American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

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Stuckenschmidt E, Kirfel A
European Journal of Mineralogy 12 (2000) 571-579
Zeolites of NAT topology: Structure refinement of mesolite from single crystal
X-ray data and comparison with the structures of natrolite and scolecite
_database_code_amcsd 0006834
18.4049 56.655 6.5443 90 90 90 Fdd2
atom       x      y     z  Uiso
Na    .96747 .76095 .6316 .0192
Ca    .22803 .82739 .8815 .0116
Al1   .78692 .78024 .6131 .0064
Al10  .95151 .86235 .8930 .0066
Al100 .03627 .80211 .8930 .0066
Si1      .75    .75     0 .0070
Si10  .00431 .83181 .2775 .0068
Si2   .15500 .76431 .8722 .0062
Si20  .08791 .84687 .6522 .0066
Si200 .90185 .81979 .6506 .0064
O1    .02290 .80807 .1523 .0120
O10   .98495 .85318 .1283 .0147
O100  .76808 .77289 .8649 .0129
O2    .82359 .80834 .5965 .0088
O20   .16645 .85931 .6711 .0100
O200  .07259 .77381 .8636 .0090
O3    .09621 .82336 .7947 .0115
O30   .88932 .84186 .8016 .0122
O300  .84344 .75870 .5153 .0123
O4    .20948 .78462 .9593 .0110
O40   .02187 .86354 .7179 .0126
O400  .95582 .80064 .7530 .0128
O5    .93731 .82794 .4339 .0134
O50   .07621 .83890 .4132 .0120
O500  .18021 .75698 .6416 .0131
O6     .7815 .81608 .0760 .0354
O60   .20078 .84820 .1835 .0310
O600  .05341 .76845 .3771 .0211
O7    .81792 .85685 .3648 .0261
H61     .773  .8044  .009   .04
H62     .823  .8199  .038   .18
H601    .160  .8435  .234   .14
H602    .217  .8568  .269   .06
H6001   .046  .7821  .316   .05
H6002   .095  .7697  .430   .05
H71     .862  .8540  .315   .14
H72     .805  .8713  .330   .16
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