiT1 .40570 .13813 .35438 .647 .0121 .0114 .0123 .0125 -.0004 -.0017 .00146 |
AlT2 .40577 -.17927 .40411 .353 .0117 .0110 .0116 .0124 -.0004 -.0009 -.00130 |
SiT2 .40577 -.17927 .40411 .647 .0117 .0110 .0116 .0124 -.0004 -.0009 -.00130 |
O1 .44147 -.02673 .34254 .0255 .0292 .0178 .0295 -.0007 .0023 .0037 |
O2 .50124 .21335 .46586 .0253 .0262 .0242 .0256 -.0009 -.0086 -.0028 |
O3 .43921 .20512 .20920 .0291 .0393 .0251 .0230 .0023 .0006 .0074 |
O4 .25 .16485 .39755 .0282 .0189 .0339 .0317 0 0 -.0045 |
O5 .25 -.1873 .45158 .0284 .0175 .0348 .0328 0 0 .0044 |
Wat1 .75 -.4058 .2289 .54 .132 .039 .269 .088 0 0 .091 |
Wat2 .75 -.1176 .3039 .47 .107 .070 .194 .058 0 0 .018 |
Wat2a .75 -.2013 .2151 .51 .098 .059 .143 .092 0 0 -.037 |
Wat3a .75 .1263 .0802 .54 .129 .125 .150 .112 0 0 .008 |
Wat3b .75 .0333 -.0225 .67 .305 .76 .069 .084 0 0 .004 |
Wat3c .75 .0358 -.0219 .54 .146 |
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