Marsh R E
Acta Crystallographica A50 (1994) 450-455
The centrosymmetric - noncentrosymmetric ambiguity: some more examples
_database_code_amcsd 0009332
18.722 11.889 6.688 90 90 90 Cmcm
atom x y z Uiso
Pt 0 .54260 .25 .0339
N1 .0693 .4139 .25 .0360
C1 .1406 .4237 .25 .0507
C2 .1840 .3293 .25 .0626
C3 .1551 .2227 .25 .0521
C4 .0806 .2140 .25 .0428
C5 .0395 .3099 .25 .0390
C6 .2015 .1188 .25 .0755
N2 .0748 .6606 .25 .0636
C7 .0999 .7490 .25 .0492
O .1297 .8408 .25 .0920
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